Most Toxic Women Of ‘The View’ Declare “Men Are Useless” On Live TV 2024

10 months ago

So Death To All The USA Men The View In 2024 My Girlfriend Texted Me About International Women’s Day And Said What Would We Do Without Women. Then she immediately texted me that the internet was down at work. I said don’t worry a man will come and fix it In this video, we'll discuss The View's controversial take on men and their role in society. Join us as we react to their statements and delve into the implications of such divisive messaging on gender relations. We'll also explore the importance of recognizing the complementary nature of men and women in society and the potential harm of perpetuating a competitive narrative between genders.

Well, men grow the food, from seeds men develop, and harvest it using tractors men build and service, run on fuel that men drill, refine, and transport. And then men transport that food in trucks built by men on roads built by men to supermarkets built by men. And you cook it in your home on a stove built by men using electricity and gas provided by men and using water provided by men. So who doesn't need who? I guess we'll see once they perfect those pleasure robots.

Some women say men are useless in this situation. Others say they’re crucial. And the men themselves don’t know what to think. Is it important for your partner to be there for the birth of your child?

I say these women are now anti male because of one guy, not all fathers are like this and it's not those to grow b*lls that had none to begin with, it's up to those to open their eyes before they get to business, get to know the guy first before diving in, don't go blaming the world because you found this human calling himself a man, get to know him, see what his like around kids, if you got some great, if not walk past parks with him, if he don't take overall much attention then he don't want any, if he does most likes he does.

It's not "your child". It's the child of both parents. The father has as much of a right to be there as the mother. Surely we are at the point where we can concede that everyone is different and it's a personal choice between the people having the baby? My hubby was invaluable during our births. But many women also find power and comfort in having a woman present, like a doula, close family member or friend who has experienced childbirth. Women supporting women. Others feel strong alone. No one can decide for anyone else.

It just wasn't the 'done' thing when I gave birth to my sons , but each one of them who has been present at the birth of my grandchildren reckons it's the most rewarding event of their lives.

Dee was no longer in a relationship with her baby daddy at the time of delivery. He probably couldn't stand to be in the same room as her. Fair enough. My ex could be dying of cancer and I'd still struggle to be in the same room. Adversity doesn't erase bad blood.

My husband was meant to deliver our first baby but I was so frightened he didn't leave my side. He did deliver our second baby and told me we had a son!! I saw tears roll down he's face as he gazed at both children, he was the first person to ever touch our son! What an amazing experience for him!!
He worked away all year but made the time to be home for the weeks around due date. Doing so doesn't make him a good or bad father it's an experience that he wanted to have, he's actions after is what makes him a brilliant father and husband.

What's the point of men? n human reproduction males - by and large - are pretty useless. Women are always telling me that we men are useless, and in truth when it comes to reproduction, the existence of men has long puzzled me too.

All a man gives to the whole process of reproduction is a single sperm's nucleus carrying 3 million-millionths of a gram of DNA! This fertilizes the woman's egg, adding to her DNA, and she then nurtures this large juicy fertilized egg, packed full of her goodies, into a human being in her womb.

And then she breastfeeds the baby - often to toddler hood! If, like hermaphrodite earthworms, all human beings could devote the same energy to reproduction, we could produce twice as many offspring.

Of course, the world is now too full of people and we do not need more efficient strategies for reproduction. But still the question remains: why has Mother Nature been so wasteful in making men? In seeking to account for the paradox of male existence, I came up with a rather novel explanation - that men help women to evolve faster.

Evolution, as Darwin taught us, proceeds by selection upon variation. This variation is generated by genetic mutations - changes that arise in the DNA sequences of our genes.

Desirable "good" mutations spread through the population, "bad" mutations are eventually weeded out. One way in which mutations can happen is from copying "mistakes" during DNA replication when chromosomes divide to produce a full set for each new cell at cell division. The more mistakes made, the more genetic variation. And with more variation to select upon the pace of evolution can accelerate.

As a newly fertilized egg divides to produce the developing fetus, certain cells are set aside to become future sperm in baby boys, or future eggs in baby girls. A woman is born with about 4,000 eggs, a man may make anything between one to 10 million million sperm during the course of his lifetime.

Thus it takes many more cell divisions to produce sperm than eggs. And each time a cell divides it makes mistakes in copying its DNA. Since men's sperm mutate more than women's eggs, this must generate more genetic variety in both men's sons and daughters for natural selection to act on.

Stronger selection can also speed up the rate of evolution. This is illustrated very nicely by the strong and "artificial" selection we have performed in breeding the huge variety of different pedigrees of dogs from chihuahuas to St Bernards from their common ancestor the wolf.

Selection is also stronger on men than on women. Success in passing one's genes to the next generation is much tougher for men. Women cannot increase their number of children by taking many lovers. Eggs and pregnancy are expensive. But sperm are cheap, and with many wives or mistresses, successful men may have many children, but unsuccessful men may have none. In other words, for men, much more than for women, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, genetically speaking.

Of course, in some cases, it is the women choosing the successful males. So promiscuous men help their sons and daughters to evolve by spraying their mutant seed all over the place.

In the changing environment when we broke away from other apes to evolve into human beings, this helped speed up evolution. We are drawn to the conclusion that if it were not for men, women would still be monkeys climbing trees or even worse perhaps hermaphrodite worms crawling through the primeval ooze!

This is poor solace perhaps for some women who may hold the view that "a woman needs man like a fish needs a bicycle". But do women still need men?

A fish does not need a bicycle to reproduce, nor do women need men. All they need is his sperm. The sperm could be maintained in the bodies of a few splendid specimens that women could keep as studs. A single ejaculation provides 400 million or so sperm.

Or if they wanted to do without men altogether, they could, perhaps, grow sperm in the test-tube. But they will probably always need sperm - as experiments in mice show that "fertilizing" an egg with the nucleus of another egg (instead of a sperm) produces abnormal offspring.

There is something magically different between the DNA in eggs and that in sperm. The developing fetus needs both. In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley proposed a world with test-tube babies where a woman's womb is replaced with an artificial one, so reducing women to mere egg donors with the biological status of men. I think we are a long way from developing that. But you don't need GMO technology to tell you that all women need is some sperm - not men.

Why it’s not ok to say ‘Kill All Men’ In 1967 American radical feminist Valerie Jean Solanas self-published a book called ‘SCUM Manifesto’. It argued for eliminating the male sex, and ‘SCUM’ is said to be an acronym for ‘Society for Cutting Up Men’. Some people thought SCUM Manifesto was satire. They were wrong. In 1968 Solanas attempted to murder pop artist Andy Warhol by shooting him. She also shot art critic Mario Amaya, and attempted to shoot Warhol's manager, Fred Hughes. Some people think this attitude has gone away. They are wrong.

“Kill All Men”, “Men are Trash”, “Male Privilege”, “Manspreading”, “Mansplaining”, “Toxic Masculinity”, “Patriarchy”, , “Oppressors, not oppressed”, boys and men can’t turn a corner these days without hearing some phrase generalizing males as privileged, abusive or scum.

Misandry is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against boys and men in general, and is often associated with the suffering of males being mocked, minimized, dismissed, encouraged and celebrated.

Whilst there are arguably various examples of misandry influencing behavior and decisions taking place on local and national levels as well as on micro and macro levels, nowhere is misandry more noticeably prevalent on social media.

As of 18th November 2021, typing ‘Kill All Men’ into the Twitter search bar produced 87 profiles, whist typing ‘Kill All Women’ into the Twitter search bar produced 16 profiles. Typing ‘Proud Misandrist’ into the Twitter search bar produced 26 profiles, whist typing ‘Proud Misogynist’ into the Twitter search bar produced 4 profiles. Perhaps this shows how those with misandrist are more likely to publicly promote them than those with misogynist views.

Whilst it’s relatively easy to find posts highlighting the killing of all men, the termination of male babies, the declaration of being a misandrist, and the desire to see men going to war to die, it is perhaps even more concerning that this mindset has been displayed by a number of professionals who may be involved in influencing and supporting vulnerable boys.

‘I’m pregnant! Wondering if it’s a girl or an abortion’ – paraphrased post by multiple people on Twitter, names withheld
Kate Leth; a writer for animated series ‘High Guardian Spice’ and ‘Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat!’ refused to apologies after posting various misandrist comments on social media that included ‘Kill All Men’ and ‘Men Are Trash’. In 2017 Deputy Editor of HuffPost Personal Emily McCombs posted the tweet below commenting on the killing of “all men”. Someone claiming to be a school girls hockey coach said they taught girls the logic of the “kill all men” idea.

“New Year’s resolutions: 1. Cultivate female friendships 2. Band together to kill all men” Emily McCombs, Huffington Post deputy editor
I have been contacted by a number of men enrolled on gender studies courses at various universities across the country, telling me how they often hear misandrist comments from fellow students. Some of these men tell me how they feel uncomfortable at the idea of challenging such misandry, despite such courses regularly preaching that misogyny is unacceptable.

Supporting this view of gender studies courses, there are examples on Twitter from someone with a PhD in Gender Studies including the hashtag ‘Kill All Men’, suggesting that “men deserve less”, and that men are “Useless”.

Perhaps it’s worth wondering how prevalent such attitudes are on gender studies, and how such attitudes may influence practice and behavior that could subsequently adversely affect boys and men.

Universities are not the only educational establishments that display misandrists attitudes. Parents of boys attending Brauer College in Victoria, Australia were “outraged” after their sons were forced to apologies to girl students for the behavior's of their gender, in a whole school assembly. Let’s be honest; it’s hard to imagine schools forcing girls to apologies to boys for the behavior of their gender. Whilst boys at Brauer College being forced to apologies to girls in this way received media attention, I am sure it is more than reasonable to say that girls being forced to apologies to boys for the behavior of their gender would have received significantly more media attention.

Whilst some thoughtlessly say that misandry only hurts feelings and has no association with actual harm to boys and men, this is simply not true. At the mild end, boys are telling us that they are adversely affected by such misandrist comments. Tweets can be found that highlight how boys feel in regards to ‘Kill All Men’, with some saying that it makes them worry if they have done something wrong, and others feeling the need to apologies for being a man. Some say ‘Kill All Men’ affects their mental health, some say boys are being humiliated for being boys, and others expressing sadness and suicidal thoughts.

At the severe end, there are examples of misandry being associated with severe harm against men. For example, in 2018 one of one of Britain’s youngest killer’s Jolene Doherty murdered fellow teenager Conner Cowper only hours after meeting him. A 2019 article highlights how prison sources claim she has been bragging about the brutal killing, telling them she hates men, and that her hatred of men was the reason for the murder.

While some may say misandry is not real, they are wrong, and the information provided in this short blog proves it. Some may say misandry only hurts feelings, implying that the feelings of boys and men apparently do not matter. In an era where we are constantly telling boys and men to open up more, how can we reasonably expect them to do this when they are simultaneously getting the message, loud and clear, that their feelings don’t matter.

It’s time to recognize that misandry is real, and is as sick as any other prejudice. It’s time to call out those who show contempt for men, just as we would call out anyone for showing contempt to someone because of any other characteristic protected by the Equality Act (2010).

Survey Confirms Men Are Always Wrong One of the consequences of the women’s movement is that it’s destroyed most of the roles men knew they could count on in their lives, Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness® has observed. The definitions and expectations of men are so unclear that men are left wondering exactly what they should be and do.

This societal-wide change has made relationships between the sexes more difficult. A recent survey of 1000 adults in Britain, published this month in the British newspaper the Daily Mail, has confirmed and even quantified this.

The things that men do poorly, according to the survey, include buying clothes for women, remembering anniversaries and birthdays, dancing, ironing, cooking, domestic shores, buying gifts, multi-tasking, keeping up with fashion, and picking furniture. Less than 10 per cent of women thought men could iron a shirt and only 4 per cent said they could dance.

Men’s value has not been totally eroded, from the viewpoint of these contemporary women. Sixty per cent of them rated men at good of getting rid of spiders. Fifty six per cent rated them better than women at barbecue skills (not the most useful skill considering British weather) and 73 per cent rated them competent at changing tires.

While women still rated men as good at home improvement projects—called DIY or Do It Yourself in Britain—almost half the men reported that they had hurt themselves while doing them.

Is there any hope? Can this be changed? Should men be used as sperm donors, tire changers and spider killers and then sent out to pasture?

The way out, as Douglas so often has found, is in taking an entirely different point of view. The Daily Mail aligns and agrees with the point of view of most women that men are useless. Is that true, or is it a judgment which limits both women and men from perceiving and receiving what men’s contributions can actually be?

All judgments, as well as decisions and conclusions, limit what we can perceive and receive to only the aspects of reality that agree and reinforce our fixed points of view. The Daily Mail article, which was titled, “Yes, men are good for nothing!” brilliantly expresses the prevailing point of view of women in this reality. But does having that point of view, or women having that point of view about men, actually serve either women or men? Does it contribute anything but discord and discontent to relationships between the sexes? Or does the assumption that if the tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, but the man is still wrong, contribute to the destruction of the possibility of intimacy, caring, and nurturing between the sexes?

The key to getting out of this trap that judgment creates is getting out of judgment. The way out of judgment is to recognize no point of view is right or wrong, or good or bad, but merely an interesting point of view. This applies to other’s points of view, but it is most useful to apply to our own.

What if women were to question the very small corner into which they have painted men and into which men have allowed themselves to be painted? What if we were to use questions in relationships between the sexes instead of assumptions, conclusions and judgments?

Some questions that could be useful could be to ask, “What contribution can I be to this person’s life?” and “What contribution am I willing to receive from him/her?” If you wished to be really honest with yourself, you could also look at “What contributions am I refusing from this person?”

What if men, far from being as useless as most women assume they are, are really almost dying to be a contribution to the lives of women they love—if only women will receive them?

And men could ask themselves, “What if there were nothing wrong with me?” That would certainly fly in the face of the assumptions the Daily Mail article so succinctly presents. We tend to diminish ourselves and the value of the gifts and contributions we are when we attempt to give them to others, only to have them refused or not received. If men could realize that women’s refusing of their gifts was a reflection of the women’s judgments, not a wrongness in them, what wounds could be healed?

‘The View’ Co-Hosts Launch Into Lengthy Man-Hating Tirade The View” co-hosts jumped into a lengthy man-hating tirade Friday, calling straight ones “useless.”

The co-hosts responded to a TikTok trend asking women if they need men, agreeing with the majority who answered “no.” They adamantly assured they are not including gay men in their criticism.

“Because men are useless,” co-host Ana Navarro said. “I mean — and by the way, I wanted to differentiate between straight men and gay men because I think I would die without gay men. No one can gossip like a gay man, no one can help you accessorize like gay men, and nobody can help you from doing harm to yourself like gay men.”

She said her husband would be “emaciated, starving and living in his own filth” without her.

Co-host Sunny Hostin said her husband is the handyman in her home and successfully does the physical labor in the house.

Co-host Joy Behar called Hostin’s husband a “servant,” and argued she could pay someone to do the job. Co-host Sara Haines said she needs her husband “three to four times a week” and then needs a wife for the remainder of the week.

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin argued men have “proven to be largely useless,” except for former Vice President Mike Pence, and that women are more politically convenient.

“Broadly speaking, I think men have been proven largely useless in the political moment. The people who are saying what needs to be said, in my party, it’s all women with the very few exceptions, Mike Pence and a few others are saying what they need to,” Griffin said. “But in life, I need my husband. I don’t know if I need any other men, but he is irreplaceable. But that’s what I’ll say, we like our husbands, we just don’t need men beyond that.”

Navarro said after 20 years of marriage, Griffin will change her mind on her husband being irreplaceable. Behar said women can only remain married for as long as they do because of their girl friends.

The co-hosts invited former porn star Stormy Daniels on the show Thursday and fawned over her despite her being a former porn star.

Joy Behar Scolds Men In Audience For Not Applauding Kavanaugh Accuser. The View” co-host Joy Behar scolded the male audience members who did not applaud Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, accused Kavanaugh of assaulting her at a high school house party in Montgomery County, Maryland in the early 1980s. She rehashed claims about how Kavanaugh allegedly pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes and bathing suit, and was able to escape after a friend entered the room and tackled them.

“Really fast, I was just wondering, those letters that you got. What was the percentage of men writing to you?” Behar asked Ford.

“So there were probably ten percent men, so we had bins called male mail and that’s where we would put the male mail,” Ford said.

“See, what they need to understand is they have to step up and help us,” Behar said. “We can’t do this ourselves. I noticed that a lot, I watched as people were clapping, some of the men did not clap in this audience.”

Earlier in the segment, Behar also said Ford’s testimony against Kavanaugh came with an “enormous” and “tremendous cost.” Ford said she and her family had to go into hiding for three-and-a-half months after she came forth with the allegations.

Co-host Sara Haines claimed she was a “highly credible witness” and pointed out how many people “remain skeptical” of her story, specifically naming Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham who allegedly did “not make contact” with Ford.

“I was prepared ahead of time that none of the Republicans were gonna speak with me and they were gonna use an outside interviewer and so I was actually surprised by how kind some of the other Republican senators were who broke that protocol and said hello,” Ford told the co-hosts.

“Who was that?” co-host Sunny Hostin asked.

“Can you name a good one?” Behar asked.

“Senator [Jeff] Flake [of Arizona] and Senator [Ben] Sasse [of Nebraska] both came over and said hello,” Ford replied.

One key witness in Ford’s testimony named Leland Keyser said in 2019 that she did not have confidence in Ford’s allegations. Ford alleged that Keyser was at the house party where the alleged assault occurred.

“It would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she’s getting home,” she told New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly. “I just really didn’t have confidence in the story.”

“Those facts together I don’t recollect, and it just didn’t make any sense,” she added.

Footage obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation in late 2019 showed Ford’s lawyer, Debra Katz, saying her client was motivated to put an “asterisk” next to Kavanaugh’s name for when “he takes a scalpel at Roe v. Wade.”

A 26-year-old man named Nicholas Roske attempted to assassinate Kavanaugh at his residence in Montgomery County, Maryland, on June 8, 2022, following the leak of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The media hardly gave the attempted assassination any coverage, notably MSNBC, which only covered it for 15 minutes on the evening the news broke.

Do we really need men? Women’s response in viral clip sparks fierce debate. A simple question has sparked a broad debate online because of the different answers from men and women.

It was featured in a clip posted by Aussie creator Tayo Ricci, who has over 7 million followers on TikTok and is known for approaching people on the street and asking questions.

In the video, which has amassed over a million views, he repeatedly approached various women and asked them the same question.

“Do we need men?” he asked.

He stopped over 13 women in the street, and only one said she thought women needed men.

Most of the women Ricci stopped gave him a quick “No” in response to his question, but a few elaborated. “No. We don’t need short men,” one woman said.

“F–k men,” one lady yelled.

“No, because we can be strong, independent women,” another reasoned.

“Not necessarily,” one woman replied.

Interestingly, the answers were incredibly different when Ricci started speaking to men and asking them the same question, but in reverse.

“Do we need women?” he asked.

Ricci stopped seven men in the street, and they all gave slightly different versions of the same answer: Yes.

“Yes, because women are awesome,” one man said.

“Of course, because they are beautiful,” another man claimed.

“We do because they are hot,” a man argued.

One man did make a crack about how men needed women so they could do the dishes.

The video has amassed thousands of views online, and people are divided in the comments over what the answers mean. One person commented and received 300 likes for saying the answers reflected a more significant issue.

“I think their answers are a reflection of men and women in their lives,” the person argued.

The comment was flooded with likes, but others online wholly disagreed with that opinion on the viral clip.

“It’s a reflection of their personality too. Hating a whole gender says a lot about you,” one wrote back.

One woman commented and said she was 30 and sick of seeing all the “man-hating” online.

“I’m so tired of the man-hating from my friends and peers. I’m single right now and would love to find a partner,” she wrote.

In contrast, another woman commented on the video and wrote, “I love these women!”

One woman said the video made her glad she recognized the “worth” of the men in her life, and someone else said it was an example of how youth are “misguided.”

Someone else said that watching the video made them “sad” because the genders “need” each other.

One woman weighed in and said Ricci was asking the wrong question. “It’s do they WANT men, now that’s a whole different conversation. BIG difference,” she argued.

Someone replied to her argument, though, defending Ricci’s question and saying it was the “right” one because men and women do need each other.

A Man Who Isolates Himself... Proverbs 18:1 – A man who isolates himself seeks his own desires; he rages against all wise judgment.

Here are some other translations:

Who lives by himself follows his own whim; he is angered by advice of any kind. (JB)
The man who holds aloof seeks every pretext to bare his teeth; he defies all sound judgment. (NEB)

Some people live alone because friends and families have abandoned them. Psalm 27:10 is for them. “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take care of me.” And solitary survivors like Robinson Crusoe, or the hero in the movie Castaway, fascinate. But the loner is someone who purposely holds himself aloof, like the Unabomber, Mathematician Ted Kaczynski. People doggedly moving ever farther away from one another constitute hell in C.S. Lewis’ book, The Great Divorce.

How does the loner think? Everyone else is unworthy! “People are fools.” “No one understands my genius.” “People let me down.” “I like to make my own decisions.” “I don’t fit in here, I am a foot, not a hand (I Corinthians 12:15).” Even Elijah when he ran to Sinai by himself, whining, “I, only I, am left (I Kings 19:10),” earns God’s rebuke. “Elijah, what are you doing here (I Kings 19:9)?”

Many claim the name of Christ, but proudly steer clear of His Body, the Church. They listen to radio preachers, read Christian books, and even hold “church” at home. People who require much patience, or who differ on some point, or even worse, who offer advice, are not for them. Better alone!

What is a loner at heart? He wants what he wants. It is his way and his ideas, or he takes his ball and goes home. Give and take, accepting advice, or serving others is not for him. He showers the church, society, and his family with scorn. If he could marry, he would marry himself, a small modern fad that has attracted attention lately as people hold wedding ceremonies for themselves alone. Say to such a person, “Look, it is not good for you to be alone (Genesis 2:18),” and he will rage. How dare anyone give him advice!

Imagine the Prodigal Son in Jesus’ parable being told he was going to lose his money and be lonely if he left home. Wrathfully, he rejects the advice, and off he goes on a whim to a far country, where he promptly wastes his money in riotous living and is soon friendless, stuck feeding pigs, whose slop he was hungry enough to eat himself. Only when that lonely son finally came to his senses did he humbly return to his family where his father welcomed him home.

Every proud loner needs to come to his senses, seek human companionship, and learn to listen to advice. It is not good for man, or woman, to be alone. All followers of Christ belong in His Church Visible, “outside of which there is no ordinary possibility of salvation (WCF 25.2).”

Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws -

What is a Gold Fringe Flag?
Have you ever walked into a court room and notice a gold fringe flag hanging in the room?

Did you ever wonder why every single flag in court rooms and government buildings is a gold fringe flag? And do you remember how many times you pledged your allegiance to that flag?

“I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

Reciting the pledge was the first things we did in school every day, from day one of first grade, to the last day of eighth grade. So, after eight years of repetition, the neuro-pathways are grooved in deep into our brains. And our loyalty so strong to the red, white and blue. Then, one day, we wake up in our adult world, and guess what? The flag now has gold fringe around it and we NEVER asked why? Why is this flag different than the one we were taught to love and be loyal to? We never questioned it. We just assumed it was the same, dear old stripes and stars, and went about out busy little lives.

So, the flag in the court room is a gold fringe flag. Who cares? That doesn’t affect me, right?

You should care and yes, it does affect you. The gold fringe flag is a clear sign of a system being in place that is not the system we are taught to believe is in place. A gold fringe flag was historically used during times of war in maritime admiralty law(which we are in right now as well).

The gold fringe flag is not the same flag that is approved for our Constitutional Republic in USA code Title 4 Ch 1 & Ch 2. The fourth color (yellow) is not approved in the code. Also, you will notice the tassels hanging from the flag. These are also symbolic of admiralty law, which is the law of the sea.

So, wait a minute? Our flags that hang in our government buildings and court rooms are actually representative of war-time in the law of the sea/admiralty law?? Yes. We are in fact, functioning in maritime admiralty law, and our court system is actually upholding a corporation that goes by the name of UNITED STATES. In other words, we are not in a republic, and we are not dealing with the constitutional United States of America. Well, actually, the UNITED STATES does have a constitution but it is not the same as the original Constitution that was drafted for the republic. This is why the gold fringed flag controversy is such a big deal, because it symbolize

So, now it is up to us to figure out how to navigate our way through the law of the sea, in order to find our remedies. The possibilities for this are endless. But it basically boils down to either mastering the current system and learning how to navigate your way through it, without incurring personal liability for anything. Or, separating yourself completely from the system, and moving yourself back to common law. In other words, you can go as far as expatriating yourself from the UNITED STATES so that you no longer belong to that corporation. Therefore, their rules would no longer apply to you. Cool, huh?

It is important to continue studying about the laws and codes that are applied within our system. To learn more about the gold fringe flag. Below Is 120 Of My Top Video's With All Link To Watch Them... Thanks !

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Walt Disney and the Story Of Menstruation and 28 Day Cycle Between You-Moon -

Whole banking system is a scam and fractional lending is just part of the problem ? -

Collapse of the American Dream Explained in Animation We're Doomed. Pass It On -

Social Security Is Gone and U.S.A. Government Did Not Paid In One Single Penny

Is 'NFL or NBA' Video Listing Supposed Crimes of US Congress Members Accurate? -

Statutes and Codes Are Not Law Corporate Policy Right to Travel and Privileges

Abatement in Pleading Common law Abatement Explained All You Need To Know -

What Is an Affidavit of Truth? and Affidavit Certificate? and Common Law Affidavit? -

Why COVID-19 Shot Is Not Safe ? Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ? -

Gates from Hell - Like you Never Knew Him (Bill Gates) Before ? Corbett Report

Truth about Agenda U.N. 21 and Plan to Control and Enslave the New World Order -

Biden Admin. Sale Girls 11 to 14 Age To Sex Trade 4 Illegals Arrive On Ghost Flights! -

True Story How US Government Tried To Kill Weed Smokers With A Toxic Chemical -

How U.S. Government (Killed Us Again) U.S.A. Poisoned Alcohol During Prohibition -

U.S. Government Run Human and Sex Trafficking & Enslavement of All Women & Races -

New World Order Says That All 50 State Will Not Comply Dishonest U.S. Administration -

A Organ Donor Card Will Get You Killed Very Fast As A Doctors Will Sell You 4 Money -

Nothing to See Here “Accidental Destruction” Food Processing Plant Fire Suspicious -

Orwellian Dystopia Both Side's Are Wrong Answer To Extremism Isn’t More Extremism -

United States Military and American Genocide A Brutal and Savage Massacre History -

Pedophile Bill Gates Is Lying To You On Vaccine Patent Protection # WO2020060606A1 -

Pedophile Netflix Cartoon - Smart Mark Zombie - Free Cell Phone - Mark Of The Beast -

Spongebob's Driver's License Has Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's Home Address ?

Parents Beware Internet Porn Cartoon Funny Starting Conversation With Your Kids -

Rex 84 FEMADC’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America and A Police State America. -

Federal Emergency Management Agency Death Camp's Purchase 30,000 Guillotines -

What is Martial law in the US ? Habeas corpus ? Insurrection Act of 1807 ? NWO

Executive Orders Can’t Save The U.S.A. ? It's “WE THE PEOPLE” Who Own America ? -

A Dangerous New Zombie Drug is Taking Over American Streets and Million Will Die ? -

76 Million Gun Owners, Gun Culture, and 2nd Amendment Laws, Red Flags, U.S. Gangs -

We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real Bill of State Rights -

What Governments Don’t Want You To Know About Modern Sex Slavery In The World -

Terror Slavery Chronicles & Other Woman Escapes Sexual Slavery Auction ** GRAPHIC ** -

Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws -

John F. Kennedy vs. The Federal Reserve Executive Order 11110 Federal Reserve Exposed -

Meet Your Strawman ? Your Birth Certificate Is Worth Millions ? Swindled by U.S.A. -

GMO Genetically Modified Organisms Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology -

Covid-19 U.S.A. Paid Chinese Scientists For Gain-Of-Function-Research For Bioweapon -

COVID-19 Vaccines Will Kill You? Animation What Happens If You Get Coronavirus Effect -

Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead of Cardiac Arrest for No Reason A New Bioweapon ? -

COVID-19 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A. -

People's Republic Of United State Of America & International Maritime Admiralty Law -

People's Republic Of United State Of America Act of 1871-1917-1933 Fully Exposed. -

History of Deadliest Prison and Street Gangs United States and Your Gun Right Laws -

Thousand's Dead In U.S.A. Now & Shot In Head By Police & Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse -

Drug Enforcement Administration - Will Kill You - This Man Is Lucky - Most Time Dead -

CIA Killing 100,000> Year Selling Heroin In U.S.A. Our Troops Protecting Opium-Heroin -

History Flag/Evolution of Deep State/U.S.A. Star Chamber/April 1 Fool Sheeple Day? -

How FISC-DOJ-CIA-FBI Secret Pedophile's Courts, Justice System, Government Works -

U.S. Government Is Selling Fentanyl Laced w-Xylazine To Kill Us - Its Not From Mexico -

U.S. Government Is Selling Child Pornography and False Charges Against U.S. Citizens -

Speech On Human Trafficking Before United State Congress and Child Sex Tourism -

I Live In A Transgender Sexual Wide Wonderful World Of Pedophile's Hate Supremacist -

What’s in a Covid-19 Vaccine? - Everyone Will Now Get Edible Vaccine in Your Food -

New Mandate Law To Force All U.S.A. Female To Get Sex Genital Mutilation Survivors -

American Muslims Facts vs. Fiction vs. Islamic Militant Organization vs, Sharia Law ? -

Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -

WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --

Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info. -

This Is What's Coming To America - You Are Getting Wiped Out By U.S. Government -

Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old -

Comparison Most Hated People And U.S.A. Politicians And Civil Rights Leaders Too. -

Left Wing Vs. Right Wing Yes Two Wings of the Same Bird All Politicians Are Corruption -

CIA'S Human Robot Politicians Are Real Adrenochrome Illuminati Left Black Eye Club -

The Truth About Gain-Of-Function Covid-19 Vaccines U.S.A. Bioweapon And Terrorism -

You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -

Docs Worldwide Warn You to Not Take the Covid 19 Vaccine Will Kill You Dead Soon -


Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration -

Why U.S.A. Government CIA-DOJ-FBI-Etc. Killing Thousands Whistleblowers Dead ? -

Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -

Human Meat Project - New Shake 'N Bake Fetus - Campbell Cream of Fetus Soup? -

Lab-Grown And Real Human Meat Was FDA Approved Cannibalism A Sprit Cooking -

UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up

Weaponization Of Government Against Private Citizen And Death American People's -

This Is UN 4G3NDA 21 Aw4reness Is The First Step In The R3SlST4NC3 By The People -

You May Have Nothing To Hide But You Still Have Something To Fear NSA Watching You -

AOC Celebrate Restarting MK-Ultra Program With Progress Psychedelics Treatment -

Pedophile "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez" Satan Worship Religious Freedom Argument Who? -

This Is How Beef, Chickens, Cats, Dogs, Fish, Human Meat Hot Dogs Are Really Made -

Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive I'm Not A Chicken Nuggets And Eggs Educational Film -

Everything You Need To Know About Eating Live Insects Wild Edibles Of The World -

Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old

Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -

U.S.A. Government Largest Middleman & Suppliers Of Sex Slave Trafficking Operation -

Millions To Die In Middle East Now From 85 Billion Worth U.S.A. Military Equipment -

Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty 34 Dead 171 Wounded -

U.S.A. Government & Police States Are Seizing Money Civil Forfeiture Armored Car -

We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now -

We Hope This Video Is The Great Awakening In 2024 Of The American People And Is A Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam... Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good In 2024.

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