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Illusion Of Democracy Their Is No Border Crisis, No Drug Epidemic, No Pedophile's !
Illusion of Democracy Who Really Controls Our Lives Their Is No Border Crisis, No Drug Epidemic, No Pedophile's. So People's Republic Of United States Of America Declared Its An Open Sanctuary Cities Is Open To All As Planned In The First Places. So If You Are A Good Person Or A Bad Person Or Really Who Care At All ? Be-Headings - Homeless - Drug - Death - Rape - Sex Workers - Child Pedophile's Etc. Their Is No Pedophile's Per Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old So You Are A Adult In The United States At The Age Of Legal An Adulthood Is 8 years Old. For Sex, Marriage, Leaving Home.
Satisfaction was at an all-time low in large capitalist democracies including the UK, America, Brazil, Mexico and Australia. Dissatisfaction with modern, capitalist, representative democratic governments has reached the highest level ever recorded in 2019, a study has indicated.
Researchers from Cambridge University's new Centre for the Future of Democracy analyzed a data set of more than four million people and found that satisfaction was at an all-time low in large political democracies including the UK, America, Brazil, Mexico and Australia.
The data set combines more than 25 international survey projects covering 154 countries between 1995 and 2020, with some dating back as far as 1973, and includes new cross-country surveys commissioned from polling firm YouGov.
Recession - Detailed stocktaking of global political sentiment began in 1995. "Across the globe, democracy is in a state of malaise," said the report's lead author Dr Roberto Foa, from Cambridge's Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS).
"We find that dissatisfaction with democracy has risen over time, and is reaching an all-time global high, in particular in developed countries."
The study suggested that dissatisfaction with democratic politics among citizens of developed countries has increased from a third to half of all individuals over the last quarter of a century.
It defines "developed" as citizens of Europe, North America, East Asia and Australasia, and all data presented in the report is from countries that are electoral democracies.
The downward trend in satisfaction with democracy has been especially sharp since 2005, which marks the beginning of what some have called a "global democratic recession", the report said.
Symptom - Some 38.7 percent of citizens were dissatisfied in that year, but this has since risen by almost one fifth of the population (18.8 percent) to 57.5 percent.
In the UK, the report shows democratic satisfaction rose fairly consistently for 30 years from the 1970s, reaching a high-water mark during the Tony Blair years at the turn of the millennium.
The Iraq War and parliamentary expenses scandal caused dips, but satisfaction plunged during the political stalemate following the EU referendum.
By 2019, for the first time since the mid-1970s, a clear majority of UK citizens were dissatisfied with democracy.
Dr Foa said the rise of populism may be "less a cause and more a symptom of democratic malaise".
Evolve - "Without this weakening legitimacy, it would be unthinkable for a US presidential candidate (Donald Trump) to denounce American democracy as rigged, or for the winning presidential candidate in Latin America's largest democracy (Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil) to openly entertain nostalgia for military rule.
"If confidence in democracy has been slipping, it is because democratic institutions have been seen failing to address some of the major crises of our era, from economic crashes to the threat of global warming.
"To restore democratic legitimacy, that must change."
Professor David Runciman, head of the new Centre for the Future of Democracy, said: "We need to move beyond thinking about immediate crises in politics and take a longer view to identify possible trajectories for democracy around the world.
"This means distinguishing what is essential to democracy, what is contingent and what can be changed. The Centre for the Future of Democracy will be looking at the bigger picture to see how democracy could evolve."
Raw Milk Farmers Are Going to Prison
In Canada, it’s illegal to sell or give away raw milk, a law that’s enforced in many provinces. In Ontario, distributing raw milk was long considered to be a regulatory offense punishable by fines, but as of January 2018 an order issued by Ontario’s Superior Court calls for anyone who distributes or sells raw milk in the area to face years in prison. Members of one area food co-op believe the Ontario injunction violates their constitutional right to access raw milk, and they’ve filed a motion to have the injunction stayed.
In Canada, it’s illegal to sell or give away raw milk, a law that’s enforced in many provinces. In Ontario, distributing raw milk was long considered to be a regulatory offense punishable by fines, but as of January 2018 an order issued by Ontario’s Superior Court changed that. Now, anyone who distributes or sells raw milk in the area can face years in prison.
Their Is No Border Crisis, Their Is No Drug Epidemic, Their Is No Pedophile's !
New Way the Biden Administration Wants to Disarm You Safer States Policy, which is just an inversion of the Biden Administration's failed civilian disarmament agenda. This time, instead of trying to strip you of your rights from the top down, the White House now proposes to do that from the bottom up. You better learn what all of this means to you and arm yourself with education today.
President Biden established the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention to reduce gun violence, which has ravaged communities across the country, and implement and expand upon key executive and legislative action which has been taken to save lives. The Office of Gun Violence Prevention is overseen by Vice President Harris, who has been a been a key leader in the Biden-Harris Administration’s effort to end our nation’s gun violence epidemic.
76 Million Gun Owners, Gun Culture, and 2nd Amendment Laws, Red Flags, U.S. Gangs -
Office of Intergovernmental Affairs convened 100 state legislators to announce the Biden-Harris Administration's Safer States Initiative to reduce gun violence and save lives.
Wisconsin Farmer to Stand Trial for Selling Raw Milk -
Police Send SWAT Team Raid Rawesome Foods, Dump Raw Milk $10,000 Worth - Wow and Raw Milk Raid on Amish Farmer Highlights Stupid FDA Tactics Reason contributor Baylen Linnekin writes about a totally insane (and armed!) raid on an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania who dared provide raw milk and other dairy products to willing and knowing DC-area customers. The details of the raid are disturbing and so is the rationale against the purchase of the stuff in question:
Anyone who has ever brought home a dozen eggs from a grocer's shelves has purchased raw food. And once a consumer brings any food home, it's up to the consumer—not the government—to decide how (or if) he or she wants to cook the food. The notion that the government would ban raw chicken, beef or eggs—or deli meat, for that matter—from store shelves may seem ludicrous. Seen in this context, the current raw milk ban is no less absurd.
Even if consumers were unaware of the risk involved in consuming a raw agricultural product like raw milk or raw beef, FDA and USDA guidelines, along with many state and local health codes, typically require warnings about the potential dangers of consuming raw or undercooked foods. Where a warning will suffice, a ban is inappropriate. The FDA's extraordinary message when it comes to raw milk, though, is that the American people are too dim to read the very labels the agency requires.
Whole thing here, in the Washington Times.
Linnekin is the founder and director of Keep Food Legal, a nonprofit that is dedicated to defining and enlarging culinary freedom, the (radical!) notion that eaters and chefs should be free to use whatever ingredients they want in the act of cooking and chowing.
True Story How US Government Tried To Kill Weed Smokers With A Toxic Chemical -
How U.S. Government (Killed Us Again) U.S.A. Poisoned Alcohol During Prohibition -
Nothing to See Here “Accidental Destruction” Food Processing Plant Fire Suspicious -
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology If you could save lives by producing vaccines in transgenic bananas, would you? In the debate over large-scale commercialization and use of GMOs, where should we draw the line?
People have been altering the genomes of plants and animals for many years using traditional breeding techniques. Artificial selection for specific, desired traits has resulted in a variety of different organisms, ranging from sweet corn to hairless cats. But this artificial selection, in which organisms that exhibit specific traits are chosen to breed subsequent generations, has been limited to naturally occurring variations. In recent decades, however, advances in the field of genetic engineering have allowed for precise control over the genetic changes introduced into an organism. Today, we can incorporate new genes from one species into a completely unrelated species through genetic engineering, optimizing agricultural performance or facilitating the production of valuable pharmaceutical substances. Crop plants, farm animals, and soil bacteria are some of the more prominent examples of organisms that have been subject to genetic engineering.
Current Use of Genetically Modified Organisms Agricultural plants are one of the most frequently cited examples of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Some benefits of genetic engineering in agriculture are increased crop yields, reduced costs for food or drug production, reduced need for pesticides, enhanced nutrient composition and food quality, resistance to pests and disease, greater food security, and medical benefits to the world's growing population. Advances have also been made in developing crops that mature faster and tolerate aluminum, boron, salt, drought, frost, and other environmental stressors, allowing plants to grow in conditions where they might not otherwise flourish (Table 1; Takeda & Matsuoka, 2008). Other applications include the production of nonprotein (bioplastic) or nonindustrial (ornamental plant) products. A number of animals have also been genetically engineered to increase yield and decrease susceptibility to disease. For example, salmon have been engineered to grow larger (Figure 1) and mature faster (Table 1), and cattle have been enhanced to exhibit resistance to mad cow disease (United States Department of Energy, 2007).
The pharmaceutical industry is another frontier for the use of GMOs. In 1986, human growth hormone was the first protein pharmaceutical made in plants (Barta et al., 1986), and in 1989, the first antibody was produced (Hiatt et al., 1989). Both research groups used tobacco, which has since dominated the industry as the most intensively studied and utilized plant species for the expression of foreign genes (Ma et al., 2003). As of 2003, several types of antibodies produced in plants had made it to clinical trials. The use of genetically modified animals has also been indispensable in medical research. Transgenic animals are routinely bred to carry human genes, or mutations in specific genes, thus allowing the study of the progression and genetic determinants of various diseases.
Potential GMO Applications
Many industries stand to benefit from additional GMO research. For instance, a number of microorganisms are being considered as future clean fuel producers and biodegrades. In addition, genetically modified plants may someday be used to produce recombinant vaccines. In fact, the concept of an oral vaccine expressed in plants (fruits and vegetables) for direct consumption by individuals is being examined as a possible solution to the spread of disease in underdeveloped countries, one that would greatly reduce the costs associated with conducting large-scale vaccination campaigns. Work is currently underway to develop plant-derived vaccine candidates in potatoes and lettuce for hepatitis B virus (HBV), enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), and Norwalk virus. Scientists are also looking into the production of other commercially valuable proteins in plants, such as spider silk protein and polymers that are used in surgery or tissue replacement (Ma et al., 2003). Genetically modified animals have even been used to grow transplant tissues and human transplant organs, a concept called xenotransplantation. The rich variety of uses for GMOs provides a number of valuable benefits to humans, but many people also worry about potential risks.
Risks and Controversies Surrounding the Use of GMOs
Despite the fact that the genes being transferred occur naturally in other species, there are unknown consequences to altering the natural state of an organism through foreign gene expression. After all, such alterations can change the organism's metabolism, growth rate, and/or response to external environmental factors. These consequences influence not only the GMO itself, but also the natural environment in which that organism is allowed to proliferate. Potential health risks to humans include the possibility of exposure to new allergens in genetically modified foods, as well as the transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes to gut flora.
Horizontal gene transfer of pesticide, herbicide, or antibiotic resistance to other organisms would not only put humans at risk, but it would also cause ecological imbalances, allowing previously innocuous plants to grow uncontrolled, thus promoting the spread of disease among both plants and animals. Although the possibility of horizontal gene transfer between GMOs and other organisms cannot be denied, in reality, this risk is considered to be quite low. Horizontal gene transfer occurs naturally at a very low rate and, in most cases, cannot be simulated in an optimized laboratory environment without active modification of the target genome to increase susceptibility (Ma et al., 2003).
In contrast, the alarming consequences of vertical gene transfer between GMOs and their wild-type counterparts have been highlighted by studying transgenic fish released into wild populations of the same species (Muir & Howard, 1999). The enhanced mating advantages of the genetically modified fish led to a reduction in the viability of their offspring. Thus, when a new transgene is introduced into a wild fish population, it propagates and may eventually threaten the viability of both the wild-type and the genetically modified organisms.
Unintended Impacts on Other Species: The Bt Corn Controversy
One example of public debate over the use of a genetically modified plant involves the case of Bt corn. Bt corn expresses a protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. Prior to construction of the recombinant corn, the protein had long been known to be toxic to a number of pestiferous insects, including the monarch caterpillar, and it had been successfully used as an environmentally friendly insecticide for several years. The benefit of the expression of this protein by corn plants is a reduction in the amount of insecticide that farmers must apply to their crops. Unfortunately, seeds containing genes for recombinant proteins can cause unintentional spread of recombinant genes or exposure of non-target organisms to new toxic compounds in the environment.
The now-famous Bt corn controversy started with a laboratory study by Losey et al. (1999) in which the mortality of monarch larvae was reportedly higher when fed with milkweed (their natural food supply) covered in pollen from transgenic corn than when fed milkweed covered with pollen from regular corn. The report by Losey et al. was followed by another publication (Jesse & Obrycki, 2000) suggesting that natural levels of Bt corn pollen in the field were harmful to monarchs.
Debate ensued when scientists from other laboratories disputed the study, citing the extremely high concentration of pollen used in the laboratory study as unrealistic, and concluding that migratory patterns of monarchs do not place them in the vicinity of corn during the time it sheds pollen. For the next two years, six teams of researchers from government, academia, and industry investigated the issue and concluded that the risk of Bt corn to monarchs was "very low" (Sears et al., 2001), providing the basis for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to approve Bt corn for an additional seven years.
Unintended Economic Consequences
Another concern associated with GMOs is that private companies will claim ownership of the organisms they create and not share them at a reasonable cost with the public. If these claims are correct, it is argued that use of genetically modified crops will hurt the economy and environment, because monoculture practices by large-scale farm production centers (who can afford the costly seeds) will dominate over the diversity contributed by small farmers who can't afford the technology. However, a recent meta-analysis of 15 studies reveals that, on average, two-thirds of the benefits of first-generation genetically modified crops are shared downstream, whereas only one-third accrues upstream (Demont et al., 2007). These benefit shares are exhibited in both industrial and developing countries. Therefore, the argument that private companies will not share ownership of GMOs is not supported by evidence from first-generation genetically modified crops.
GMOs and the General Public: Philosophical and Religious Concerns
In a 2007 survey of 1,000 American adults conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFIC), 33% of respondents believed that biotech food products would benefit them or their families, but 23% of respondents did not know biotech foods had already reached the market. In addition, only 5% of those polled said they would take action by altering their purchasing habits as a result of concerns associated with using biotech products.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, public acceptance trends in Europe and Asia are mixed depending on the country and current mood at the time of the survey (Hoban, 2004). Attitudes toward cloning, biotechnology, and genetically modified products differ depending upon people's level of education and interpretations of what each of these terms mean. Support varies for different types of biotechnology; however, it is consistently lower when animals are mentioned.
Furthermore, even if the technologies are shared fairly, there are people who would still resist consumable GMOs, even with thorough testing for safety, because of personal or religious beliefs. The ethical issues surrounding GMOs include debate over our right to "play God," as well as the introduction of foreign material into foods that are abstained from for religious reasons. Some people believe that tampering with nature is intrinsically wrong, and others maintain that inserting plant genes in animals, or vice versa, is immoral. When it comes to genetically modified foods, those who feel strongly that the development of GMOs is against nature or religion have called for clear labeling rules so they can make informed selections when choosing which items to purchase. Respect for consumer choice and assumed risk is as important as having safeguards to prevent mixing of genetically modified products with non-genetically modified foods. In order to determine the requirements for such safeguards, there must be a definitive assessment of what constitutes a GMO and universal agreement on how products should be labeled.
These issues are increasingly important to consider as the number of GMOs continues to increase due to improved laboratory techniques and tools for sequencing whole genomes, better processes for cloning and transferring genes, and improved understanding of gene expression systems. Thus, legislative practices that regulate this research have to keep pace. Prior to permitting commercial use of GMOs, governments perform risk assessments to determine the possible consequences of their use, but difficulties in estimating the impact of commercial GMO use makes regulation of these organisms a challenge.
History of International Regulations for GMO Research and Development
In 1971, the first debate over the risks to humans of exposure to GMOs began when a common intestinal microorganism, E. coli, was infected with DNA from a tumor-inducing virus (Devos et al., 2007). Initially, safety issues were a concern to individuals working in laboratories with GMOs, as well as nearby residents. However, later debate arose over concerns that recombinant organisms might be used as weapons. The growing debate, initially restricted to scientists, eventually spread to the public, and in 1974, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) established the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee to begin to address some of these issues.
In the 1980s, when deliberate releases of GMOs to the environment were beginning to occur, the U.S. had very few regulations in place. Adherence to the guidelines provided by the NIH was voluntary for industry. Also during the 1980s, the use of transgenic plants was becoming a valuable endeavor for production of new pharmaceuticals, and individual companies, institutions, and whole countries were beginning to view biotechnology as a lucrative means of making money (Devos et al., 2007). Worldwide commercialization of biotech products sparked new debate over the patentability of living organisms, the adverse effects of exposure to recombinant proteins, confidentiality issues, the morality and credibility of scientists, the role of government in regulating science, and other issues. In the U.S., the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment initiatives were developed, and they were eventually adopted worldwide as a top-down approach to advising policymakers by forecasting the societal impacts of GMOs.
Then, in 1986, a publication by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), called "Recombinant DNA Safety Considerations," became the first intergovernmental document to address issues surrounding the use of GMOs. This document recommended that risk assessments be performed on a case-by-case basis. Since then, the case-by-case approach to risk assessment for genetically modified products has been widely accepted; however, the U.S. has generally taken a product-based approach to assessment, whereas the European approach is more process based (Devos et al., 2007). Although in the past, thorough regulation was lacking in many countries, governments worldwide are now meeting the demands of the public and implementing stricter testing and labeling requirements for genetically modified crops.
Increased Research and Improved Safety Go Hand in Hand Proponents of the use of GMOs believe that, with adequate research, these organisms can be safely commercialized. There are many experimental variations for expression and control of engineered genes that can be applied to minimize potential risks. Some of these practices are already necessary as a result of new legislation, such as avoiding superfluous DNA transfer (vector sequences) and replacing selectable marker genes commonly used in the lab (antibiotic resistance) with innocuous plant-derived markers (Ma et al., 2003). Issues such as the risk of vaccine-expressing plants being mixed in with normal foodstuffs might be overcome by having built-in identification factors, such as pigmentation, that facilitate monitoring and separation of genetically modified products from non-GMOs. Other built-in control techniques include having inducible promoters (e.g., induced by stress, chemicals, etc.), geographic isolation, using male-sterile plants, and separate growing seasons.
GMOs benefit mankind when used for purposes such as increasing the availability and quality of food and medical care, and contributing to a cleaner environment. If used wisely, they could result in an improved economy without doing more harm than good, and they could also make the most of their potential to alleviate hunger and disease worldwide. However, the full potential of GMOs cannot be realized without due diligence and thorough attention to the risks associated with each new GMO on a case-by-case basis.
Lab-Grown And Real Human Meat Was FDA Approved Cannibalism A Sprit Cooking -
Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration -
600 Billion Dollars Poison Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic To Eat Processed Food -
Human Meat Project - New Shake 'N Bake Fetus - Campbell Cream of Fetus Soup? -
GMO Genetically Modified Organisms Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology -
This Is How Beef, Chickens, Cats, Dogs, Fish, Human Meat Hot Dogs Are Really Made -
Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive I'm Not A Chicken Nuggets And Eggs Educational Film -
Everything You Need To Know About Eating Live Insects Wild Edibles Of The World -
Their Is No Border Crisis, Their Is No Drug Epidemic, Their Is No Pedophile's !
Its Not About China ? All Chemicals Are Made In China Today. So If You Go To Walmart Right Now. As of 30 Dec 2023, virtually everything is manufactured in China due to the availability of factories, machinery, qualified workers, and know-how. This has led to businesses outsourcing mostly to manufacturing facilities in China. While some components for keyboards are custom-made in China, there are no suppliers in Europe or the US. Despite calls for offshored jobs to return to local soil, China retains its advantage in this industry.
The Chinese economy thrives as a manufacturing powerhouse and the nation's products seem to be everywhere. The majority of tags, labels, and stickers on a variety of goods proclaim they are “Made in China.” Because of this, it's understandable Western consumers might wonder, “Why is everything made in China?”
CIA Killing 100,000> Year Selling Heroin In U.S.A. Our Troops Protecting Opium-Heroin -
More than a Million Americans Kill Themselves With Drug Suicide have died from overdoses during the opioid epidemic. Its very easy to not die... Stop buy your drugs from the black market and someone sell drugs from a car...
So how to get a drug prescription in U.S.A., only physicians, dentists, podiatrists, or veterinarians can issue prescriptions... so if you want drugs do it the right way. And stop killing yourself from drugs from the black market now.
Understanding the Opioid Overdose Epidemic ? Why More People Are Turning to the Black Market for Medication ? Preventing Drug Suicide and New research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found roughly 932,000 fatal overdoses from 1999-2020. Preliminary data shows another 100,000 deaths this year.'t_go_cold_turkey.pdf
Deaths due to drug overdose have topped a million for the first time since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began collecting data on the problem more than two decades ago.
A study released Thursday by the National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the CDC, found that 932,364 people died in the U.S. from fatal overdoses from 1999 through 2020.
Separate preliminary data from the CDC shows another 100,000 drug deaths expected in 2021.
The Truth About Gain-Of-Function Covid-19 Vaccines U.S.A. Bioweapon And Terrorism -
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -
Docs Worldwide Warn You to Not Take the Covid 19 Vaccine Will Kill You Dead Soon -
Unlike the COVID-19 pandemic, which hit elderly Americans hardest, researchers found drug deaths have risen fastest among the young and middle-aged adults struggling with addiction.
"Among adults aged 35–44, the age group with the highest rates, drug overdose deaths increased 33% from 2019 to 2020," the report found. Men are also more vulnerable than women, it said.
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -
The opioid epidemic began in the late 1990s when the pharmaceutical and health care industries started marketing and prescribing highly addictive painkillers far more aggressively.
In recent years, most overdose deaths have involved illicit fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, as well as cocaine and methamphetamines.
After public health officials made some early progress in reducing drug deaths, researchers found overdoses began rising again after 2013 with a sharp increase in fatalities during the first year of the pandemic.
Young people ages 15-24 saw the biggest year-to-year increase of fatal overdoses with deaths up 49% in 2020.
The Biden administration has scrambled in recent months to try to slow the rate of drug deaths, in part by making medical treatment more widely available for people with addiction.
Last month, the first safe consumption site in the U.S., where people can use street drugs under medical supervision, opened in New York City.
Despite the growing death rate, public health "harm reduction" strategies for people with addiction have faced resistance and legal challenges around the country.
Per DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Every U.S.A. Person Or America Citizens Right Now Today As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per federal and local agencies. All The America People Break The Law Ave. 3 Times Everyday with A Ave. Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to 512 x 365 days a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per person right now. also federal and local agencies issue an average of 27 rules for every law over the past decade.
However, the rules issued in a given year are typically not substantively related to the current year’s laws, as agency output represents ongoing implementation of earlier legislation. According to a 2020 article, the more than 300,000+ laws and regulatory crimes on the federal law books serve little purpose other than inviting arbitrary enforcement by providing prosecutors the tools to charge nearly anyone with violating some long-forgotten regulation and pay the fines now or go to jail for everyone in the U.S.A..
Their Is No Border Crisis, Their Is No Drug Epidemic, Their Is No Pedophile's !
Bill Barr torches Biden's 'insane' border policy in face of drug epidemic: 'We have to take on the cartels' Former Trump AG warns annual US drug deaths are equivalent to a 'world war'.
Former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr shared a dire message Wednesday on the worsening drug epidemic sweeping the U.S., touching on fentanyl deaths, drug cartels, open border policies and more on "America's Newsroom."
"There is no logic [on Biden's border policies]. It's an insane policy. It's basically ‘do nothing and let it happen and ignore the problem’," Barr said.
Barr, who sat down in-studio with Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino, told the hosts the border crisis directly correlates to the drug crisis sweeping the nation, especially wreaking havoc in the form of deadly fentanyl.
"To put it in perspective, we're losing – not just to fentanyl, but to other drugs – over 100,000 Americans a year just in fatal drug overdoses," he said.
"That's a casualty rate we experienced during World War II. We have the equivalent of a world war casualty rate in the United States caused by drugs," he stressed.
Barr slammed the Biden administration for failing to stem the drug supply problem through lax border policies, an ongoing criticism the administration has received as migrants flood border communities and cartels pose more imminent threats.
"This administration has no interest in taking on the supply problem," he said.
"This is a supply-driven catastrophe. You take these drugs, which are poisonous, and pump them up into the United States, and they're creating their own market," he added.
Barr proposed going after drug cartels fueling the crisis, comparing them to terrorist organizations and taking a tough stance on how to combat the problems they cause.
"We have to take on the cartels, we need to force the Mexicans to work with us, but this administration isn't willing to take those tough steps," he said
"We have to start attacking these groups more like they're ISIS and less like they're the mafia."
Barr added that prosecutions and relying on Mexican law enforcement are not the adequate route to take to solve the drug cartel problem, calling out loopholes and shortcomings in Mexico's legal system that contribute to the drug empire.
"[The cartels] are stronger than the government, they can corrupt the government. The legal system in Mexico, even before this, was pathetic…"
Fentanyl concerns have sparked action and awareness across the country, with some schools taking precautionary action by adding Narcan – a nasal spray used to treat narcotic overdoses – to their institutions, while some cities are providing the drug to residents via vending machines and kits.
Despite increased awareness of the dangers posed by the drug, deaths continue to soar in some communities, including the San Francisco Bay Area, FOX Business correspondent Lauren Simonetti reported Wednesday.
Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -
WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --
Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info. -
In A Secrets Meeting Per U.S.A. New Sharia Law Rules 2022 and Kids Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Rules 2023 Kids Can Now Start At Age 8 Yrs. Old Puberty Blockers Drugs Per President Joe Biden's Administration has confirmed that the legal age of consent for sex and marriage will be lowered to 8 yrs old starting February 16th. 2023 During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated ‘We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.’ He then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. Puberty typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and AFABs and New Age of Consent, specifically one young person's question about whether or not to wait until she reaches to have sex, is complicated. There are many nuances to the law depending on where you live and the law itself can be harmful when it's intent is to help. Social media users are sharing screenshots of articles claiming Joe Biden has lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years by laws. Over the last week, social media users have been pushing claims that President Joe Biden had lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years.
The claims were pushed by right-leaning users on Facebook and Twitter in more than one form. One was a screenshot of an headline, which comprised of a photo of Biden and the text "Breaking - President Biden has officially lowered the age of consent to 8 yes, old is true ? The second was a screenshot of a article with the headline "Biden Administration Lowers Age of Consent to 8," complete with text as well as a Biden quote:
President Joe Biden's administration confirmed that the legal age of consent will be lowered to 8 starting this year and read an excerpt from the article in the screenshot. "During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated 'We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.' Biden then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. This change is a huge win for progressives everywhere seeking to increase freedom for children." It was even accompanied with a Google search thumbnail that was also widely circulated on social media: Biden made this true statements as cited in the story, and the screenshot seems to have lifted the article's byline (which includes the updated time and date of the piece) from an actual story published is true.
Moreover Yes Biden's official in his administration announced the plans to change the age of sexual consent. The legal competence to consent to sexual acts is governed by criminal statutes that vary from one state to another and is under the control of the federal government as fed. laws trumps any state laws.
Per Biden Saying 42 U.S. Code Chapter 21B - RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION Sharia Law and Rules - Freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits laws establishing a national religion or impeding the free exercise of religion for its citizens. While the First Amendment enforces the “separation of church and state” it doesn’t exclude religion from public life. From the colonial era to present, religion has played a major role in politics in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court over the years has ruled inconsistently on matters of religious freedom, such as the display of religious symbols in government buildings.
Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old -
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Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Played Out Over 33 Million Dollars Sexual Assault Claims -
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Ted Cruz Play Game - Real Story Is Human Trafficking & Sex Slaves Is U.S.A. Planned -
U.S.A. Government Largest Middleman & Suppliers Of Sex Slave Trafficking Operation -
For Greater Good Its A Pandemic Unvaccinated People Threaten Vaccinated People -
Pizza Gate New Clues Pedophile Paintings Modern Art Or Disturbing Pizza Clues W0W -
How FISC-DOJ-CIA-FBI Secret Pedophile's Courts, Justice System, Government Works -
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Why Everything is Made in China & What it Means for U.S. Jobs Virtually everything today is manufactured in China. While it used to be that gadgets, gizmos and other products were made in the U.S., Taiwan or a brand's home country, businesses are now outsourcing mostly to manufacturing facilities in China. Amid calls for offshored jobs to return to local soil, will China retain its advantage in this industry?
If you inspect the label on your iPhone, iPad or other tablet or smartphone, it's most likely Made in China. These days, "designed in Cupertino" will mean a device has been conceptualized and designed at a brand company's own premises, but almost always manufactured in a facility in China. This has been the case for some time now, although a series of articles published by the New York Times seems to have brought the issue back into the limelight.
Bring Back the Jobs
It reportedly stemmed from a conversation between U.S. President Barack Obama and the late ex-Apple CEO Steve Jobs about how manufacture of the iPhone and other Apple products could return to the U.S. The iconic Jobs said that "[t]hose jobs aren't coming back."
While most would initially think cost to be the primary reason companies are turning to Chinese manufacturing, it's only half the story. The real reason for gadgets being made in China today are speed and flexibility. Take for instance the iPhone. There's the proverbial story about a foreman at a Foxconn facility waking up 8,000 dorm-residing factory workers in the middle of the night to promptly start 12-hour shifts to produce the iPhone after an assembly line overhaul, resulting in 10,000 iPhones produced daily just 96 hours after a major production overhaul.
Factories in Asia can "scale up and down faster," says a former Apple executive, and supply chains in the region "have surpassed what's in the U.S." As such, manufacturing facilities in Asia -- particularly China -- have the competitive advantage, both in cost and efficiency.
There is a Price
There is a price to this efficiency, though, and it's mostly measured in human terms. The story has been told and re-told: explosions in poorly-ventilated production facilities, depressed employees leaping to their death from dormitory buildings, and inhuman working hours and conditions. Even with the likes of Apple setting up Supplier Responsibility programs -- to the extent of Apple listing down 90% of its worldwide suppliers -- conditions are not likely to change. After all, with their production lines and time-to-market at stake, companies can usually afford to turn a blind eye to supposed shortages in social responsibility and safety standards.
As TechCrunch's Devin Coldewey writes, "Foxconn and China have our all-important tech companies by the scruff of the neck," as these manufacturing firms can easily retool their production lines to cater to another customer when necessary. Still, the likes of Apple are major customers, and are still "the money in the relationship."
But is the U.S. Really at a Disadvantage?
To return to the original premise -- whether outsourcing to China is really at the expense of the American middle class, as the original Times piece would have us believe. A Forbes Op-Ed by Brett Swanson attempts to quantify the economic benefits that the technology industry has brought about. He posits that even as most of Apple's manufacturing business is outsourced to Asia, the domestic economic activity in the U.S. remains active, with higher-value jobs in the digital music industry, filmmaking, cloud computing, application development and the like.
As such, even if your iPhone is made in China, all other software and services that power it are made, developed or maintained in the U.S., from iOS to the various App Store applications, as well as the cloud servers that run iTunes Match.
And so it means that Made in China is not so bad after all, because while the Chinese are benefiting from their competitive advantage, the rest of the world can get U.S. developed products cheaper, and American employees get to focus on higher-value information-oriented jobs. It begins to look like the U.S. is benefiting from a competitive advantage, as well.
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Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.
Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order Is Upon Us - Preserve Your Liberty By Being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.
The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.
Everything you want to know what could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elite cabalists can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound Adrenochrome they need to prolong their decrepit lives! It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all colour of people and for the citizens of All America.
Thanks For Calling and Remember the U.S. Government Leave No Witnesses Alive Behind Them. If You See Fraudulent or Criminal Activities by U.S. Government. Please Call Us (ASAP) So We Can Send Someone Out To Kill You! Thanks Again For Calling.
The Presidential Hotline Pedophile and Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Etc. Call 1-866-4-5455-968 ( 1-866-I-Kill-You ) should be used when all your attempts to get assistance from a government department, province, municipality or state agency have failed. It is not only a complaints line. You can call to share your views or provide solutions to the challenges in your community. We also list the help line numbers of non-governmental organization's working with government. You may call at 987-654-3210 ext. new world order!
In 1984 Tried To Warn Us We The People About Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. Thank You To Everyone From Us.
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