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Global Citizen One World Together At Home 15 Min. City UN Extreme Propaganda
One World Together at Home (Global True Citizen One World Together At Home 15 Min. City UN Extreme Propaganda Video) is a benefit concert that was organized by Global Citizen of New York City and curated by singer Lady Gaga in support of the World Health Organization. The special was intended to promote the practice of social distancing while staying home alone.
Coronavirus, Social and Physical Distancing and Self-Quarantine Experts talking about the coronavirus pandemic call for social distancing, self-quarantine and flattening the curve. What do these terms mean?
It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us. Death To You And Your Family... Its For The Greater Good. Death To You And America... Its For The Greater Good. Its A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People... Yes Its For The Greater Good. You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Covil-19 Corrupt U.S.A. Governments... Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Its A Plandemic For New World Order... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
The Great Awakening Another Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam... Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
For the greater good refers to the benefit or betterment of the majority of people, especially at the cost of smaller or individual concerns. It is a general advantage that can only be gained by losing or harming something that is considered less important. Some wars are fought for the greater good. The cutbacks that a company must face will be difficult, but they are for the greater good. The benefit of the public, of more people than oneself.
Now that the new coronavirus and COVID-19, the illness it causes, are spreading among communities in the United States and other countries, phrases such as “physical distancing,” “self-quarantine” and “flattening the curve” are showing up in the media.
What is social distancing?
The practice of social distancing means staying home and away from others as much as possible to help prevent spread of COVID-19. The practice of social distancing encourages the use of things such as online video and phone communication instead of in-person contact.
As communities reopen and people are more often in public, the term “physical distancing” (instead of social distancing) is being used to reinforce the need to stay at least 6 feet from others, as well as wearing face masks. Historically, social distancing was also used interchangeably to indicate physical distancing which is defined below. However, social distancing is a strategy distinct from the physical distancing behavior.
COVID-19: When should physical distancing be practiced?
What is physical distancing?
Physical distancing is the practice of staying at least 6 feet away from others to avoid catching a disease such as COVID-19.
As noted above, “social distancing” is a term that was used earlier in the pandemic as many people stayed home to help prevent spread of the virus. Now as communities are reopening and people are in public more often, physical distancing is used to stress the importance of maintaining physical space when in public areas.
How can I practice physical distancing?
Wear a face mask or covering when you are not in your home and whenever you are around people who are not members of your household. Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others. Avoid crowded places, particularly indoors, and events that are likely to draw crowds.
Other examples of social and physical distancing to avoid larger crowds or crowded spaces are:
Working from home instead of at the office
Closing schools or switching to online classes
Visiting loved ones by electronic devices instead of in person
Cancelling or postponing conferences and large meetings
What is self-quarantine?
People who have been exposed to the new coronavirus and who are at risk for coming down with COVID-19 might practice self-quarantine. Health experts recommend that self-quarantine lasts 14 days. Two weeks provides enough time for them to know whether or not they will become ill and be contagious to other people.
You might be asked to practice self-quarantine if you have recently returned from traveling to a part of the country or the world where COVID-19 is spreading rapidly, or if you have knowingly been exposed to an infected person.
Self-quarantine involves:
Using standard hygiene and washing hands frequently
Not sharing things like towels and utensils
Staying at home
Not having visitors
Staying at least 6 feet away from other people in your household
Once your quarantine period has ended, if you do not have symptoms, follow your doctor’s instructions on how to return to your normal routine.
What is isolation?
For people who are confirmed to have COVID-19, isolation is appropriate. Isolation is a health care term that means keeping people who are infected with a contagious illness away from those who are not infected. Isolation can take place at home or at a hospital or care facility. Special personal protective equipment will be used to care for these patients in health care settings.
What is “flattening the curve?”
Flattening the curve refers to using protective practices to slow the rate of COVID-19 infection so hospitals have room, supplies and doctors for all of the patients who need care.
A large number of people becoming very sick over the course of a few days could overwhelm a hospital or care facility. Too many people becoming severely ill with COVID-19 at roughly the same time could result in a shortage of hospital beds, equipment or doctors.
On a graph, a sudden surge in patients over a short time could be represented as a tall, narrow curve.
On the other hand, if that same large number of patients arrived at the hospital at a slower rate, for example, over the course of several weeks, the line of the graph would look like a longer, flatter curve.
In this situation, fewer patients would arrive at the hospital each day. There would be a better chance of the hospital being able to keep up with adequate supplies, beds and health care providers to care for them.
Lessening Coronavirus Impact
It’s important to know what to do if you feel sick. The coronavirus pandemic is making everyone aware of handwashing and protecting others from coughs and sneezes. Along with those essential steps, practices such as social and physical distancing, and self-quarantine and isolation when appropriate can slow the rate of infection in a city, town or community.
The pandemic can seem overwhelming, but in truth, every person can help slow down the spread of COVID-19. By doing your part, you can make a big difference to your health, and that of others around you.
Stay at Home Tips What to do if you live alone ?
What to do if you live alone
So many of us live by ourselves. But as we practice social distancing living alone can begin to feel lonely. Social distancing really means physical distancing, or staying away from other people. Social isolation and loneliness can be bad for our health, but there are many ways to stay socially connected with friends and family, even if you are not able to visit them in person.
How do we cope with this new mode of living in a way that maintains our well-being?
Stay connected
Make a phone call.
Write letters.
Video chat with friends, family and neighbors.
Help others by calling to check in on older children who may be alone while parents or guardians are at work.
Get creative . Video conference a family dinner or a game night, or visit a virtual museum together over the phone.
If you have a smartphone or tablet, try a new app! Technology can help you stay connected in fun, new ways.
Talk about more than just the weather. Reminisce about a family photo, pull out an old joke book, practice asking meaningful questions.
Brainstorm a list of people that you could reach out to and make a plan to do so.
Take good care of yourself
Most important: If you need medical care or advice, stay home and call your doctor or clinic. If you have an emergency, call 911. If you become sick or feel unwell, make sure a family member or friend knows that you are unwell and ask them to check on you by phone or video chat every day.
Get outdoors as much as you can. Sit on your porch, go for a walk, work in your yard, or plant a container garden.
Maintain a regular routine, including mealtimes and bedtimes.
Find ways to share your skills and talents from a distance. Services like VolunteerMatch can help you find local opportunities you can help with from home. Or make a call to a local school, community center, or organization to learn how you can help from home.
Perform random acts of kindness. Send notes or cards to a local residential care facility, make a donation to a local food bank or shelter, or send a note or letter of gratitude to someone in your life.
Begin or continue a gratitude practice. Make a list of things you are thankful for, or send a note or letter of gratitude to someone in your life.
Consider a new hobby or revive an old one. Try learning a new language, line dancing or playing bridge online.
Check some things off your to do list. Organize those family photos or clean out those closets.
Try to move your body every day in ways that are safe for you.
It’s OK to ask for help. If you are feeling distressed, call the National Disaster Distress Helpline (800-985-5990) for emotional support, or call 2-1-1 and ask about your county’s emotional support hotline.
Get organized
Post a contact list on your fridge or near your phone:
Name and phone number of your doctor and pharmacy
Family contacts
Other frequently called numbers
Know where to find resources to get help meeting your needs:
Your local Aging and Disability Resource Center
Local counseling services
Food and supply sources
Call 2-1-1, a service that can help you get information about resources to meet your immediate needs
Explore more COVID-19 resources
Learn how to stay safe and what to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms at
Learn about mental health and coping during COVID-19 at
Learn how we can build a healthier, more resilient Wisconsin at
Learn how those living alone can cope in this interview from South Carolina Public Radio:
Know the basics about COVID-19 about staying safe and what to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms.
What are the symptoms? Not everyone with COVID-19 has all of these symptoms. For many, symptoms are mild, with no fever. It is important to know that you can still spread (transmit) the virus to others even if you have mild or no symptoms. Two to 14 days after exposure, people may experience:
Fever - Cough - Shortness of breath - Sore throat - Headache - Fatigue
- Body or muscle aches - Nausea - Vomiting - Diarrhea
What should I do if I develop symptoms?
If you become ill, stay home and call your doctor if you feel you need medical care or advice. If you are having an emergency, call 911.
Each day, write down your symptoms so you can share accurate information with your doctor.
Make sure a family member or friend knows that you are unwell and ask them to check on you by phone or video chat every day. Even mild illnesses can quickly take a turn for the worse.
Practice good self-care. Get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids.
How can I lower my risk of getting COVID-19?
Stay home as much as possible to protect yourself and others.
When possible, shop for two weeks of groceries at a time to expose yourself less often.
Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after touching door handles, keypads, pens, and other frequently used surfaces.
What is the '15-minute city' pedophiles, parasitic monsters conspiracy theory?
There are two very different views of the "15-minute city" idea.
To some, it's an urban planning concept that promotes sustainable and healthy living.
To a small group of others, it's a plot by "tyrannical bureaucrats" to take our cars and control our lives, which could lead to a real-life Hunger Games scenario.
After outlandish claims about lizard people, 5G and COVID-19 vaccines, conspiracy theorists are now targeting the world of urban planning, with protests against the 15-minute city concept springing up around the globe.
"I've been doing [urban planning] for a long time, but I've never seen something like this," urbanist and Vancouver's former chief planner Brent Toderian tells. Toderian, who has lobbied for the idea internationally including in Australia, sums up: "It's a bit surreal."
What is it?
The 15-minute city is an urban planning concept where neighbourhoods provide residents with the basic things they need — shops, schools, parks, leisure options, health care — within a 15-minute radius by foot or bike.
"We used to have 15-minute cities as the norm. They were called good neighbourhoods — where you didn't have to get into a car for everything," Toderian says.
From mid-last century, cities have largely been planned around cars, at the expense of walking and biking, which has often resulted in car dependency and urban sprawl.
The 15-minute city is presented as one possible remedy for this. "There are so many public interest reasons to want to do this. It's kind of a no-brainer," Toderian says.
"Your carbon footprint is a lot lower, so it's a powerful climate change mitigation tool … It promotes urban health and thus promotes the actual reduction of public health costs … It promotes individual affordability and household affordability because you don't need to own the second car or maybe even the third car."
Many cities have taken up the idea — or a variation of the idea — in recent years.
"Melbourne was one of the world's originators of the idea of applying time to our neighbourhoods – the amount of time it takes for us to get to the thing that we need or want every day," Toderian points out, something the city continues to embrace.
The idea has been called many things, like "complete communities", "mixed-use communities", "the city of short distances", the slightly different "20-minute neighbourhood" or as Toderian, as chief planner of Vancouver, used to call it "the power of nearness".
But the 15-minute city really came to global prominence when Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo made it a big part of her 2020 re-election campaign. For her, pedestrian and cycle-centred design was the future. She was re-elected.
"Cities around the world — mayors, politicians — started talking about this very old, normal concept of why do we have to drive to everything? Why can't we have more choices and more freedom to choose rather than just having only one choice: The car," Toderian says.
So cities started to draw up plans and implement different versions of the 15-minute city concept, with increased bike lanes, pedestrianising areas, cutting down on where cars can go.
As NSW minister Rob Stokes put it last year: "The pandemic has seen demand for walking and cycling infrastructure soar, and outdoor spaces valued more than ever. Our vision for 15-minute neighbourhoods will also improve health and wellbeing outcomes, and ensure local communities thrive."
But then the pushback started.
From 'small lies' to 'big lies'
Much of the pushback against the 15-minute city concept is rooted in fiction rather than fact.
The claims start with the idea that limiting car use is government overreach and an attack on individual freedom (even though, as Toderian says "ironically, it's providing more choice").
And from there, it gets, well, weird. Limiting cars and promoting pedestrian or bike access is framed as a slippery slope to government-run, open-air prisons.
One British TikToker says authorities are planning to "divide up towns, cities etc … and you're going to have to apply for a f**king permit to leave your zone".
Spoiler: Not true.
According to a tweet from controversial Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson: "The idea that neighbourhoods should be walkable is lovely. The idea that idiot tyrannical bureaucrats can decide by fiat where you're 'allowed' to drive is perhaps the worst imaginable perversion of that idea — and, make no mistake, it's part of a well-documented plan."
What "plan"? The 15-minute city concept has also been promoted by the World Economic Forum, leading to claims that it's part of a global scheme around centralisation and control.
"The lies range from small lies — like 'they're going to not want you to drive [at all]' — to big lies — literally using terms like 'they want to turn your neighbourhood into a concentration camp' that 'your life is going to be like the Hunger Games, where there's different sectors that you'll be representing'," Toderian says.
It's even made it into UK parliament, with one MP calling the idea an "international socialist concept" that "will cost us our personal freedom".
Death threats and protests
These sentiments have led to real-life protests.
For example, Edmonton in Canada recently embraced 15-minute city plans, which, according to the city, "moves us closer to our vision for a more connected, prosperous, healthy and climate-resilient city".
The plan has triggered protests, with organisers incorrectly claiming "you will spend 90 per cent of your life in this 15-minute area as they are monitoring your 'carbon footprint'".
The UK city of Oxford is trying to curb car use ON some roads, enforced by traffic cameras and fines. This triggered protests against so-called "climate lockdowns" and councilors there have received death threats.
One Oxford protest, which attracted thousands of people, featured a speech by a 12-year-old girl who warned against the "dangers" of the plan.
"[They are] soon to become digital ID facial recognition zones … How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of our children, by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison."
Planning our towns and cities
Toderian is one of many in the urban planning world who have been fighting back in recent months.
The more he talks about the ongoing reactions to the 15-minute city concept, the more exasperated he gets.
"They know that the more outrageous the lie, the more attention they get … A lie gets a lot more attention than the rational truth," he says.
The biggest casualty may be rational community discussion around the future of towns and cities.
"I'm not an anti-car guy. I'm an anti-car-dependency guy. We can't keep planning cities and regions where the car is the only choice, because that may seem like freedom to some but it's kind of the opposite. Dependency is never freedom," Toderian says.
"There's always going to be debate in city planning. Always. But there's good faith debate, based on disagreements, and then there's deliberate lies and misinformation.
"If we're going to have real debate, discussion and democracy, and good decision making, truth is a necessity — it's a necessary starting point to make good decisions."
The polite world of urban planning has become the latest target of conspiracy theorists. In recent weeks, the 15-minute city concept — where neighbourhoods provide life's essentials in 15 minutes by foot or bike — has become a harbinger of big brother in conspiracy-land. Brent Toderian, a keen urbanist and Vancouver's former chief planner, is here to help us understand how a "mundane" urban planning concept has prompted protests in Canada and the UK.
Later, we turn to the disaster zone in southern Turkiyë and northern Syria to understand what shelter is available — and appropriate — for those displaced. Tom Bamforth, a writer and aid worker who who specialises in shelter and settlements, joins Blueprint to canvas what kinds of shelters are available — from Ikea's award-winning flatpack to the DIY .
And Blueprint regulars Annie Smithers and Colin Bisset return with some sweets and stories: Annie with the inside scoop on strawberry sorbets, and Colin with the pioneering African American woman who changed architectural history.
Parallel Worlds - NAZI vs U.S.A. - COVID-19 - ANTIFA - SS vs FBI vs DEATH - - Death To You And Your Family... Its For The Greater Good. Death To You And America... ?
Parallel worlds are hypothetical self-contained planes of existence that coexist with one's own. They are also known as alternate universes, parallel worlds, parallel dimensions, or alternate realities. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a "multiverse". "Parallel Worlds A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos" covers the Big Bang, the early development of the Universe, and parallel universes is in fiction or is it true today right now.
Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion. Help us make this a better community by becoming familiar with the rules. Report any suspicious users to the yes I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.
You forgot that people also get shot for legitimately no reason now. For example, knocking on a door. Or, trying to help someone. Imagine being an American soldier in 1945 Europe, getting a glimpse into the future and you see these guys walking the Streets of your hometown. Reminds me of a few months ago, when there was a tweet going around about a question a journalist asked Harrison Ford "How would Indiana Jones feel about the rise of modern Nazis?" and Harrison's response was "Indy would push people aside to deliver the first punch."
And people genuinely got upset about that? Saying nonsense about how violence isnt the answer. I'm sorry, but if you get upset about people wanting to punch Nazis, you're a Nazi sympathizer. Nazis always deserve to be punched. Always. These look to be young black people. How much of a loser do you have to be to believe all your problems are due to "other people" at that age? If it wasn't for Jews, minorities, me and my 8th grade education would be on easy street?
Because freedom of speech entails allowing anyone to demonstrate, regardless of whether their beliefs are agreeable. The mistake people are making is thinking that allowing them to demonstrate is somehow an endorsement of their beliefs. It is not. Nazis are the most reviled ideology by far in the USA. These people have zero political power and are viewed with scorn. They are accomplishing nothing by marching but ousting themselves as bigots.
Free speech, our first amendment grants a lot of latitude. And something like "Kill all person X" or incitement of violence is not protected, and is punished, nor is it depicted here. None of us agree with what they are doing, but many many many law suits and judgements have been argued and the law always erred on the side of Free speech.
German Jews' Passports Declared Invalid On October 5, 1938, the Reich Ministry of the Interior invalidates all German passports held by Jews. Jews must surrender their old passports, which will become valid only after the letter “J” has been stamped on them.
The government required Jews to identify themselves in ways that would permanently separate them from the rest of the German population. In an August 1938 law, authorities decreed that by January 1, 1939, Jewish men and women bearing first names of “non-Jewish” origin had to add “Israel” and “Sara,” respectively, to their given names. All German Jews were obliged to carry identity cards that indicated their heritage, and, in the autumn of 1938, all Jewish passports were stamped with an identifying red letter “J”. As Nazi leaders quickened their war preparations, antisemitic legislation in Germany and Austria paved the way for more radical persecution of Jews.
Excelsior Pass Plus As of July 28, 2023, the Excelsior Pass Plus (EPP) and the NYS Wallet Apps will no longer be available.
Following the reduced demand for access to digital COVID-19 test and vaccine records through the portal and the official end of the COVID-19 public health emergency on May 11, 2023, the NYS Wallet that hosts the Excelsior Pass Plus COVID vaccine credential, will be discontinued.
Excelsior Pass Plus provided a secure, digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccination record. Your Vaccination Pass Plus provided safe access to your vaccination information and included vaccine type, site and date of vaccination, just like your CDC Vaccination Card, validated by the State of New York.
Your data collected for Excelsior Pass Plus continues to be private and secure.
New York has gained knowledge on digital credentialing from this effort and remains interested in the potential this type of technology could bring in the future.
No shot? No service. A New Jerseyan's guide to dining in NYC with vaccination now required New York City took the unprecedented step of requiring patrons of restaurants, bars, theaters, museums and many other venues to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination for entry beginning Tuesday, Aug. 17.
Although many New Jerseyans still work from their dining room tables, hundreds of thousands commute daily into New York and grab lunch there or descend on the city for some weekend fun and fine dining.
Here's what you need to know about the city's "Key to NYC" vaccine mandate:
What venues now require proof of vaccination?
There are three main areas where proof of vaccination must be shown for entry: indoor dining, indoor entertainment and indoor fitness.
But that encompasses plenty of different businesses. They include:
Indoor dining: restaurants, bars, coffee shops, fast-food joints, nightclubs, catering halls, grocery stores with indoor dining, hotel banquet rooms and cafeterias.
Indoor entertainment: movie theaters, museums, Broadway theaters, concert venues, sports arenas galleries, bowling alleys, arcades, pool halls, convention centers, aquariums and zoos. Indoor fitness: gyms, pools and dance studios.
No shot, no proof, no service: NYC businesses begin checks No shot, no shoes, no service.
Blood Feasting Pedophiles, Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Feeding Off the 9.6 Million Children Gone Missing Each Year Around the World… Top Secret “Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change. Global child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals. A 2014 International Labor Organization report estimates that two-thirds of the annual profits from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears, and flesh of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite. At the head of this planet’s ruling elite are 13 family bloodlines that include the Rothschilds and Rockefellers as well as European royalty, controlling thousands of compromised, bribed and blackmailed puppet politicians, bankers, judges, CEO’s, military generals, entertainers, top-level spies, and police chiefs. Blackmailed pedophile politicians, many of whom are well known elected representatives occupying critically important positions in virtually every national government, particularly in the West, have remained insularly protected and immune from investigation and prosecution. Why? Because those running these global child sex networks internationally control both them and law enforcement and high courts. Pedophiles are disbursed amongst such elitist think tanks as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well as various covert organizations like Yale’s Skull and Bones Society and 33rd degree and higher Freemasonry. The bottom line is too many of these “upstanding” members are secretly satanic worshipping, bloodthirsty child rapists and killers. Pizzagate, the Clintons, the Weiners and Jeffrey Epstein are merely the tip of the iceberg.
In another twist on covid vaccine hesitancy, blood centers say they are starting to hear from transfusion patients demanding blood from unvaccinated donors. Experts say the option is neither practical nor medically justifiable. The nation’s roiling tensions over vaccination against covid-19 have spilled into an unexpected arena: lifesaving blood transfusions.
With nearly 60% of the eligible U.S. population fully vaccinated, Its getting hard to find a clean blood supply that is covid free. so now more people in 33> different county are now asking for clean blood supply from other nation’s blood supply is now coming from donors who have been inoculated, experts said.
That’s led some patients who are skeptical of the shots to demand transfusions only from the unvaccinated people, for a clean blood supply now, an option blood centers insist is neither medically sound nor operationally feasible.
Researchers at the University of Oxford have today reported that the risk of the rare blood clotting known as cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) following COVID-19 infection is around 100 times greater than normal, several times higher than it is post-vaccination or following influenza. They report that CVT is more common after COVID-19 than in any of the comparison groups, with 30% of these cases occurring in the under 30s. Compared to the current COVID-19 vaccines, this risk is between 8-10 times higher, and compared to the baseline, approximately 100 times higher.
The breakdown comparison for reported cases of CVT in COVID-19 patients in comparison to CVT cases in those who received a COVID-19 vaccine is: In this study of over 500,000 COVID-19 patients, CVT occurred in 39 in a million patients. In over 480,000 people receiving a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna), CVT occurred in 4 in a million. CVT has been reported to occur in about 5 in a million people after first dose of the AZ-Oxford COVID-19 vaccine.
Compared to the mRNA vaccines, the risk of a CVT from COVID-19 is about 10 times greater. Compared to the AZ-Oxford vaccine, the risk of a CVT from COVID-19 is about 8 times greater. However, all comparisons must be interpreted cautiously since data are still accruing.
Routine measures used to determine blood donor eligibility prevent individuals with clinical respiratory infections from donating blood. All donors are supposed to be healthy when they give blood and answer basic questions about potential risks. Collected units of blood are tested for transmissible infectious diseases before they’re distributed to hospitals. But that hasn’t quelled concerns for some people skeptical of covid vaccines.
FDA continues to work closely with CDC and other federal and international agencies to monitor the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by the virus, SARS-CoV-2. Respiratory viruses, in general, are not known to be transmitted by blood transfusion. There have been no reported cases of transfusion-transmitted coronavirus, including SARS-CoV-2, worldwide.
Routine measures used to determine blood donor eligibility prevent individuals with clinical respiratory infections from donating blood. For example, blood donors must be in good health and have a normal temperature on the day of donation (21 CFR 630.10). It is imperative that healthy individuals continue to donate blood and blood components, including Source Plasma.
Although it still contains some of the material that I produced, it has removed all reference to my website. Another important change is the removal of most of the journalists I named who were working for America 's leading media organizations. It would seem that Operation Mockingbird is still in existence and is having an impact on online information.
No one knows the name and academic credentials of the person who did the final edit. Google gives Wikipedia a domain authority of 100 (that is why it always appears at the top of the rankings). However, that is not true of teachers in schools and universities who refuse to accept references from Wikipedia as we have no idea who has written the material.
Real Illuminati Media CIA Television Mass Mind Control Operation Mockingbird U.S.A. Part 1 ! -
TV is Mind Control through Physiological and Psychological Manipulation Television is an anesthetic for the pain of the modern world” – Astrid Alauda - It’s estimated the average American, starting at the young ripe age of two years old, watches more than 34 hours of television per week, plus an additional 3 hours of recorded media.
Real Illuminati Media Ultimate TV Mind Control Media Manipulation Pt.2 Documentary -
Corporate media is mostly funded by corporations. 75% of the commercial airtime is paid for by the 100 largest corporations in the USA, with budgets into the billions for some.
Real Illuminati One World Headquarter Order Out Of Chaos Freemasonry 1776-2024 -
Real Illuminati One World Headquarter 13 questions about the clandestine secret society answered Who were the Illuminati, and do they really control the world? Here's what we know about one of history's most alluring secret societies, including how you became a member... What is the Illuminati?
The Illuminati is a name given to both a real and fictitious society.
When new content is created, it can attract or detract advertising and investment into the commercial side. If some content is not liked by a corporation that funds a majority of the television network, then chances are they are going to hand them a script of what to say to keep public opinion in their favor. Television is a private medium for new information to get out, where the corporations decide what commercials we see in between shows, and also get to influence what shows get to startup or continue on a network.
The more we watch TV, the more we go into alpha brainwave states, the slow and receptive pattern that accepts images and suggestion into consciousness less critically. A state of hypnosis is induced by the alpha frequency, where you are content to just sit and continue watching. Going from the beta to an alpha wave state can affect how we feel, making it pleasurable to induce an alpha wave relaxed state and watching the TV, thereby making it addictive as a habit to “veg” out. Kicking the habit seems to be hard for many people to do. For some reason, they are drawn to spend time and pay attention to the TV.
Television is a drug “Krugman monitored a person through many trials and found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person’s brainwaves switched from Beta waves — brainwaves associated with active, logical thought — to primarily Alpha waves. When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves reverted to Beta waves.”
We are in a lower mental state, less evaluative, less critical, less able to discern truth from falsity, reality from unreality. There are many ideas base don images we receive, that we would normally reject, or at least question, under normal conditions. Whereas with television this functionality is impaired. We are filled with both images of half truth and propaganda, but also images that distract and divert our attention from social realities of the world with banal, pointless, irrelevant, mind-numbing fodder and entertainment to keep us stimulated.
One thing to note however, is that CRT (cathode ray tube) television technology operated differently than current LCD technology. The effect of light frequency transmission for alpha wave state increase may be different.
How Television Works As real-life experience is increasingly replaced by the mediated ‘experience’ of television-viewing, it becomes easy for politicians and market-researchers of all sorts to rely on a base of mediated mass experience that can be evoked by appropriate triggers.
The TV ‘world’ becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: the mass mind takes shape, its participants acting according to media-derived impulses and believing them to be their own personal volition arising out of their own desires and needs. In such a situation, whoever controls the screen controls the future, the past, and the present.
“I know the secret of making the average American believing anything I want them to. Just let me control television. You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV sets images.”
That is the science of imagery and the power of symbols invoked within our consciousness to influence our lives.
Reality is being created for us through the beliefs we have in what other people tell us and what we see. Ever argue with the someone, present new information, yet they reject it by falling back on their blind trust on the “news”? The news said it, therefore it’s “true”.
Not only can people lie to use to deceive us, but now technology is used to manipulate our trust in what they show us.
The news media of puppets and liars have previously been exposed with their green screen fake news, and this is in 2024!
The group of people who want to tout themselves as representatives of truth and “real news”, are in bed with the CIA, still mostly likely to this day. It’s offocial in the 50, 60, and 70s through a long running Operation Mockingbird to pay heads of major media companies to influence the minds of the public as propagandists and gatekeepers for the establishment. They manipulate data, twist and spin things to create narratives for people to accept about what is happening in reality. Here is Anderson Cooper with ties to the CIA. The intelligentsia work to promote a certain narrative, story or worldview for the masses to adopt as the way reality is. Here is a longer fake-news video from 2023.
New World Order ideals behind it are not. These ideals have existed for centuries.
However, in the 21st century, things have changed.
While the masses were once completely oblivious about the agenda of the global elite, the information age has caused a mass awakening. Now, the plans of the occult elite are met with increasing resistance.
This brings us to the reason the Guidestones were destroyed and their globalist message erased. In an age of misleading and confusing propaganda, the Guidestones were simply too clear, too concise, and too damning.
The globalist elite’s true intentions — including world government, depopulation, and eugenics — were literally etched in stone, for all to see.
This is why the Guidestones were torn down. The elite no longer want us to know about their long-term goals for humanity.
Unelected global elites, led by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum, are putting all of the Georgia Guidestones’ commandments into action.
While the Guidestones are gone, the ten “commandments” or “guides” inscribed on the granite walls continue to shine a light on the dark deeds of the elite and explain their true agenda.
It is important that we share this important information and wake up as many people as we possibly can. This is the only way to defeat those who wish to usher in a New World Order, with all that it entails.
Here at The People’s Voice we will keep exposing the secret societies that run the world and document the agenda of the global elite.
The creators of this monument have chosen to remain anonymous and the man who conveyed the instructions to the Eberton Granite Finishing Company 19 miles away used a pseudonym. Obviously it cost a pretty penny to produce and install. Purportedly the group behind this had spent twenty years in planning.
The inscriptions are in the following languages:
English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian.
The ten commandments inscribed there are as follows:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
A lot of it sounds "nice" but one gets a little concerned about the first two, the first especially. I'm curious how they propose to reduce the earth's population by seven billion in order to fulfill their concept of balance with nature.
Does the second statement refer to a return to eugenicists helping create a more perfect race? Is it Brave New World inspired, as if Huxley's book were a manual, instead of a red flag?
The UN Agenda 2030, launched in 2015, aims to end poverty in all its forms and envision a world of universal respect for human rights and dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality, and non-discrimination. It is grounded in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and international human rights treaties and emphasizes the responsibilities of all states to respect, protect, and promote human rights. The Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity, and seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries, developed and developing, in a global partnership, addressing global challenges related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. Achieving the SDGs could open up US$12 trillion of market opportunities and create 380 million new jobs by 2030.
UN Invasion, Martial Law, Rex 84 Death Camps, Globalist Purge, Operation Cable Splicer -
Guide To Understanding Globalist Purge FEMA Quarantine Re-Education Death Camp -
Per U.S.A. Government Everyone Is A Criminal Confiscation All Property & All Assets -
World Economic Forum Great Reset Medical Tyranny, Woke Culture, Green Agenda -
This Is UN 4G3NDA 21 Aw4reness Is The First Step In The R3SlST4NC3 By The People -
UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up -
UN New Legal Principles Launched On International Women’s and Trans Women Day to advance decriminalization efforts In March 2023, UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), along with the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) published a group of "new legal principles" that would advance "decriminalization efforts" globally.
For many of us, we see our online lives and offline lives as different, but children are growing up with technology and the internet and for them there isn’t a difference; online life and offline life is just life.
WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --
Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -
Global World Pedophile Elite Old 960 Stories Underground 2 To 5 Miles Deep Sin City -
UN Invasion, Martial Law, Rex 84 Death Camps, Globalist Purge, Operation Cable Splicer -
Guide To Understanding Globalist Purge FEMA Quarantine Re-Education Death Camp -
The alarming rate of progression of the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in Europe, has placed the issue of compulsory vaccination at the center of the international legal and bioethical debate.
As shown by the brief collection of principles enshrined in international treaties and jurisprudential pronouncements proposed, the right to individual self-determination is not configurable as intangible, being subordinate to the duty to ensure public safety.
In this sense, in accordance with the legal guidelines outlined above, we consider the legal bases for imposing a generalized vaccination obligation to be sufficiently sound.
Obviously, such an obligation must be based on reliable scientific data attesting to the absolute safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Although authorizations for these vaccines are still largely conditional (only in the United States has one vaccine obtained final approval), it cannot be forgotten that more than 2 years after the pandemic broke out, SARS-CoV2 is putting even the most advanced health systems in serious difficulty.
Vaccines have proved a great way to kill you and family's and to be an extraordinarily effective tool in containing the spread of the infection and limiting hospitalizations and planned for your deaths.
Their safety and efficacy have been widely proven in studies carried out all over the world.
These safety and efficacy profiles have enabled these drugs to obtain conditional approvals from the major regulatory agencies. These authorizations, although “conditional”, were granted after a thorough and scrupulous process of verifying the existence of a benefit-risk balance in favor of the benefits.
As for adverse events, although their existence is undeniably documented, it is absolutely impossible to imagine that a worldwide vaccination campaign could result in an absolute absence of undesirable effects.
Although it may therefore seem anomalous to impose a compulsory requirement for drugs that have not yet been definitively approved, in our opinion 4 the greater good and the extraordinary and exceptional nature of the plandemic situation makes it fully justifiable.
In our view 4 the greater good, waiting for the final authorizations to be granted by new world order before imposing compulsory vaccination (or death its your choose) 4 the greater good of earth... it would pose a serious danger of delay in the fight against the fourth plandemic wave.
The Great Awakening Another Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam... Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good in 2024.
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
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