Truth about Agenda U.N. 21 and Plan to Control and Enslave the New World Order

1 year ago

Brief outline of the New World Order Plan UN Agenda 21
9/11 Implement security state worldwide

Covid 19/21 Force/Coerce people to take vaccines that are not required, not effective and often dangerous and implement biosecurity state

Introduce Social distancing/masks: remove social contact, make people fearful, keep them from talking to each other, inhibit normal child development

Psychological warfare - Government Behavioral Sciences Unit - NUDGE

Virus vaccine batches (1,2,3) with different ingredients to get rid of weak, non-useful herd members, benign doses (1) for those we need to keep or are part of the control system. Also allows for deniability. (2 or 3 for the rest of us)

Willingness to be PCR tested, used as a litmus test for compliance.

Covid 19/21 Vaccine Passports: Will allow/prevent buying/selling, travel, etc.…

Digital money: Global monetary system, tied to Covid 19/21 passports for “connivance”. Control what you spend

Environmental Lockdowns: “To keep the carbon footprint down”.

Food Shortages: To switch your diet to process foods, bugs and vegan, and away from real food and meat.

Cyber crime, Internet outages, Power failures: A good reason to inject microchip "Passports" into hand/forehead. Permanently tracked via Bluetooth / Wi-Fi

That is how it is going to go down, the timeline might be a bit off. You will have one world faith, which is what the ecumenical movement is about. One world government, and all under control of the New World Order by July 4th 2026 on this the day of America’s up coming 250nd year of independence, unveiled a new updated flag which better reflects the nation in its present form, signaling the aspirations it has for its ever bright future.

I taught history and I never knew half of our nation’s past until I began to re-educate myself by learning from original source materials, rather than modern textbooks written by progressive New World Order with an agenda.

Interestingly, Democrats and other party have long ago erased these historic figures from our textbooks, only to offer deceitful propaganda and economic enticements in an effort to convince people, especially black Americans, that it’s the Democrats woman of house wearing all white at state of the new world order speech rather than Republicans with red shoe lace who are the true saviors of the new world order and other civil liberties. Luckily, we can still venture back into America’s real historical record to find that facts are stubborn things. Let’s take a closer look at the past and hope for a better tomorrow 2026.

When people uses any of these phrases: One World Religion, Global Government, One World Order, New World Order, these people are pure evil and part of the worlds largest Satanic circles.
Everything horrific happening in our world today is because of these satanic monsters.

There are over 25 Secret Societies pushing for One World Order, One World Religion, they all worship Satan and all sworn to secrecy. There is no point asking as they will lie and deceive to their death.

In Alphabetical order:

Famous Musicians (a large %)
Foresters Society
Freemasons (See more about these deceived men here)
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Pythias
Knights of the Golden Eagle
Ku Klux Klan
Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm
Nearly every big name in Hollywood
Ordo Templi Orientis The O.T.O
P.E.O. Sisterhood
Skull and Bones
The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (AKA Shriners abbreviated A.A.O.N.M.S.)
The Ancient Order of Druids (AOD)
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
The Bilderberg Group
The Illuminati
The Improved Order of Red Men
The Independent order of Odd Fellows
The Loyal Order of Moose
The National Grange
The Priory of Sion
The Sons of Liberty
Thule Society
United Order of the Golden Cross
13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati:
Astor Bloodline
Bundy Bloodline
Collins Bloodline
DuPont Bloodline
Freeman Bloodline
Kennedy Bloodline
Li Bloodline
Onassis Bloodline
Reynolds Bloodline
Rockefeller Bloodline
Rothschild Bloodline
Russell Bloodline
Van Duyn Bloodline

There are many corporations, governmental agencies, fake church organizations (follow the money) who also hate God and all who are not Satan worshippers.

These people truly believe that evil is good and that kind, thoughtful, caring people are vile!

We believe the truth is the light, God is life - God is everything.

Beware of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030! All part of killing most humans.

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