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![The Counterfeiters](
The Counterfeiters
~ Supplemental Material ~
"A sensible person sees danger and takes cover but the inexperienced keep going and are punished."
- Proverbs 22:3
When a person faces adverse conditions; the true nature of that individual is revealed; the same holds true with nations. The entire globe has gone through a pandemic; some of them no longer exist, as a result. It's also placed large amounts of stress on the economy of every nation.
Under normal conditions, all the things that goes on in the world of politics; most people wouldn't notice or pay attention, to the wasteful spending but these external forces placed upon the world; has brought to light the truth concerning what's been done in secret.
Take for example the trans movement. As a result of the lockdowns, families spent a lot more time with each other. That lead to the active involvement; which opened they eyes of those unaware. The end result was parents standing up against school boards and pushing against this agenda forced onto their children.
There's been an extreme polarization by political groups. Martin Luther King warned about the dangers of identity politics; where by creating an "us versus them" environment; the "them" will fight back but as in the case of all things; fools never heed the voice of the wise.
The corporate news media has always claimed to be "fair and balanced" but when someone outside of the political class became the executive officer; how America's political structure actually is, opposed to how it was imagined to be; was exposed.
This revealing of the nation's soul; shows the wisdom of the Founders of this country. They were not of the mindset that people were so noble that corruption could not occur or that the laws couldn't not be erased. The checks and balances to this system, is what has prevented a complete take over by a philosophy that hasn't been agreed on or elected to make such changes.
Thankfully, with the freedom of speech and technology that permits the average person to share what they witness; the corporate news media no longer dominates what is called "news." This is why there's been a strong push to control information by the powers that be:
Unfortunately, what's been uncovered has put our lives and our world in a state that can NOT be recovered. As a result of the Western world's involvement in Ukraine; the rest of the world has rejected the Western worlds bullying and manipulation; particularly that done by America.
This has caused a group of nations known as BRICS (the acronym representing 5 nations), has become BRICS+ (a nation of 80 and growing).
For those following financial news... corporate financial news is no different than the corporate news media. As seen with Ukraine; with all the lies and manipulation to serve their own end; where those in corporate news have no problem with selling a war and having people die; corporate financial news servers their own interests as well.
Corporate financial news servers it's owners, which is to continue to serve the system. The average person hearing corporate news, doesn't have the means to recognize that they are being sold a bunch of goods, only to help fund the rich.
The current scam that the corporate financial news is selling: the economy is doing well, there is no recession. Simple analysis can help take apart this deception. Use the Great Recession (2007-2009) as a point of reference. For those that were teens or adults during that period: what was going on around the area you were living at, during that time? Were these the same conditions before the Recession, the middle or end?
There were multiple bank failures...did that occur before or was that at the early part of the Great Recession? There are large scale closures of multiple corporations. Are these store closures to the same degree during the Great Recession or more? People who are middle class, are things the same or worse? Is it similar to the time the Great Recession was occurring?
Here are other things to consider: people who own homes, they can't pay their mortgage, which the conditions are worse than 2008. United States federal government credit-rating was downgraded in May 24, 2023. Back in April 2011, was the first time America ever had downgraded rating.
Add to that, several nation's economies have collapsed but despite what "isn't a recession," America seems to hold their own? Having the comparison of what happened during the Great Recession and the "non-Recession of 2023;" it doesn't seem strange that things are much worse now than at the height of the Great Recession?
For those needing an "expert" or "news" agencies to make it official, here's some additional things to think about:
That last video...still believe that we aren't in a Recession? There's another lesson to be learned by that last video; it illustrates the lack of compassion or concern from both the corporates and the political class. They are only interested in themselves.
It's also important to know this; during the Great Recession, the political class and the business class learned some tricks. Both learned to manipulate their records so they can make false numbers (not to mention, get away with it and not end up in jail for fraud). Which made corporations look like they were making more money than they did and on the political side, they were able to say the economy was improving. Though the claim of the Great Recession being over was allegedly in 2009; most people did not recognize any actual recovery until 2017.
The jobs market report for September, sounds good. There were 336,000 jobs added but that data is misleading. The employment data doesn't divulge that half a million Americans are working two full time jobs. There were 1.2 million people are working part time. All this is going on, while most Americans have huge debt, as a result of inflation. Adults now living with parents, due to the economy, surpasses the Great Depression, not Recession. Those ages 20-39 are the largest group with delinquent credit card payments.
For all those that aren't convinced, no worries stop reading and move on to something better; it gives everyone else a chance to do what they can for the best outcome. Everyone else that's on the same page; it's too late to prepare because the point of the earlier discussion; the economy is bad, not going to be (regardless if you use the "R" word or not).
At this point, it's all about speed. Trying to do as much as possible, while one still can; that is before everything hits that point of no return. Anyone with significant relationships: help that person to realize the what's going on. An effective way of doing so, document things and share.
Going back to an earlier point, that the business class nor political, have a concern for the average person. That might seem cold but turn the tables, are you going to be concerned about someone you don't know or have no relation with?
The reason this point is reiterated; both groups will seek to do what they can so that the status quo is continued; as much as it is possible. Also, place under consideration that the business class are more than happy to lie about reasons for war, put toxins in foods and take money to help people who are here illegally. The political class isn't any better since they both help each other out.
Those on top of the food chain aren't victims of circumstances. They have the means to alter their situation and the exploitation and ultimate destruction of golden gooses, isn't a concern, as you'll see below.
The last video shows the hypocrisy that's put forth on the world stage. While everyone is eating adulterated foods and even told to stop eating meat; whose paying for these expensive meals? Who are the ones keeping these extravagant restaurants in business?
Everyone who is a wage slave, will be worked until it's no longer possible to have the illusion to continue. Until that point and time, all the PayPigs will provide the bacon.
Since neither party has any integrity; obtaining reliable information is pivotal. Independent or citizen journalists are the best sources for news. Listed below are several great places to know what's going on.
It's also important for everyone to know what's going on, within a person's own State. Reliable news sources, is linked below:
United Kingdom:
Keep in mind, just like the Great Recession, both the business class and political class will try to manipulate behavior by gaslighting everyone. Their attempts to modify behavior is necessary so that each worker continues to maintain the fabric of the illusion that everything is perfectly fine.
That leads to the all important question: how to put yourself and all those you care for, in the best possible position? First, it's important to understand the full depths of the situation. In doing so, that knowledge will help guide choices that need to be made.
America is actually facing the worst economic disaster in modern history. Unlike anything experienced in the past or what has occurred in other nations; this will be such a unique event; it will be one of the biggest events recorded in the history books.
There is a global shift away from the American dollar to the BRICS system. This isn't merely an embrace of a new currency system but the dumping of American dollars in the process. This creates what is known as hyperinflation. The value of money going down as a result of having too much of it.
The largest holder of American dollars is China and they are dumping American dollars but so are the various nations that joined BRICS. Usually hyperinflation occurs when a country prints large amounts of money for the people within their own nation.
America will have to deal with the unbelievable amount of American money, not simply for those within it's borders but multiple nations; creating a hyperinflation scenario that has never been seen before. This isn't an educated guess, where a person looks over the geopolitical structure and tries to evaluate the probability of markets; instead it's basic economics.
Those that say there's nothing to worry about; are either being paid to keep up appearances, delusional or the are economic illiterate and haven't taken one college level class in the subject. Here are just a few of the ripple effects to this change:
The only way to offset hyperinflation is to raise interest rates but considering how staggering the hyperinflation will be; to raise interest rates to offset the level of hyperinflation; it'll basically be a no win situation.
An unlikely scenario, the American leadership apologizing for the activities and to set up policies that would deter future actions prior to this shift. Doing so wouldn't change anything, it would require the leaders of other nations to accept the change...which has lots of moving parts and human nature being the way it is... highly unlikely.
The reason it being highly unlikely; the BRICS system is actually fair. It doesn't give any one nation an unfair advantage over another. The way nations are permitted to be part of the American system; infrastructures within a nation is required; where all its citizens can be be monitored in the same way Americans are within the banking system. At any time the leadership believes that behavior within a nation is disliked, sanctions occur. Keep in mind, this isn't 1980s America, where liberty being the core value; it's the current Woke ideology. Again, unlikely.
It should also be noted, Americans haven't even experienced the full effect of this elimination of the dollar from the world stage. Those familiar with bureaucracies, know that it's a slow moving beast. A common phrase used within some: "hurry up and wait."
It takes time to unload all those assets. These nations aren't going to simply burn them or give it away. Take China for example, the have gotten rid of $500 billion but still have more to get rid of. That's just one nation in the process of ending the American dollar. The full effect won't be felt until the summer of next year and will only get worse from that point on.
Those of the mindset of simply trust God, need to evaluate what that actually means because it doesn't mean protection from difficulties. That bumper sticker slogan, does little in the way of what the Bible actually says.
At the very top is a Scripture verse from the Book of Proverbs. Throughout that entire book, there are numerous sections that speak of people suffering from their own foolishness. Might also want to take a look at Jesus words in Matthew 25:1-12.
Trusting God didn't protect the early Christians, as many were slaughtered in Roman coliseums. The link below, it's about a woman's family that had to suffer but it wasn't from the lack of trusting God.
The modern usage of "trusting God," has become nothing more than an excuse to abandon what responsibilities Jesus actually tells us to be faithful with. True trust in God, is having the courage to face problems, with God's aid; not to close one's eyes and hope the bad things go away.
Consider this:
Germany: 1923
Argentina: 1975
Zimbabwe: 2008
These are just a few examples of nations that were Christian but suffered hyperinflation. I've excluded all socialist and non-Christian countries to make the point that a "Christian nation" and it's people aren't immune from bad economic policies.
Those actually seeking to deal with reality; the first important step with dealing with this entire situation: understand how money works. All the information listed below will do just that but keep in mind, it's nothing if it isn't studied and acted upon.
Though it might not be entertaining or interesting but this isn't the time for that. Relaxing and enjoying the moment, that needs to come after you've situated your self in the best possible position. The first two videos are fundamental, it's the basic everyone needs to know about money.
From there, understand banking and finding a good bank.
It's important to also keep that bank in prayer. This goes beyond the issue of the bank selected will stay afloat or if all the money in there is insured. All the Big Banks are Woke and as seen in the video, that will have negative consequences for anyone not agreeing with them.
If the Big Banks are the "last man standing" in this crisis; it'll be catastrophic for all those that believe in liberty. That's why praying for the success of the bank and wisdom for all the leaders of those institutions, is vital. It's also important to fight for these banks, so they DO get bailed out (if it comes to that); by contacting your political leaders.
Once the banking situation is all set up, form a corporation. The thoughts going to be, "I'm not interested with setting up a company or working one." Doing so, even without having an "active" company, gives you similar benefits the rich do and protects your assets. To get a the basic idea as to why this is important:
There are lots of unscrupulous people who will do whatever they can to take what's yours, even using the courts. Protecting your assets via a corporation, saves you in many ways.
Everyone should have, at the very least, a limited liability corporation (LLC). Videos and the links below will provide additional information. Everything can be done on your own, without paying a lawyer.
Additional information concerning LLCs and benefits are provided in the next links. It's important to go over the videos and the material in the description section, to understand the full aspects of everything involved.
As the video on investing covered; simply having money do nothing; devalues your asset. Plus with hyperinflation being a huge issue, having cash, is the worst possible thing to do.
Normally under economic conditions like these, the safe investments are what's known as commodities. They are life basics, from food, oil to precious metals but the conditions created is so unstable, that even many safe investments are NOT a sure thing. Take for example food. There are things going on with food corporations that are peculiar:
The last video, towards the end might be confusing; about certain information not being shared due to censorship.... Rumble hasn't gone the way of Big Tech, it's still free speech. This video is "cross posted," meaning the exact same video is placed in multiple platforms. This exact video can be found in YouTube and TikTok.
The three investments guaranteed to be the best in this point in history: gold, silver and the Indian rupee. To invest in gold and silver; the links below will provide the best sources of how to.
It's important to bear in mind that you want physical gold and silver, not something on paper like an IRA. Now as far as the Indian rupee:
There's lots of reason from an investor perspective as to why it's good to get. It's economy looks solid, the leader of that country has shown to be a fair and good business man.
As a Christian, one might be a bit confused to the situation. If you read the Old Testament; God removed His blessings from His people when they weren't right with Him. In fact, God would also turn to pagan nations to rebuke His people.
Jonathan Cahn, in his 2011 book, The Harbinger; he shared how this was God's judgement but also a warning. From the time of all the events; did America get closer to God? Of course not and God blessing seems to be placed on India.
Plus, think about the video with the Prime Minister of India, his position is that no nation has the right to be leader of the world; isn't that a fair and just statement? If America actually had that same mentality, we wouldn't be in this situation. Instead American greed and corruption has placed every American facing judgement. Here's additional things you're probably unaware of:
Now as far as the how to; in terms of investing into a rupee:
Anyone simply looking to invest in an actual brokerages, the well known big firms such as Schwab or Fidelity; you'll need to have at least $10,000 to actually use their services. For those that don't have that kind of money, there are cheaper:
Of course the question leads to cryptocurrency. It's highly volatile. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone but both the business and political class are all aware of the situation and have put some money into cryptocurrency.
Doing so is from the investment perspective of diversifying investment so that an investor is spreading out the opportunities but also losses. The basic concept of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Going this route requires due diligence and keeping up with news concerning it. Several great resources:
Cryptocurrency might be the alternative to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or whatever bureaucratic system imposed on people. Which could create parallel or alternative economy to avoiding as much of these mandates by any bureaucracy, as well as possibly dealing with the future "mark of the beast" system. This of course is pure speculation.
Whatever ends up being the decisions with investments; what needs to be done, keep the smallest amount of money in your bank. Have enough to keep the account open and to pay an entire months expense. Always put more money in for each month.
Other aspects: do the obvious, reduce spending and waste. Resources towards that end:
When it comes to the link above, all the recommendations, stockpile them. There will be the manipulation not to stockpile, by the media and politicians but that's so they can preserve the system, not you or those you care about. By stockpiling, you off set the continuing price of material going higher.
Prices will not be going down, so getting these items at a lower price, is important. Which is especially true if there's any type of shortage. Which is also why anything that is essential to you or loved ones, get them now. The rest of the information, study them:
A few additional options where you can facilitate the best case scenario; for yourself and loved ones:
All the links that are posted above; the material in the "Show more" section; is important to understand how those resources will personally benefit you.
Despite the challenges Americans are facing; this is actually a good thing. God has said very clearly that we will reap what we sow. As a people under a nation that's going to be facing calamity, where no other nation has deal with; none of this occurred overnight. It happened because people didn't do things God's ways but did what they felt was right.
The video above, most Christians aren't aware of it but they are guilty of that more than any other sin. For the true test of loving God; opposed to other things that take God's place; is the ability to surrender. There's going to be a lot of that going on; as things get rougher; are you able to give that something up? Other things to prayerfully consider:
This leads to the next important aspect to all this, handling money Biblically. Money can easily be an idol for many and not going about the proper management of it, is the biggest sign of money being an idol. That of course is a serious problem because no matter how much comfort and ease you may be able to provide for yourself, it's all temporary. What happens after, is forever.
Those seeking to honor God by Biblically handling money, there are two great resources:
We might not be able to fix the problem for the country but we can for ourselves and the ones we love. Additionally, help should be sought through prayer. After all, God is the only One that can truly get anyone out of a mess.
Those wanting prayer for guidance and direction; the "Show more" section provides a list of ministries where one can get prayer.
Finally things to contemplate; seek God where He desires you to be. Make sure that you don't allow attachments to keep you in an area that God is leading you out of. If you need to stay, do that but if you need to go; don't be disobedient.
May seeking God and being in the midst of His perfect will for your life; be what beats in your heart. God speed!
Post Scriptum: In the "Show More" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.
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