Evening Star - Pop Idol

1 year ago

"You shall not make other gods besides Me; gods of silver or gods of gold, you shall not make for yourselves."

- Exodus 20:23

The speaker, Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jew (Jewish person that believes in traditional Christianity). He leads a congregation out in Wayne, New Jersey. His 2011 book, The Harbinger has made him a recognized figure in the Christian world.

The topic covered: idolatry, is much more complex for Christians than is typically thought of, from those in other beliefs. Traditionally idolatry is thought of as a "false god," whose likeness is represented via a man-made image.

Pastor Jonathan tries to help break that concept by using the phrase, "ends justifying the means." It does hold truth, for those engaged in idolatry will justify obtaining what is desired but it doesn't fully encapsulate what idolatry is.

A much more accurate way to help a person understand what idolatry is; defining idolatry as "anything that an individual places over God." For most people, idolatry is automatically seen as a recognizable "evil," for one is honoring a "false god."

As seen in the Bible verse at the beginning of the description section, having a man-made image of a "false god," is indeed a form of idolatry. Yet the Bible does NOT limit idolatry to being that of the commonly understood definition.

"Therefore, put to death what belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire and greed, which is idolatry."

- Colossians 3:5

The Passage in Colossians open up an entire spectrum of what idolatry is, going beyond simply the worship of a created image.

"They have exchanged the truth of God for falsehood, by worshipping and serving created things, rather than the Creator - praised be He forever. Amen."

- Romans 1:25

Given what God's perspective of what idolatry is, it makes this a sin that many people will be guilty of committing; including that of Christians. The typical view of idolatry is easy to spot and avoided because it would in essence requires acceptance of another religion.

Bigger aspect of idolatry isn't so easy to recognize because it doesn't have to be inherently evil. God says we are to honor our father and mother but Jesus also says this:

"The one who loves a father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; the one who loves a son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me."

- Matthew 10:37

Now this isn't to suggest that one should not love their parents at all or stop loving their family members. Jesus even says that the evidence you love God is loving other people. The core issue here is having people, all be it not a sin be cones sinful by putting them first, instead of God.

What does that mean in practical terms? It means not doing what you know is right but won't because you don't want to damage the relationship with your family members. It's basically you know God requires one thing but your family something else.

There are lots of things that, on their own, isn't inherently evil; as seen in the illustration of family relationships. Anyone can make an idol of something, when a person puts it as being more important than God.

It's not just relationships, having an attachment to your community or region in which you live, can easily become an idol; if that person is so attached to it, they are not willing to make changes the God tells them to make.

Take the example of Jonah. Anyone familiar with the story, knows that God told him to Nineveh and to give a prophetic warning. Jonah didn't want to and went the other direction. The reason Jonah was being disobedient; Nineveh was the capitol city to the Assyrians.

Assyrians has been an enemy to the Jewish nation. For Jonah to give warning of the coming judgement of God, if they didn't get right with Him; is the same as a American Jewish man going to Nazi Germany and telling them to repent or God is going to wipe them out.

Jonah wanted the Assyrians to get completely destroyed. Could anyone blame him? His feelings towards them would be the same for anyone who is proud of their race and patriotic. As true with Jonah, that's not s sin until those feelings get in the way of being completely obedient to God.

That complete obedience is the behavior of a person who loves God, more than that person loving their nation or ethnicity. The opposite extreme of objects becoming idols; where they actually have a connection to God, can occur as well.

"Kill them all, for God knows which are His own."

A phrase that would later morph into: "Kill them all and let God sort them out!" Has become part of military culture, throughout the world. These words were uttered by Arnaud Amalric, a thirteenth-century German monk Caesarius of Heisterbach.

Amalric, leader of the Albigensian Crusade; was under a difficult situation with sorting out the Catholics from the Cathars. The Cathars considered a heretical sect and at Béziers, in 1209; told his soldiers to wipe out the entire population.

Arnaud Amalric's mission to fight for God and the Church, was successful. He completely destroyed all remnants of the Cathars and the only existence of their theology is in books that survived the massacres.

This type of fanaticism for a religion, a cause or whatever associations it may have with God; if it goes against what God actually says, than all that passion isn't for God, it's for a denomination or a personal belief but it's also an idol.

This might be an obvious extreme but there are plenty of modern day fanaticism that still goes on to this day. There are people who have absolutely no problems with lying and creating false information, simply because they believe it's true.


People will use ministries to build their own egos to wallets. Simply because they having God somewhere in that mix; it doesn't make it exempt from being idolatrous.




There's Christians who online personalities, where they say they're Christian but despite that, they are guilty of engaging in idolatry as well.


Going back to what Jesus was saying in Matthew 10, continuing from the previous verse:

"And whoever doesn't take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Anyone who finds his life will lose it and anyone who loses his life because of Me will find it."

- Matthew 10:38-39

The last thing that needs to be addressed in the topic of idolatry; it isn't just existential, such as all the things previously mentioned. You can idolize your own existence.

Most people have a powerful will to live and survive; doing whatever needs to be done so they can keep breathing. Self preservation can be idolatrous as well.

"Therefore, everyone who will acknowledge me before others, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in heaven. But whoever denies Me before others, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven."

- Matthew 10:32-33

In the times we are living in, with all the dangers lurking around; all of us need to answer the question below, for this has become our "new normal."


When it comes to idolatry. If it isn't taken care of, here's the end result:

"The one who conquers will inherit these things and I will be his God and he will be My son. But the cowards, faithless, detestable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars - their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."

- Revelation 21:7-8

The million dollar question is of course, how do you deal with idolatry? The first step is to take it to God in prayer. If you're aware of any idols in your life, ask God to forgive you for having them.


Thing is, we only know ourselves to the degree we've experienced life. That expression, "you never know if you like something until you've tried it..." that isn't just limited to foods or various adventures in life but our souls as well. It isn't until we are placed in certain situations to discover our true selves, do we understand our sinful nature.


The link above. It's a shock to some but if one were to think about it, it be a shock to the person being featured in that video. Before that person got into the place of power, I'm sure they would have never thought they were such a wicked person.

What's true with her, is true for all of us. We don't have the same vices, so going down the same road wouldn't all turn people to be abusers but there's some part of us, given the right settings, will make us just as evil and corrupt.

Fortunately, we don't have to experience dark sides of existence to find out what those things are for us. By simply praying that God would reveal to us any idols in our lives; is all we need to do.

Whatever God reveals, ask God to forgive you. If it's clearly sinful, then do whatever you have to do that you disconnect from it but going back to an earlier point; idolatry is complicated, it's not always inherently evil.

After all, if God reveals to you that you idolize your children; God's will for you is NOT to cut all ties from them. In situations where it isn't a clear issue of being an evil item or behavior; pray that God help you to put that whatever it us in the proper place in your life. It doesn't matter how long the struggle is, it's only important that you are faithful doing your part.

Of course it sounds simple enough and it is conceptually but living it is a long ordeal of being patient with that changing being part of your life.

It's also important to note an aspect of prayer that often isn't brought up. When American Christianity, it's also connected to traditional American values, which is rugged independence. Do it on your own and succeed.

There is some level of truth to this applying to Christian living but it isn't completely applicable. Obviously, no one can get saved for you. To illustrate this, a family member can't accept Jesus on your behalf, pray, read the Bible and the end of all that, expect that type of person goes into heaven. Those are things an individual has to do for themselves.

There is though a level of interdependency that does exist as well. The Bible tells us in numerous places to love other people and to serve other people. That's not something that can be done in isolation. Furthermore, there are several Passages that speak of a unique blessing that occurs through other people. All of which makes the point, there are no "Lone Ranger" Christians.

"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."

- Matthew 18:19-20

"Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises. Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him."

- James 5:13-15

Praying is important but these two verses show the effect of collective prayer. You might have prayed for things in the past and never seen them come to fruition but if you look at how these verses are structured in a fashion of a unique blessing that's tied into corporate prayer; consider adding that as a thing to do.

To receive a miracle, to get change; many times it's all about seeing what God says in His Word and apply it into one's life. There are people who will call up or get into contact with all sorts of ministries if they or a loved one got into very bad situation. Now image doing the same thing for issues in your life you're looking to be victorious over or have the circumstances of life be better. Below are a few ministries that are more than happy to pray for your requests:







Those that's never had a miracle or God simply move in their lives like the people who are linked below; STOP DOING THINGS SOLO AND THINK SOMETHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!!!



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