Hustle & Flow

8 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"Jabez called out to the God of Israel, 'If only You would bless me, extend my border, let Your hand be with me and keep me from harm, so that I will not experience pain.' And God granted his request."

1 Chronicles 4:10

Most people are familiar with video sharing platforms (such as YouTube); being money generating venues. From small businesses to multinational corporations; they offer opportunities to advertise their products or services; for free.

For individuals, these apps have been a great means with obtaining careers; mostly in the media related fields. One of those entrepreneurs, Justin Bieber. It's estimated that 150 million of his records, have been sold worldwide.

What isn't commonly known; by simply posting videos; a person can generate huge amounts of money. It doesn't require a person to be an online celebrity or selling merchandise from the platform's online store.

When it comes to YouTube; the information that's shared in the featured video, as well as many of known and highly recognized, online celebrities; they were able to achieve the wealth they've garnered, during YouTube's "golden age (2013-2019)."

YouTube has a huge amount of users. As a result, all the various niche markets are oversaturated with people, trying to compete with each other; in the attempt to dominate the field.

New members or those with small followings; have little chance of having a lucrative channel. Add to it, the political objectives within the company; enforcing a certain way of thinking; makes the possibilities of success, unlikely. The challenges for those seeking a little piece of YouTube's pie; can be seen in the links below.

Those with integrity; need to consider that the company goes against Christian values. In addition, they clearly operate as a political entity of the left and support those in the "Woke Movement."

Creating content won't be limited to growing your own bank account; you'll also be aiding in YouTube's as well. There's nothing moral about earning money, at the expense of destroying people's liberties. Instead of partnering with them, consider a different direction: boycott them.

To be clear, wisdom needs to be used in this situation. It's more beneficial for both individuals and for the entire nation to facilitate means to undermine that platform.

Use whatever influence you have; both online and in real life; to expose sites like YouTube. Any time material is seen that shows their true colors; share it with everyone you know. Request that people move to other platforms and boycott YouTube.

Take action in the manner brought forth, in a link mentioned earlier: Freaky Friday, as well as mimicking what people have done, in the links below:

In the link above, seems like there's an error with having it placed there. It's no mistake. The subject of the entire video isn't the focus but comments from time frame 10:07-11:31. The host of the video, Roman Balmakov says that there is more content at their home site, due to censorship.

This censorship that's being referred to; isn't conducted by Rumble but the other Big Tech platforms. This exact same video can be seen on several other platforms. The practice is known as "cross-posting." It's when a creator or writer places the same material onto other platforms.

By doing what Roman had done, in that video; limiting content, by editing videos or articles and providing directions as to where a person can find more; is another means of stopping those that are seeking enslavement.

Other worthwhile endeavors; consider emulating what the individual did with her account.

Along with those actions; invite content creators and other members by leaving comments, in the comments section; to other platforms.

It would also be smart to help worthwhile videos, go viral on sites like YouTube. Though online analytics companies, such as GlobalData, BoldData, Infotanks Media, etc., use as part of their metrics; the amount of people part of the platform, as well as length of time spent; there is an effective way to counterbalance those data points.

One aspect in negating the benefits of having people and time online: by helping a video go viral; that video will reach people that go beyond the limits of you being able to interact with.

Second, limit the amount of time spent on YouTube-like venues, where it's only set for making a change, to stop these Big Tech companies that want to control our lives. Those two components removes the benefits that are gained by being on such sites.

Having addressed all of that, there's a different element in which to be a thorn on the side of Big Brother's favored tech companies. Help the alternative tech companies by being vocal. This isn't just limited to getting others to join them but assist them to make a better product.

Pay attention to what you like on apps similar to what you're switching to. If the alternative doesn't have it; bring it up as a suggestion, to the developers. Also, let them know of any problems that you're experiencing. It doesn't matter what it is, a glitches, problems with viewing images, whatever.

By sharing such information; you're aiding with the improvement of the product and they appreciate it. Long as one isn't rude about it; companies want to know what's going on. If you have issues with something, more than likely someone else does too. Helping these alternatives end up helping ourselves

It's important to know that there are only 4 free speech, video sharing platforms. They are listed below, along with the means to contact technical support.

Out of all of them, Rumble has gotten to the level, where it can compete against the other Big Tech rivals. This is despite the attempts of various groups, to stigmatize Rumble as a "right-wing" platform.

As a result of its slow growth, due to the attempted sabotage of various elements; there are lots of opportunities for success as a content creator. This would be the same scenario as YouTube, before people started to realize the money making potential.

Odysee has many features that people love and some will debate that it's easier to make money on that platform. This depends on how one looks at it. Making money on Odysee has the capacity to generate money for a content creator but the money comes directly from viewers, in a similar fashion as Patreon but doesn't have corporate interests to put in money to get the large sums of money online celebrities receive.

BitChute and PeerTube will not generate any income, other than whatever one gets through broadcasting resources directed to you. It's a small niche platform and they do not have the resources for a high-end system. In other words, expect lots of glitches.

Here's the thing with both these platforms. With America's trending towards a deeper descent into the denial of our freedoms; there could come a point where speech is completely controlled.

Having a free speech platform, where free speech is illegal; simply will not occur. TikTok is a great example of what will be done to corporations that do not conform to the bureaucracy.

Both BitChute and PeerTube aren't American platforms. BitChute is from the United Kingdom and PeerTube is from France. If they ever decide to shut down their operation, due to lack of activity; you can use a VPN all you want but you'll have no where to go.

For all those that are looking to use a video sharing platforms, to add some income; all the resources below will help you jump start this money making opportunity.

The first on the list, is the most important resource to use:

It will appear to be a Christian app, which it is not. Though you will find Christians on there, asking for things like prayer; the platform is set up to help people to be successful with their endeavors.

By posting a video of what it is that you want, members of that platform will try to help. In essence it is a "pay it forward" app, with lots of kind souls. At the same time, it doesn't mean be foolish for unquestionably, there's going to be lots of wolves within the midst.

There are a wide range of people on that site. Some of them are trying to pursue careers in the entertainment industry or promote their music. You'll also discover a good amount of people trying to have successful channels on video sharing platforms. Needless to say, the value in that app can clearly be seen.

Next thing to look'll be a surprise to all those that know who I am (in real life) or have seen my material concerning China but as much as I'm a big advocate for free speech platforms; the best way to have online success is using TikTok.

There are many that assume that it's a free speech platform; it isn't. It only appears to be because they aren't in league with the American bureaucratic system.

TikTok has no obligation or interest with aiding any alphabet club members and does what is required by law, so they can conduct business in the country.

With their success and the loss of access to pear into people's lives through the complicit American Big Tech corporation; as well as money invested into these entities; TikTok's success was it's own destruction. Below is what our leaders don't want everyone to know.

To further understand the level of the American people being gaslit. There was lots of talk concerning TikTok's algorithm, the "special sauce" that help make it great. There's nothing exceptional about it. It hasn't shown the capability to work better than American ones.

Only difference, American algorithms would work much better if they removed the censorship component. With the software having created to exclude certain people or direct how an topic is to be looked at...the average person would see it as a corrupt operation.

TikTok being as big and as well known; will help all those seeking online success; a better chance than any other platform. This won't last long once the ban goes into full effect.

Those assuming that it won't happen because we will have a new leader to stop it. Any one thinking that, doesn't understand the American system of law. The ban is a law. Heads of State do not have the power to terminate laws.

The only way the ban can be end, is either through the court system; where they find it unConstitutional or a bill would have to pass as law, to repeal the ban. There's no guarantees that will happen.

Anyone familiar with what occurred with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? It's what many refer to as Obamacare. As much as some people wanted to end it; that didn't happen because there weren't enough votes to end the program.

The only other way of stopping the ban is to use every legal means to stop the ban. There are plenty of options, from writing one's political leaders to protests.

Be that as it may, other things to consider; as mentioned earlier, many content creators "cross-post" their videos. Having videos on multiple platforms, increases ones capacity to generate resources.

The small, newer ones; provides opportunities to be on the ground floor; where you have the smallest amount of competition; making your material much more noticeable. The list below is all the existing video sharing platforms.

For all those that are Christians, consider checking out and subscribing to the ministry below. They provide good content, so that people are informed and offer solid advice; with dealing with the challenges that we currently face.

Anyone that gets blessed from this channel and would like to be a blessing; the best way to do so, is by praying. Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question; the best gift one can receive.

With the administration that champions the Woke movement; I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.

Thank you for your consideration!

(DISCLAIMER: All videos posted within this channel, are for educational and historical purposes only. Under the auspices of the Copyright Act of 1976; under section 107 of the copyright disclaimer; all material within this channel is posted with the aforementioned purpose.

All parties involved in the creation of, or have some assemblage with the video; as well as all those mentioned: within the description or supplemental material section: which includes all links provided, businesses, services, products of any kind, ministries, etc., does NOT constitute any acknowledgement, agreement, support or any connection to this channel or content made by the operator of this channel.

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