Moulin Rouge

8 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"A worthless person, a wicked man goes around speaking dishonestly..."

- Proverbs 6:12

Representative Matt Gaetz has gotten the spotlight yet again; unlike the last time, where he ousted former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy; this is a result of sexual scandal. This of course isn't surprising; that is if one understands the dirty game of politics.

Representative Gaetz is uncompromising, with his political position; all of which can't be tolerated; when the majority are nothing more than leeches, seeking only money and power.

Gaetz is being "Trumped;" the tactic used by the media and politicians so they can continue to manipulate the public by removing all the undesirables from political office. This way the game of getting money, to benefit the political class and their friends, continue.

The best way to break out of the psychological abuse, conducted by politicians and the media: as one person put it, when it comes to the media; "I'm going to do the opposite of what they say, because they can't be trusted." Despite it being over simplistic; in many ways the general concept helps fight the deception. "They" want him out, which means we should want him in.

Representative Gaetz's position, of not funding the war in Ukraine; would save lives and help Americans; so tax payer's money isn't going to help Ukraine and the rich who benefit.

To illustrate how fraudulent all this is: during any political campaign, the opponents try to get as much dirt as possible. If what is being said is true concerning Gaetz; they would have found it as he was trying to become a congressman.

Moreover, the chief executive officer, his son Hunter has made pornographic videos with underage children; where's the outcry?

Considering the moral depravity of the corporate news media and the political class; getting lectures from them is absolutely meaningless. Those lost in the noise they make, see what they do and not their empty values:

This hypocritical stance and the manipulation that is done, is typical of abusers. The most frequent tool both the corporate and political class uses, gaslighting.

Furthermore, no one votes for a political representative based on their sexual activity. Considering that the media pushes for the normalization of pedophilia; they are obviously using this situation as a torpedo to sink a political career. What someone does sexually; isn't anyone's business.

This attempt to remove every politician that doesn't play the game that every other politician is playing, regardless of what's next to their name; there is every attempt to either remove them or make them insignificant.

Regardless if you agree with their politics or party: people like Representative Matt Gaetz, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Senator Rand Paul and former President Donald Trump; have hate by the media, the opposing political party, as well as their own party. A result of the American political structure corrupted by greed and power.

Both the Democratic National Committee (DNC i.e., Democrats) and Republican National Committee (RNC i.e., Republicans) state they have different values, come show time; there is little in the way of difference.

For the last 20 or so years, the RNC has always supported and championed Republicans in name only (RINO). That's why supporting the RNC, is equivalent to supporting DNC "lite." Local and grassroots organization, is where the true followers of the conservative philosophy exists and that is the best place to support "traditional values."

It's unfortunate that we live in an age, where there is no true transparency. Politics is merely a stage and the politicians are only actors. The term "uniparty," best describes the American political realm. Despite all the illusions, there does exist resources that helps end the menagerie.

Listed in the link above (within the "Show more" section) contains material that is good at revealing national and global activities but for local; the materials below, provides good information for the States that are listed. Links from this channel, the supplemental material is found in the "Show more" section.





New Jersey:


Getting back to the issue of the allegations concerning Representative Gaetz; he is human, so there is no doubt he has demons in his closet but the claims that are made: doubtful it's true. Even if it where, we as a nation need more like him and less of people like the rest of the crooks.

That's why, consider taking a moment out of your day to pray for him. Those willing to do more; support his channel and put a like to all his videos:

Share this video with others. Those willing to go further, write whomever your representative in Congress is and simply explain that Representative Matt Gaetz has done a great job and that there's an expectation that there is no longer any further harassment permitted, in regards to Representative Matt Gaetz or votes will go else where. To contact them:

In the event, all of this turns out to be true...though his moral life is horrible; keep in mind we aren't talking about a man occupying church office. Considering contacting your Representative to have his punishment for his crime be "house arrest" in DC, with a waiver allowing him to serve out his term and to also continue, if reelected.

This might sound like an odd thing to do but when it comes to human sexuality, that's a common weakness most people have. Thomas Jefferson had sex with his slaves; John F. Kennedy had multiple partners and so did his brother and of course Bill there anything else that needs to be said?

Since there is no such thing as a perfect human, you're not going to find the perfect politician. Those wasting time doing they look for that unicorn, this is happening:

Make sure to check out the "Show more" section; this way everyone can get the full scope. People need to wake up. As mentioned earlier, the immoral corporate media lecturing values, is only a manipulative tool so the average person selects politicians they want or they can tolerate.

The world of politics is so corrupt; all character flaws that are a part of a person's personal life but does NOT effect their professional one; we need to just ignore it. Long as they actually do the job they were elected to do, that needs to be acceptable.

We don't screen people when it comes to any other area (exception being church of course). When a person gets their car fixed, do they do faith or morality checks? Looking for doctors, is it based on ability or what church they go to? People need to realize that the media uses people's values against them.

To end this game, that the mainstream, corporate media conducts on people; consider terminating all financial support to them and taking your business to ones that respect you and your values. The next link below, provides resources to make that happen.

There's also a very important side note, Representative Gaetz gotten into this situation as a result of removing Kevin McCarthy. That position hasn't been filled and anyone can occupy it. That individual actually doesn't need to be a politician to do so, please consider Tulsi Gabbard.

She's also another politician that's been consistent with her values. Her being a former Democrat and later Independent; due to principal; makes her an ideal Speaker; to manage this political House. You can found out more:

Taking aside the personal selection and to find out the details as to what's currently going on to that end:

With the horrendous conditions that the American political system is currently under; please take the time to also help the other political leaders that actually do hold to the values, in which they were elected to champion; by boosting their channel and praying for them.

Consider taking the time to sharing this situation with everyone you know. Those that see this but do not live in America, please pray for us, we need it. Thank you!

Post Scriptum: In the "Show More" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.

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Help rekt the system of ctrl and abuse by the ieleet

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