1. 20240212 Day 673 Part-1 - LifeFitness Bike, Toes to Bar

    20240212 Day 673 Part-1 - LifeFitness Bike, Toes to Bar

  2. 20240203 Day 664 Part-4 - FAQs: “Explain the Difference Between Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load.”

    20240203 Day 664 Part-4 - FAQs: “Explain the Difference Between Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load.”

  3. Day 875 Post-Conditioning. 170K Toes to Bar. Another arbitrary milestone 🤷🏾‍♂️😆

    Day 875 Post-Conditioning. 170K Toes to Bar. Another arbitrary milestone 🤷🏾‍♂️😆

  4. 20240126 Day 656 Part-2 - Foundational Knowledge: Macros

    20240126 Day 656 Part-2 - Foundational Knowledge: Macros

  5. 20240125 Day 655 Part-3 which is, “better,” White Rice or Brown Rice?

    20240125 Day 655 Part-3 which is, “better,” White Rice or Brown Rice?

  6. Day 880 Part-2 Post-Conditioning Knee Stability Small Workout

    Day 880 Part-2 Post-Conditioning Knee Stability Small Workout

  7. Day 887 Post-Conditioning Chest & Shoulders Small Workout

    Day 887 Post-Conditioning Chest & Shoulders Small Workout
