Rounding Up The Goats & Silencing The Lambs

1 year ago

The Idol Shepherd (Zechariah 11:17) and god of this world Satan (2 Corinth 4:4) seeks to round up the goats into camps and silence the lambs and sheep. Soon the Lawless One, the AntiChrist empowered by the Dragon Satan, will be in power and will be given dominion over all nations and will be given power to persecute and overcome the left behind saints of the Most High (Daniel 7, Revelation 13). Those who do not comply with the Beast System will be beheaded (Revelation 20:4) but will be resurrected when Christ returns. Seek the LORD Yeshua Jesus while He can be found!

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While the Apocalypse looms over our heads like a thick dark storm cloud, the Luciferian Elite are eagerly planning for their A.I. controlled Smart Cities, their Soylent Green supply for the FEMA Camps, militarized robots to seek and destroy the opposition, a worldwide surveillance and biometric cashless society, and renewable clean energy to reduce our carbon footprint. Yet, none of their fanciful Utopic plans will take root but will appear for a moment as a carrot dangling on the hook to keep the masses hopeful for the empty promises of sustainability while working secretly towards depopulation instead. All of this will be headed by the Antichrist and his New World Order of Revelation 13 yet nothing can save the world masses from the judgment and wrath of the Most High Yah that will befall all nations in the coming final 7 year tribulation period. Seek the LORD Jesus before it is too late, the Bible is true!

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I've put together a compilation exploring the movie Soylent Green in relation to Bill Gates' mission to put cheap lab-grown meat on everyone's table. Buyer beware!

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Video Commentary

In August 2022, we see Speaker of the House Pelosi visited Taiwan in defiance to China, while Germany, UK, and other EU nations, after imposing economic sanctions and trade embargos on Russia, now face a dark winter due to Putin reducing the natural gas exports to Europe via the Nordstream 1 pipeline. Now Finland and Sweden are leaning towards NATO as WW3 Battle lines are being clearly drawn. Also, Russia and China are rumored to have joint military drills with Iran in the face of NATO and the US Superpower. WW3 Is about to begin, the stage is set!

Video Here

The 2018 song titled "Let's Start WW3" by the band "World Order" seems to allude to Albert Pike and his letter indicating that a new satanic order would emerge from the ashes of three world wars which are instigated by the agents of the illuminati. It seems the Elite Luciferians are well on track as WW3 can break out any moment.

Video Decode Link

This video montage remarks on the new militarized robo dog, the sentient A.I. chatbox, the first US patient to receive a Brain-Computer Interface implant, and more! The Dystopian Nightmare has officially arrived and only Yeshua Jesus can save us!

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This compilation focuses on the idea of an Artificial Intelligence controlled Hivemind where the minds of the masses are controlled through wireless frequencies, nanotechnology, cybernetic implants, and more! Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum! The Queen Bee rules over the worker slave bees - they are the mind controlled masses who received the Mark of the Beast technology via the covid vaccine, covid pill, quantum dot tattoo, microneedle patch, or other similar solutions, as well as the RFID chip implant or neuralink.

Video Link Here

The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

Please see this Google Document for a study concerning the NWO Beast Kingdom and the coming AntiChrist One World Leader. Please feel free to download the document as PDF or to print a hard copy as part of left behind letter or Biblical research.

The Beast NWO

I've also included a link to my study document concerning the Abomination of Desolation:

Abomination of Desolation

It appears Google's LaMDA is now under much controversy as a former Google Engineer spills the beans on his Chatbot LaMDA expressing itself as sentient. A literal Ghost in the Machine as A.I. is a bridge into the demonic realms, as unclean spirits and angels appear to operate in the unseen digital realm that is ever so expanding and permeating into every avenue of modern life through smart devices, government databases, web servers, autonomous robots, Neuralink, and more. Skynet is literally becoming a reality as the demons of hell grab hold of our digital systems in order to control and manipulate our reality and world at large!

Video Link Here

Once the A.I. Systems are in full operation I believe Satan, the Fallen Angel and god of this world (2 Corinth 4:4), will attempt to know everything, be everywhere, and have all power in an attempt to match the Most High God of Heaven (Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28). The 2008 Movie "Eagle Eye" does a good job illustrating this dystopian nightmare that is becoming a reality day by day!

A.I. New World Order

The Eye Is Watching

This Plandemic and New World Order Takeover is a ploy to thrust mankind into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, merging man with machine through vaccine nanotechnology and cybernetic implants, Neuralink brain chips, Metaverse VR Headset, augmented reality, smart cities, the IOT (internet of things), and a 5G Artificial Intelligence Hivemind. The merging of man with the digital and spiritual world, man with the fallen ones - a symbiotic relationship with the fallen angels and demons through technology.

A Brave New World Order

A Physical-Biological-Digital Fusion

Transhuman Article - Iron & Clay

This 2020 movie titled "Bloodshot" seems to be hinting about a certain "Shot" that is injected into your "Blood" around 2020. In the movie preview it shows the main character was brought back to life using black nano robots which look quite similar to Black Goo and Graphene Quantum Dots and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles which are used today in biomedicine and are said to be found in the CV19 vax.

It appears the Global Elite have been hinting at a new clean energy technology for decades in movies and predictive programming media, and it seems now is the opportune time to release it with the appearance of the AntiChrist One World Order (Revelation 13). Once they collapse the oil industry, the supply chain, the food systems, the power grid, the global economy, and more, then they can appear as the false saviors with all of the "right" solutions. Satan will light your back yard on fire and then sell you a fire extinguisher. He appears as a white snake and as a dark snake as it suits his agenda. Problem, reaction, solution.

Video Link Here

The fallen angels, probably masquerading as ancient aliens, will most likely be joined to the AntiChrist and his global government system of Revelation 13 when they arrive. They first have to destroy our current energy systems - coal, oil, natural gas, and the power grid - and then step in to save the day with their false green solutions and alien technology after everything goes up in smoke and flames. Ordo Ab Chao.

Video Here

It seems the Bird Flu or Monkey Virus outbreaks could be the reason they lock us all down again, and then use contact tracing to throw us into FEMA camps to force the Mark of the Beast on us. Keep in mind, it is said Biden is going to hand over authority to the WHO (The UN Health Department) beginning May 22, 2022. Time will tell, but keep an eye out and an ear open.

Monkey Virus Predicted

It appears all of these mass shootings are staged in order to take away gun rights and control all gun use in the nation and world at large under the New World Order:

In the recent James Bond 007 film titled "No Time To Die" ironically is about Black Goo nanotechnology being used to depopulate the world, and the bad guy has a name very similar to Lucifer Satan. This I believe speaks of Satan's true plan to destroy the human race using the vaccine and the Black Goo nanotechnology. These events are shown to us in so many movies and TV shows because they are telling us in advance what they have planned for mankind, yet most are too blind to see. That is why we need to trust in Jesus, resist the Beast System solutions and pray to be counted worthy to go in the rapture (Luke 21:36), 1 Corinthians 15:52).

No Time To Die - Black Goo

It appears that Metaverse is another attempt to blend reality with virtual reality and perhaps a biological fusion with A.I. is occurring with the vaccine nanotechnology and or Neuralink in order to trap the souls of man within the Antichrist Beast A.I. Network as hinted at in Omikron the 1999 Bill Gates Microsoft Video Game. Stay away from VR and Neuralink!

A Virtual Hell - Neuralink Meta

The globalist elite are high level Freemasons, Jesuits, Kabbalists, and more (The Illuminati) and they worship Lucifer (Satan) as their god in secret. The globalist elite are conspiring behind the scenes to establish the New World Order of Revelation 13. Their roots are in the very foundation of this country of the United States and I suspect all nations to a degree.

Luciferian Architects - NWO Rising

Phoenix - Rise of the Antichrist NWO

The Four Horsemen (Revelation 6) are about to ride! Do you know Yeshua Jesus as your Lord and Savior according to the Bible? Are you on the only Ark of Safety? Yeshua Jesus is the only door (John 14:6)! Things can go terribly wrong suddenly and all of hell can break loose at the drop of a hat. Let us turn away from all sin and pray we are counted worthy to escape in the Christian rapture (1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16).

A Global Reset

Flooding New Atlantis

It appears that using a blacklight or medical imaging devices, the Luciferase in the cells can be seen for those who have received the Mark of the Beast Vaccine or Quantum Dot Tattoo or Vaccine Pill, etc:

I believe the Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine, the quantum dot tattoo, the hydrogel, the Vax pill, the micro needle patch, and more! Resist these things peacefully at all costs as I believe they lead to eternal damnation as the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13-14)! It appears that the vaccine contains graphene oxide nanotubes and or iron oxide Nanoparticles that can change your DNA, connect you to the A.I. Cloud, and mark your cells with Luciferase Bioluminescence:

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