A Brave New MetaWorld - Satan's End Game

2 years ago

The Omikron Metaverse - A Digital Prison

An interesting name emerged at the end of 2021, in regards to a "variant" of the Coronavirus and it's name is "Omicron". This is one of the letters of the Greek Alphabet and it seems very similar to the name of the 1999 video game by Bill Gates' Microsoft Windows called "Omikron". Strangely enough this video game is about people being drawn into a virtual world and trapped in that digital prison forever to suffer and be tormented by demons. Another strange coincidence is that the Omicron variant emerged at the same time that Mark Zuckerberg changed his company name from "Facebook" to "Meta" to endorse the "Metaverse," which is a virtual reality network they are working on. This is at the same time that Elon Musk is pushing the Neuralink implants to connect the minds of man with the A.I. Network.

It appears that Metaverse is another attempt to blend reality with virtual reality and perhaps a biological fusion with A.I. is occurring with the vaccine nanotechnology and Neuralink in order to trap the souls of man in the Antichrist Beast A.I. Network as hinted at in Omikron the 1999 Bill Gates Microsoft Video Game.

A Virtual Hell - Neuralink Meta

Full Dive VR - A False Reality

Metaverse Omikron A.I. Prison?

A BRAVE NEW WORLD - Satan's End Game

They have been systematically programming us to recieve this new virtual reality hell and Transhumanism via nanotechnology and brain implants and more. They first let us escape into another reality through real life video games, video chats, virtual meetings, Pokemon augmented reality, earphones that drowns out the outside world. Then they want us secluded and unplugged from our normal life so that we trust only in technology and our relationship to technology - augmenting a reality that will no longer need human contact, or the human touch, but we will all be nurtured by the cold hand of A.I. and virtual reality. The frog is now boiling in the pot, yet few understand what has happened! They are destroying the world that our Creator has constructed in order to bring in a new world. A paradigm of death and enslavement. A digital prison! Yet it is not a Evolutionary gain, but a systematic trap. They want us to do a full dive into the 4th Industrial Revolution where man becomes merged with machine - iron and clay are mingled (Daniel 2). Now Satan is rolling out his end game where aliens, technology, virtual reality, transhumanism and the like will rule supreme over humanity in one sick and twisted Borg reality. Trust only in Jesus and refuse all such things!

Satan's Brave New World

Satan's Red Pill of Death

It appears that Satan is building his electronic empire and Beast Hivemind System through the use of Artificial Intelligence Supercomputers, 5G grid systems, smart devices, nanotechnology, neuralink, and more.

A.I. Integration - SkyNet Live

The Eye Is Watching

Once the A.I. Systems are in full operation I believe Satan will attempt to know everything, be everywhere, and have all power in an attempt to match the Most High God of Heaven. The Transformers Episode "Day of the Machines" does a good job illustrating this dystopian nightmare that is becoming a reality day by day


I also have an article that I wrote that seems very connected to this discussion and their agenda - the link is here:


It appears that using a blacklight or medical imaging devices, the Luciferase in the cells can be seen for those who have received the Mark of the Beast Vaccine or Quantum Dot Tattoo or Vaccine Pill, etc:


I believe the Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine, the quantum dot tattoo, the hydrogel, the Vax pill, the micro needle patch, and more! Resist these things peacefully at all costs as I believe they lead to eternal damnation as the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13-14)! It appears that the vaccine contains graphene oxide nanotubes and or iron oxide Nanoparticles that can change your DNA, connect you to the A.I. Cloud, and mark your cells with Luciferase Bioluminescence and more:


Here is a list of video compilations I created regarding the subject of Graphene Oxide (Black Goo) nanotechnology in relation to the Mark of the Beast, Vaccine and Biomedical Nanotechnology, Cellular Bioluminescence, demonic possession, linking into the A.I. Hivemind, and more:

Eminem Venom Lyrics Decoded

Prometheus/Alien Black Goo

A Physical-Biological-Digital Fusion

UV Light and Luciferase

I Am Legend - Black Goo Luciferase

The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

It appears that Metaverse is another attempt to blend reality with virtual reality and perhaps a biological fusion with A.I. is occurring with the vaccine nanotechnology and or Neuralink in order to trap the souls of man within the Antichrist Beast A.I. Network as hinted at in Omikron the 1999 Bill Gates Microsoft Video Game. Stay away from VR and Neuralink!

A Virtual Hell - Neuralink Meta

Here is a compilation of various media clips regarding Microwave weapons, DEWs, 5G, military technology, nanotechnology, and more. Please make your own assertions and conclusions and questions regarding this info. To me the 5G deployment is a cause for concern and the 5G could be multipurpose to connect everything wirelessly in the Internet of Things, create a Surveillance Smart Society, create the Borg Hivemind, and it could be tuned to weaponized zombie frequencies or interact with Nanotechnology for bodily harm?


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