Flooding New Atlantis - Poseidon Nuclear Torpedo

2 years ago

It appears that America was secretly founded by the Luciferian Secret Brotherhoods to be a sort of New Atlantis which would bring forth a type of ideal technological utopia. It appears now that the Luciferians want to destroy the Western World Powers, namely the USA and UK, in order to bring about a New New Atlantis in which will be ruled by the AntiChrist whom the Luciferians will give their kingdoms and allegiance to according to Revelation 13, Daniel 7, and Revelation 17.

Flooding New Atlantis

On our United States of America money, there is a pyramid with the eye of Lucifer on the capstone, showing Lucifers' rule and dominion over the world systems.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV - But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: [4] In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Under the pyramid, it reads "Novus Ordo Seclorum." The motto Novus ordo seclorum can be translated as "A New Order Of The Ages." It was proposed by Charles Thomson, the Latin expert who was involved in the design of the Great Seal of the United States. Above the Satanic Pyramid is "Annuit Coeptis" meaning "Announcing the Birth of." We can interpret it to mean the "announcing of the birth of the New World Order of the ages." It is not yet complete as the eye of Lucifer capstone is not yet place on the top of the pyramid - meaning the AntiChrist is not yet in power, I surmise.

More Info Here:

On the other side of the US dollar, there is an Eagle with the phrase "E Pluribus Unum" which is latin for "one out of many." This probably alludes to the AntiChrist coming out of many nations to rule the One World Order (Revelation 13). The Eagle was originally a Phoenix according to Manly P Hall who was a 33rd Degree Freemason (Illuminati) - Phoenix representing the rebirth out of the ashes of destruction and chaos.

It is interesting that both Alex Jones and the World Economic Forum are aware of the coming Grid Down Event, Martial Law, and Economic Collapse, and United Nations takeover of America but nothing suspicious there I suppose (sarcasm).


The Four Horsemen (Revelation 6) are about to ride! Do you know Yeshua Jesus as your Lord and Savior according to the Bible? Are you on the only Ark of Safety? Yeshua Jesus is the only door (John 14:6)! Things can go terribly wrong suddenly and all of hell can break loose at the drop of a hat. Let us turn away from all sin and pray we are counted worthy to escape in the Christian rapture (1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16).

A Global Reset

Ukraine - WW3 Catalyst?

Once the A.I. Systems are in full operation I believe Satan, the Fallen Angel and god of this world (2 Corinth 4:4), will attempt to know everything, be everywhere, and have all power in an attempt to match the Most High God of Heaven (Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28). The 2008 Movie "Eagle Eye" does a good job illustrating this dystopian nightmare that is becoming a reality day by day!

A.I. New World Order

The globalist elite are high level Freemasons, Jesuits, Kabbalists, and more (The Illuminati) and they worship Lucifer (Satan) as their god in secret. The globalist elite are conspiring behind the scenes to establish the New World Order of Revelation 13. Their roots are in the very foundation of this country of the United States and I suspect all nations to a degree.

Luciferian Architects - NWO Rising

Today's top astronomers, Harvard professors, Pentagon, Fox News, Military Personnel, Presidents, and the like have increasingly spoke on the UFO Phenomenon as sightings all over the world increase.

The Bible tells us there will be a strong Delusion in the last days, when the AntiChrist figure begins to rise (2 Thessalonians 2). Could this delusion or deception involve aliens, and what does the Bible say about Aliens?


It appears that Satan is seeking to birth a new non-human hybrid race through the vaccine gene therapy, and perhaps merging the seed of the fallen Angels with the seed of mankind through nanotechnology in the Covid Vaccine:


Many of the Churches in America will not give any weight to the validity of the Book of Enoch, known as Enoch 1 or Ethiopian Enoch, yet this book seems quite compatible with the Bible and even speaks of the Son of Man as the redeemer and gives greater detail concerning the fallen Angels interbreeding with mankind before the flood. In addition, the Dead Sea scrolls found in the West Bank of Israel seem to confirm the Book of Enoch and dates the text to atleast 100 BCE from what I understand. This means it is not just some recent forgery, although we must use the Biblical Canon to examine the validity. What is interesting is that 1st Enoch Chapter 1 says the Book is for a remote and far off generation when the LORD will visit the world in His anger and wrath, which I believe speaks of Daniel's 70th Week which will begin at any moment!
Yet, the New Testament scripture says Enoch was a prophet:

Jude 1:14 KJV - And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints


In this video I explore the narrative of the TV Series "Childhood's End" in relation to the fall of the Angels in Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch, and how it corresponds to the coming war in Heaven of Revelation 12 and the strong delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2 that is connected to the AntiChrist and his One World Order (Revelation 13).


It appears that the Magnetic Nanoparticles in the vaccines can travel to the brain and be excited or activated by 5G frequencies to cause a crazed Zombie Apocalypse?


It appears that using a blacklight or medical imaging devices, the Luciferase in the cells can be seen for those who have received the Mark of the Beast Vaccine or Quantum Dot Tattoo or Vaccine Pill, etc:


I believe the Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine, the quantum dot tattoo, the hydrogel, the Vax pill, the micro needle patch, and more! Resist these things peacefully at all costs as I believe they lead to eternal damnation as the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13-14)! It appears that the vaccine contains graphene oxide nanotubes and or iron oxide Nanoparticles that can change your DNA, connect you to the A.I. Cloud, and mark your cells with Luciferase Bioluminescence:


The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

This Plandemic and New World Order Takeover is also a ploy to thrust mankind into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, merging man with machine through vaccine nanotechnology and cybernetic implants, Neuralink brain chips, Metaverse VR Headset, augmented reality, smart cities, the IOT (internet of things), and a 5G Artificial Intelligence Hivemind. The merging of man with the digital and spiritual world, man with the fallen ones - a symbiotic relationship with the fallen angels and demons through technology.

A Brave New World Order

It appears that Metaverse is another attempt to blend reality with virtual reality and perhaps a biological fusion with A.I. is occurring with the vaccine nanotechnology and or Neuralink in order to trap the souls of man within the Antichrist Beast A.I. Network as hinted at in Omikron the 1999 Bill Gates Microsoft Video Game. Stay away from VR and Neuralink!

A Virtual Hell - Neuralink Meta

Here is a compilation of various media clips regarding Microwave weapons, DEWs, 5G, military technology, nanotechnology, and more. Please make your own assertions and conclusions and questions regarding this info. To me the 5G deployment is a cause for concern and the 5G could be multipurpose to connect everything wirelessly in the Internet of Things, create a Surveillance Smart Society, create the Borg Hivemind, and it could be tuned to weaponized zombie frequencies or interact with Nanotechnology for bodily harm?


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