inyasa yoga/ yoga giRL, core stability

4 months ago

inyasa yoga/ yoga giRL, core stability

part of the warm up for a yoga session.
Sun salutation, extended side angle, downward facing dog, upward facing dog, warrior, plank with knee tucks and 2 knee circles with hip stabilization, fluid moves, opening up channels, opening up locked breath, reverse warrior, hip openers,
Start from Warrior II
Keep your left knee bent as you exhale and at the same time slide your right arm down the side of your right leg and raise your left arm towards the sky.
Gazing at the extended arm.
Hold the pose and take a few steady breaths. Keep opening the hips, and lengthening the torso, pressing into the outer edge of the right foot, externally rotating your right hip and rib cage, relax the neck and face, soften the finger tips, breathe!

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