How Did The United States Become So Powerful And Influential In The World Today

4 months ago

How Did The United States Become So Powerful One key factor for America's success is that no other state was trying to prevent America's fast growing at 19th century. The civil war did not last too long and the country went back to united with not too much damage. This allows US to grow from thirteen colonies to a sleeping giant at WW1 and WW2. With over 800 military bases around the globe, the US is easily the most powerful nation on earth. But it wasn't always this way. The US once played an insignificant role in global affairs. In this 8-minute video, you can see the transformation.

As Tom Brawcow said, the World War II generation was the greatest point in American History. This generation fought itself out of a great depreciation, when millions had nothing, they helped each other. It was a very humbling experience for most and yet somehow they found the strength to survive. And they managed to live on barely nothing....without technology.. The Great Depression may have been the bleakest time of our history, but it brought out the best in us. Franklin D. Roosevelt was President and started many programs to help the environment and get people jobs which was desperately needed. Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan which lead us to war. Practically the next day, men (some at 16) rushed to join leaving their homes, their families, and their jobs, to go and fight the evil presence in Europe and Asia. American became a fighting machine overnight and proved for the first time in history we were a superpower and no one was going to attack us and get away with it! With the men gone, women had to go to work and they found pride in doing that. Black men fought in the war which would start a path way to Civil Rights! This country at this time had the greatest "faith" and "patriotism" and a high respect for the flag. And the war generated money to a point where the Great Depression was over. When the men came home from the war, they went back to work, built homes, started businesses, had families, and sent them to college to get a better education. No we a had good leaders, and a great President who actually cared for people and, their struggles. And we had great military leaders... who was instrumental in winning the war. America was greatly respected after the war. The captured scientists and physicists started the road to most technology we have today, and eventually putting man in space. Americans came together and proved they were the best, and no one better mess with them. They were strong, resilient, invisible, faithful, proud of being Americans! They, no doubt, were the Greatest Generation of our time and history! They stood up on their feet, and did not back down, to anyone. I really would love to see what Patton would do with ISIS!

The United States rise to power was not particularly quick, and it certainly predated World War Two.

After the Civil War it was widely understood that the US was a mighty nation and would be an important player in world events.

Most historians would mark the US’s entry into world affairs at the latest with the Spanish-American war, where it easily defeated a “great” European Colonial power, and wound up with colonies of its own after a great debate over whether the US should remain true to its founding (in the views of one side) or assert itself on the world stage (the other).

After WWI, the US emerged as an economic powerhouse, having suffered relatively little compared with the European powers, and being a creditor nation.

Although the 1920s are often seen as a retrenchment, in fact the US was widely involved in the world’s affairs even if it tried to reduce its military commitments.

After WWII, the US emerged from being “a great power” to one of only two super powers. After the fall of the USSR, it was seen as the last great power. As we’ve seen, this has its downsides, and makes the US a target for anyone with a grievance with the world at large.

We are at our peak right now.

That may sound naive (or maybe idiotic) to some. Many will remind me that the US is economically in decline with respect to the rest of the world, that our failed adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq have decimated our military strength, and that our divided and divisive politics are unable to deal with our many problems.

And yet, in our 240 years as a nation, I can't think of another decade in which I'd rather live.

Would you prefer the late 18th century or early 19th? I would not: slavery taints the noble philosophies of the Founding Fathers, and I would never consider that period to be America's peak.

Is the late 19th century better? Hardly! The end of the war left a tired North occupying a devastated South. The name "United States" was a mockery in those times.

How about the 1920s, after we helped extricate Europe from its catastrophic war, and after we finally recognized women's right to vote? No, that wasn't our peak either: life may have been great for the wealthy, but the vast majority struggled for food and shelter.

The 1930s brought a world Depression and the 1940s another World War. No thank you!

How about the 1950s? After saving Europe (again) our industrial might was truly at its peak. But would you really want to live in a world where men and women had rigid social roles? Where everyone except white men were discriminated against? And where there were only 3 channels on TV? Sorry, not for me.

The 1960s? The music was great, and the sexual revolution made sense, but the 60s were the peak of the Cold War. Had the Cuban Missile Crisis gone slightly differently, the 60s might have been the last decade of the US and maybe the world. Plus there was Vietnam, which ended up killing 10 times more people than Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

Now we're in the 70s. Were those the peak years? The 1970s were probably better than any prior decade. The Vietnam War was ending; women were liberating themselves; and the global environment became a concern. Nevertheless, we were using 45 year-old technology: no Internet (except for some crazy universities), no advanced cancer treatments, and no cell phones.

The 80s were better than the 70s. The Cold War ended, the economy was improving, and the Personal Computer revolution began. But the AIDS epidemic revealed both the limits of our technology and the limits of our empathy for those affected. No, I wouldn't want to live in those years again.

The 90s were close to the peak. The economy improved some more, though the our problems with Gini began too. Moreover, the 90s were technologically, and socially, 25 years behind us. Remember Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell? Remember 28K modems?

The 2000s were a setback. The Dot Com Boom/Collapse, September 11th, Katrina, and then the Financial Crisis. Better than living through World War II, of course, but definitely not our peak.

And so we come to the 2010s. Our GDP is the highest ever; our technology puts the world's information in my hand; we have a black president; energy prices are low thanks to domestic fracking; the Supreme Court affirmed same-sex marriage; and the decade isn't even done yet.

We have many problems. I don't want anyone to think I don't know that. But the US is a better place to live right now than it has ever been.

We are at our peak right now, and given our history, I don't think we're done climbing.

The rise to world power The year of the Spanish American War.

It is hard to overestimate the importance of that conflict in American history. There were two major facets to this short war that altered the global landscape.

Most of the answer to this question is obvious. Clearly, the US was riding the crest of the Industrial Revolution wave immediately following the Spanish-American war. The world was watching the ascendance of the first true global super-power with both wonder and fear depending on one’s political alignment. The true heft of American power would not be felt until its entry into the First World War.

First, the war left no doubt in the international community that the United States was a significant player that should be considered at least an equal among the traditional great powers. Obviously, many of the global elite were slow to accept this new reality, but the cold hard facts were there for examination by the most causal of observers. The United States had in ten weeks easily dispatched one of the great powers and acquired significant new colonial possessions. Clearly the US had become one of the few global powers with the ability to project power well beyond its borders.

Second, and most importantly, it left no doubt in the mind of American citizens that the US had become a significant player on the level of the traditional great powers. This reality and subjective realization was delayed a couple of decades as the United States emerged from the angst of its Civil War, but it was undeniable that the Spanish American War was America’s cotillion. Not only did the world notice America’s ascendance, so did Americans.

In this war and the decade that followed, Americans became “American”. The idea of American exceptionalism calcified in the corporate conscience as Manifest Destiny was writ global and the motivation of inherent goodness triumphing over all that was bad in the world became dogma.

The importance of America’s new self-awareness was a new, albeit reluctant, willingness to engage in international affairs that would eventually shape the great conflicts of the twentieth century. Whether this was good or bad, well, that is another question altogether.

How did the U.S. become a superpower in just 250+ years?
Size. We were literally able to expand over a massive landmass unchallenged. Sure, Native Americans did provide some resistance, but the technology and numbers of European immigrants were too great to resist. It gave us a ton of room to populate, which is key to being a superpower.

Yes, immigration. The US became THE destination of immigrants. It was a new land full of opportunity. It was for anyone who wanted to start a new life based on the idea of general liberty. Sure, there were some caveats and issues, but overall it was incredibly different from what the rest of the world was offering. Immigration brought a lot of different minds and cultures to the US which spurred innovation and advancement.

Good farmland? Check. Connections to Europe? Check. Resources to mine and trade? Check. Trade relations? Check

Canada is sparsely populated and confined to the North. We annexed a lot of Mexico’s land in the Mexican-American War too. The rest of the states in the Americas were a mess and or too small to compete which left the US, who was furthest along in economic development, virtually unchallenged in dominating both North and South America.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please give your warm welcome to the Manifest Destiny!

The US fought a decent amount of wars prior to WWI, but nearly all of them were on their own continent. WWI brought the US the opportunity to engage internationally with other developed nations. While WWI destroyed Europe, the US profited by selling goods to them and swooping in near the end to help break the stalemate. Then comes WWII. Once again, the rest of Europe is destroyed and even the great British Empire has exhausted itself. The new USSR expended millions of soldiers fighting, much more than the US. This leaves the US in a superb position as having no realistic competitor outside the USSR. Come on Cold War!

Money and the Economy
Do you know what the US did during all these years? It advanced. During the 1800s it built a massive industrialized manufacturing base and became and economic powerhouse before war was even a factor. Come WWI and especially WWII, while the world fought, the US sold. WWII made the US a lot of money. Since WWII destroyed Europe, the US was left as the only major power left to produce goods. The US was the developed world for a time after WWII. It spend decades after this cementing its status as the central economy to the rest of the world.

So, in retrospect, a number of factors gave us our superpower status. Money, size, resources, industrialization, war, and good timing led the US to go from a nothing agricultural colony to a global superpower.


Size: It is the third largest in area and population. The two countries that are bigger than the US, Russia and Canada, have way too much unusable land. The two countries bigger than the US in population - India and China are still climbing up from the colossal destruction faced in the 19th century ~ early 20th century and also face severe resource constraints. Russia has still not settled in terms of governance. Australia and Canada have too few people. That leaves the US in a nice sweet spot.
Isolation: Guarded by two oceans and a frigid nation to the north, the US never had to worry about a major war on its borders. Apart from the attack on Pearl Harbor, most US military operations in the past century were far outside its borders. Most other nations had to deal with their fiercest competitors (China-Russia, India-China, India-Pakistan, China-Japan), leading to insecurity and poor decisions.
Self-sufficiency: the US is probably the one country that is fairly self-sufficient in all fundamental resources. Unlike China, Japan, Germany or India, it has large quantities of oil and gas. Unlike the Middle East, it has plenty of water and agricultural land. Thus, throughout the 19th century, the US grew unimpeded, depending on Europe only for luxury items.

Flight of the smart: Throughout the ages, the remote location of the US helped influenced what kind of people immigrated to the country. Other than the Mexicans, everyone else had to travel long oceans to reach the US. That made the inhabitants self-selecting: the less ambitious ones were left behind. The Puritans, then the Italians, Irish, then the East European Jews and then the Asians all added faster and faster growth as hard work was a matter of survival for each group (returning back was not an option). US developed nuclear weapons and other key ideas and technologies on the back of its immigrants.
Education: For each wave of immigrants, education was a top priority. Whether it be the Puritan clergymen who created Harvard or the Ashkenazi Jews who immigrated in 30s and 40s or the Asians who immigrated more recently, getting to the top of ladder through education seemed both possible and necessary. Thus, US built itself up as the world's education superpower with a huge concentration of top universities.

Natural entrepreneurialism: If you had to move this far and then farm a random piece of land in the middle, you needed to be naturally entrepreneurial. Every country has its noble class. Since Americans don't have Europe's aristocracy or Indian caste system, they created their own hierarchy based on entrepreneurship. Getting rich became the mantra and people were ranked by their riches. It celebrated its entrepreneurs like no others.

Right leaders at the right time: US leaders were quite good by world standards. Despite all their complaining, they never had a leader like Stalin, Saddam or Mao. More importantly, US was fortuitous in their timing. They didn't have someone like George W. Bush in 1861. FDR during Great Depression, Lincoln during Civil War, Eisenhower during post-war reconstruction, Theodore Roosevelt during the early 20th century expansion.
Stability: The present governments of China and India are less than 70 years old. The US is about 240 years old and that kind of stability was lacking in much of the world.

The Wars: By the start of WWI, the US had built up a massive economy. During the war, it finally announced the "secret" to the whole world. Although the US faced some destruction, in relative terms it got far ahead of the rest of the world (most of which was devastated). It was a victor in both the world wars and spared of the ignominy faced by Germany and Japan.

Starting Point Zero…Weak and Vulnerable 1776: The US was a relatively small group of colonists clinging to the Eastern Seaboard. As a Republic they were relatively alone in a world of constitutional monarchies, imperial powers, colonialists, and dictatorships. Yet this unlikely country managed to become the only global superpower. How did that happen?

Ten Easy Steps:
Win a War, Get Independent, and Create a Wall Street—The US started a war, managed to win enough battles to get France involved and cause a world war, and then managed to get an extraordinarily generous settlement from the British who agreed to give the US the Ohio Valley, even though the UK still occupied it along with New York, Canada and these eastern forts. Add to this some good industrial espionage and Hamilton helping to create Wall Street and you have the beginnings of industry and finance, much to the chagrin of Thomas Jefferson. And make the country attractive for immigrants.

Buy a Lot of Land from Your Neighbors (Louisiana Purchase) 1803—Napoleon got a lot of cash to invade the UK which he never managed to pull off. And the US got the the other side of the Mississippi, the Great Plains,, a.k.a. the largest contiguous piece of fertile land and both side of the largest navigable stretch of river in the river (Mississippi). Cheap food production and cheap food transport, fed further through the inter-coastal seaway protected by barrier islands, and you have a well connected economy capable of producing great capital surplus.
“Polk” Through to the Pacific, 1845–49—President Polk, in only one term of four years, manages to browbeat the UK into an agreement giving the US Oregon and Washington. He then picked a fight with Mexico over admitting Texas to the Union and takes everything west of the Louisiana Purchase and South of Oregon. This includes California. He does this just in time before massive quantities of gold are discovered there. He also gets the great ports of San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle and some good land for future horticulture. The US is now a transcontinental power, the only power of its large size with immediate access to the Atlantic and Pacific. It’s southern border is now a nearly impassable desert. The northern border is the ever-friendly and not-too-numerous Canadians. The other borders are very large oceans. Good external protection. Great internal connections.

Become a Unified Country, 1861–65—The North wins the Civil War, takes over, unifies the nation, continues tariffs, invests in railroads, lets the industrialists build a country on oil, steel, railroads and finance. Land grant colleges boosted agricultural development. There is one national market now. The rules are convenient for John D. Rockefeller at Standard Oil to create a global energy empire and for Andrew Carnegie to build a steel empire, give the money away, and build a concert hall and lots of libraries.

Extend the Perimeter North to Alaska, 1867—Secretary of State Seward buys Alaska from the Russians in 1867 because they are distracted by the Crimea and don’t want the British to own it. Apart from eventually getting yet another stash of gold, early warning NORAD stations, and some great halibut, this ends forever the issue of who can approach the US from the North Pacific.

Establish Forward Possession in the Pacific Ocean - Hawaii, 1887+ Americans were in Hawaii from the mid 18th Century and they nudged out the royals and protected big sugar and pineapple plantations. Pearl Harbor later became a great naval base and made the US a Pacific Ocean power. Midway follows. And even the Philippines (see #7). The Hawaiians eventually teach Americans how to surf.
Build a Canal, Connect Two Oceans, And Guard Its Approaches, 1895+ The remaining weak point was the Caribbean. In the Spanish-American War, the US takes Puerto Rico, temporarily turns Cuba into a protectorate and guards the narrow entrances between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. This also guards the approaches to the future Panama Canal when Teddy Roosevelt creates the conditions for an independent Panama and a US-controlled canal (apologies to Colombia). The US picks up the Philippines and doesn’t quite know what to do with it but keeps it anyway until 1946.

Take sides and defeat three empires, 1916–18. By entering the tail end of WWI, the US ensures that the UK and France defeat the German Empire, the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The last two break up into smaller countries and like what Wilson says about self-determination. Unfortunately, the Russian Empire, which was also destroyed, morphs into a power led by some angry folks who are true believers in Communism. But the age of empires is drawing to a close and people are listening to Wilson’s idea of self-determination. The US wants to see more republics out there. But it decides to go home and not really bother anymore.

Become One of Two Superpowers — Conquer the Japanese Empire, and (with the USSR) Defeat Nazism, 1941–45. Despite having a pathetic army and wanting to remain isolationist, the US decides to go all in after Pearl Harbor is bombed by the Japanese and Hitler declares war on the US. The USSR does the heavy lifting with the Germans and takes over most of Eastern Europe while the US slices and dices the Imperial Japanese Navy and later invades Europe on D-Day. It takes all of 43 months from Pearl Harbor to he surrender of Japan to win a world war on two fronts.

Become the Sole Remaining Superpower by Outlasting Communism and Letting the USSR Implode. The challenge of missiles, thermonuclear bombs and ideology scares the hell out of the US. But it adopts George Kennan’s “Containment” strategy and stays the course while the Soviet economy runs wild with friendly dictatorships (China, North Korea, Cuba, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.) and then implodes because the Communist economic principles didn’t really work and Eastern Europeans didn’t like being told what to do. Meanwhile, the US sponsors the Marshall Plan for Europe, the World Bank for developing countries and the UN for everyone else. It puts together a network of alliances, led by NATO. And like Kennan said, when Communism is not allowed to expand, it is destroyed by what Karl Marx used to call “internal contradictions”. Meanwhile the US goes on to create the Internet, Personal Computers, Smart Phones, jeans, rap music, credit default swaps and jeans with pre-made holes in them.

US was set for success from beginning based on its founding principles:

1. US inherited all of the European technology, but none of the European cultural dogmas. While most of Europe was a feudal society till 1850s, this has never been a problem in the US, as the aristocracy failed to establish foot in the semi-lawless place that US was in the early colonial days.

2. Large portions of US have existed on the edge of chaos (remember the wild west). This population has always been armed to the teeth with the latest technology just to be able to defend themselves from the native Americans and adversary settlers. Any country attempting to invade would had to struggle with super expensive guerrilla war. A bunch of Texans were able to hold Santa Anna's army in a non-defendable position. Imagine if they were somewhere up in the mountains.

3. US started with a lots of resources to offer and constant shortage of work force. This shaped the culture in two major ways:
a) The society became very accepting of immigrants, regardless of their background, language, race. Their work was simply needed. One can argue that this was not the case in the south, where African Americans were not accepted so well. The reality, though, is that this cultural change in the south made it inferior to the north, where African Americans were valued as hard working employees.
Immigrants have always brought new ideas. They are already pre-selected as hard working and risk taking to even attempt to get to US. If you trace US history, you will notice that most of the successful entrepreneurs in US are actually first generation immigrants. The same applies to most of the scientists. The immigrants often bring new technologies/skillsets too. Think of Tesla and Einstein. The counterexample is most of the history of Japan.
b) The constant shortage of workforce created strong incentive for automation. Initially, US was a major importer of technology, but driven by this culture, it soon became the major exporter. The constant influx of immigrants guaranteed diverse innovative approaches. While other countries like Mexico grew mostly as mixture of Spanish and local peoples, US had immigrants from every corner of the old world.

4. US approach to solving problems is different than the European. Europe solves them through cutting resources. A classical European solution to more expensive oil is to drive smaller cars over shorter distances. US solution is to keep the same standard: make the cars more efficient, don't be afraid to pump oil from the ground, invade the country with the richest oil reserve to provide more supply, etc. European's approach is to shrink the family (fewer kids, more resources for them to inherit), American belief is that the more people, the more ideas and hence the more benefit for the society as a whole. I grew up in Europe and I am still surprised how 3 kids is the norm in US, while 2 is considered the maximum in most of Europe. Where I grew up, parents with 3 kids are often considered unreasonable/non-caring.

5. US could not have been exploited the way most colonies were, as the locals were Europeans who had access to the same technologies as the "exploiters". This meant full access to scientific literature, ability to print and distribute local books/propaganda, produce the same weapons and undergo the same military training. Just ask the British.

6. The US came to the continent at a point when communication and movement of people was possible across the whole continent. If north America was conquered in the 16th century, chances are that now every state would have been a separate independent country.

7. As others pointed the isolation was perfect for the time. The US was far too costly for Britain and other European forces. Yet, US was close enough for information and determined immigrants to flow freely. It was similar to the situation northern Europe was in during the 1300-1500s. Northern Europe was far enough from Byzantium, Ottoman Empire and Arab to escape their invasions, but close enough for gunpowder (Ottoman turks conquered Balkans with it), renaissance ideas (crossed to Italy when Byzantium and its neighboring empires declined), mathematics (from Arab centers) to flow in. Obviously, geography itself is not sufficient, as other countries like Russia were not so successful.

8. It certainly helped that the country had plenty of unused resources. Europe has been stripped from resources, while America was a virgin land. Again, this was not the deciding factor. E.g. Russians had plenty of land and were actually holding Alaska. Yet, they failed to utilize its reaches and did not even discover its vast gold reserves.

At the end America became so powerful with a combination of luck, hard work and keeping itself on the top of the technology curve. To this day the country is a leader in the high tech. Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft are the leading technology companies worldwide. The closely following countries/unions like EU, China and Japan, have really hard time catching up. Other growing economies like India and Brazil are not even close in terms of globally visible technological innovative companies. Innovation happens in all of these places, but so far it is always the US which manages to pick and use such innovation for its own gain.

The U.S. became the greatest power in the world after WWII. It was then our technological and productive and innovative distinctions gave us the first jump on the rest of the world. We lived through a 40-year stalemate with Russia (and, to an extent, China), which ended with the break up of the Soviet Union.

In the last six years, however, we have declined in global respect, reach, and mastery. We are no longer the greatest power in the world. The government has decimated our military and continues to do so. Our military might put the force behind our words to enable us to sway other countries to our point of view. Mostly, our point of view has been benign as to the people of the world as a whole. We have, however, supported dictators when they did not disturb the status quo, when the status quo was not grossly harmful to the people of the country. Today, we are close to not having the military might (our big stick) to back our humanitarian and national interests (speaking softly). The smaller our stick, it seems, the more chaotic the world becomes.

I fear for our nation. Other "greatest powers" have succumbed and been overridden in time: Great Britain, Russia, Greece, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, various Chinese dynasties. They fell, so can we. If we do, and might soon, our lives will change forever as will our country.

The US became a world power sometime in the 1870s or 1880s, although the exact moment probably cannot be identified because people were not precisely measuring the size of economies back then.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the US became the largest economy on earth. Estimates/guestimates say that the US economy was much smaller than the British Empire's in 1820, but was roughly the same size by 1870 List of regions by past GDP (PPP)

I think the reason why the US became a huge economy is that we not only expanded west territorially, but millions of Americans themselves moved west claiming land that the US government sold to them after buying it from France (in many cases after moving the Native Americans onto reservations).

Those areas became built up, in the midwest and heartland as farmland, and further west as mining and lumber. Unlike in many other countries that underwent massive expansion, the move west was voluntary for most people. There were some cases such as the Mormons after the 1838 Mormon War where the move west was not so voluntary, but most people moving west were frontiers people moving there consensually to make a living.

In other countries, such as the Russian Empire and British Empire, people did not generally move out consensually. The British Empire sentenced people to forced resettlement in Australia, and Russia, and later the USSR, often forced people to move east into Siberia.

This was not the case in the US, and growth in the west was very rapid. If you compare the population growth of Australia vs California for example:

California went from 92,597 American citizens (already 92,597 just 4 years after it became part of the US) in 1850 to 38.8 million in 2014.

Australia went from 859 Europeans in 1788 to 23.13 million in 2014. Australia did not get to 90,000+ Europeans until the 1830s, more than 40 years after settlement.

The world didn't really realize the US was a world power until 1898. In 1898 the US went to war with Spain, and took most Spanish colonies all over the world from Cuba to the Philippines.

The UK was still a larger superpower however, and some American strategists predicted a possible US defeat in a war with the UK as late as 1927 (see Brian Collins' answer to At what point in history did the U.S. military eclipse the British military? If the British had tried to invade in 1860, would America have won?)

After WWII the US and USSR were the only superpowers left. The UK no longer had the means to hold its colonies, and other European nations were even worse off.

Today the US economy is so large, that if you compare the GDP and median income of the US to most European countries, that European country would be poorer than the Britain Is Poorer Than Any US State.

Not so much “losing” as “willfully falling back and hoping someone else will take the lead.”

Like User-0 said, it’s a combination of others catching up, and US not wanting to lead anymore.

Well, a lot of Americans don’t care about the “leading position” anymore, except when it comes to the military. We want to have the biggest, best, and most advanced military. And we want it to defend us, not act as the police for the world.

When we hear on the news that a very expensive American jet with an American pilot dropped a very expensive bomb on someone to help on side in someone else’s civil war, many Americans think: “Wait a minute. Why are we fighting their war? Why are we paying for this? Why can’t they handle their own problems?”

The US has been the world’s lone superpower for a generation now. How’s that working out for the average American? After 26 years of US global hegemony, many Americans are still living paycheck-to-paycheck, struggling with addictions or broken families, and generally not doing as well as the generations of Americans before them.

When someone points out that the US leads the world economically, politically, and culturally, the average American might look at their personal situation and say: “Let someone else lead the world awhile. I’ve got my own problems I’d like my country to focus on.”

I don’t speak for all Americans, of course. But I know I speak for many of them when I say that the next time there’s a crisis somewhere in the world, I’d like to see ships full of Chinese or Russian or Indian aid leading the relief effort.

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United States Military and American Genocide A Brutal and Savage Massacre History -

Pedophile Bill Gates Is Lying To You On Vaccine Patent Protection # WO2020060606A1 -

Pedophile Netflix Cartoon - Smart Mark Zombie - Free Cell Phone - Mark Of The Beast -

Spongebob's Driver's License Has Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's Home Address ?

Parents Beware Internet Porn Cartoon Funny Starting Conversation With Your Kids -

Rex 84 FEMADC’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America and A Police State America. -

Federal Emergency Management Agency Death Camp's Purchase 30,000 Guillotines -

What is Martial law in the US ? Habeas corpus ? Insurrection Act of 1807 ? NWO

Executive Orders Can’t Save The U.S.A. ? It's “WE THE PEOPLE” Who Own America ? -

A Dangerous New Zombie Drug is Taking Over American Streets and Million Will Die ? -

76 Million Gun Owners, Gun Culture, and 2nd Amendment Laws, Red Flags, U.S. Gangs -

We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real Bill of State Rights -

What Governments Don’t Want You To Know About Modern Sex Slavery In The World -

Terror Slavery Chronicles & Other Woman Escapes Sexual Slavery Auction ** GRAPHIC ** -

Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws -

John F. Kennedy vs. The Federal Reserve Executive Order 11110 Federal Reserve Exposed -

Meet Your Strawman ? Your Birth Certificate Is Worth Millions ? Swindled by U.S.A. -

GMO Genetically Modified Organisms Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology -

Covid-19 U.S.A. Paid Chinese Scientists For Gain-Of-Function-Research For Bioweapon -

COVID-19 Vaccines Will Kill You? Animation What Happens If You Get Coronavirus Effect -

Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead of Cardiac Arrest for No Reason A New Bioweapon ? -

COVID-19 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A. -

People's Republic Of United State Of America & International Maritime Admiralty Law -

People's Republic Of United State Of America Act of 1871-1917-1933 Fully Exposed. -

History of Deadliest Prison and Street Gangs United States and Your Gun Right Laws -

Thousand's Dead In U.S.A. Now & Shot In Head By Police & Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse -

Drug Enforcement Administration - Will Kill You - This Man Is Lucky - Most Time Dead -

CIA Killing 100,000> Year Selling Heroin In U.S.A. Our Troops Protecting Opium-Heroin -

History Flag/Evolution of Deep State/U.S.A. Star Chamber/April 1 Fool Sheeple Day? -

How FISC-DOJ-CIA-FBI Secret Pedophile's Courts, Justice System, Government Works -

U.S. Government Is Selling Fentanyl Laced w-Xylazine To Kill Us - Its Not From Mexico -

U.S. Government Is Selling Child Pornography and False Charges Against U.S. Citizens -

Speech On Human Trafficking Before United State Congress and Child Sex Tourism -

I Live In A Transgender Sexual Wide Wonderful World Of Pedophile's Hate Supremacist -

What’s in a Covid-19 Vaccine? - Everyone Will Now Get Edible Vaccine in Your Food -

New Mandate Law To Force All U.S.A. Female To Get Sex Genital Mutilation Survivors -

American Muslims Facts vs. Fiction vs. Islamic Militant Organization vs, Sharia Law ? -

Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -

WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --

Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info. -

This Is What's Coming To America - You Are Getting Wiped Out By U.S. Government -

Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old -

Comparison Most Hated People And U.S.A. Politicians And Civil Rights Leaders Too. -

Left Wing Vs. Right Wing Yes Two Wings of the Same Bird All Politicians Are Corruption -

CIA'S Human Robot Politicians Are Real Adrenochrome Illuminati Left Black Eye Club -

The Truth About Gain-Of-Function Covid-19 Vaccines U.S.A. Bioweapon And Terrorism -

You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -

Docs Worldwide Warn You to Not Take the Covid 19 Vaccine Will Kill You Dead Soon -


Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration -

Why U.S.A. Government CIA-DOJ-FBI-Etc. Killing Thousands Whistleblowers Dead ? -

Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -

Human Meat Project - New Shake 'N Bake Fetus - Campbell Cream of Fetus Soup? -

Lab-Grown And Real Human Meat Was FDA Approved Cannibalism A Sprit Cooking -

UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up

Weaponization Of Government Against Private Citizen And Death American People's -

This Is UN 4G3NDA 21 Aw4reness Is The First Step In The R3SlST4NC3 By The People -

You May Have Nothing To Hide But You Still Have Something To Fear NSA Watching You -

AOC Celebrate Restarting MK-Ultra Program With Progress Psychedelics Treatment -

Pedophile "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez" Satan Worship Religious Freedom Argument Who? -

This Is How Beef, Chickens, Cats, Dogs, Fish, Human Meat Hot Dogs Are Really Made -

Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive I'm Not A Chicken Nuggets And Eggs Educational Film -

Everything You Need To Know About Eating Live Insects Wild Edibles Of The World -

Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old

Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -

U.S.A. Government Largest Middleman & Suppliers Of Sex Slave Trafficking Operation -

Millions To Die In Middle East Now From 85 Billion Worth U.S.A. Military Equipment -

Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty 34 Dead 171 Wounded -

U.S.A. Government & Police States Are Seizing Money Civil Forfeiture Armored Car -

We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now -

U.S.A. Drug Enforcement Administration & Department of Justice With Help From FBI & CIA & Local Police And Sheriff Dept. All Over U.S.A. Our Killing Thousands America Citizens Right Now Today. No One Is A Missing Person At All. If You Get Pulled Over By Police States In A Car Or Truck With Money You Have A 20% Change You Will Be Killed For The Money Or Sold As A Sex Slave. This Statement Is No Joke At All... You Will Be Killed By U.S.A. Government And Yes This Is Real Information From New World Order Today.

When will the US lose its status as a superpower?
As Mr. N.W.O. pointed out, the actual term "Superpower" may no longer be the right one to use, but I'm going to assume that "superpower" refers to a nation that is head and shoulders above other world powers, in terms of various measures of power. Under this definition, I can't see a time in the foreseeable future when the United States will not be one of the top superpowers in the world.

The United states is a very large unified country that essentially controls a continent, with friendly neighbors to the North and South. It is essentially energy independent, it has the largest and most capable military force by an order of magnitude over its next closest rival, it has the worlds largest economy, (170% of China's), it dominates world social and political culture, it leads the world in almost every scientific and research field and it has the dominant world reserve currency. The United States borders are so secure that most of the US Navy--the largest in the world--spends almost no time in American waters, except to train. Instead, the US Navy deploys worldwide to keep all of the world's sea lanes clear and secure; we are like the world's coast guard.

Looking into the future, the US has a very large population with a balanced growth cohort, indicating continued stable growth into the future. Russia is suffering from Stagnation and an anemic birth rate with a huge greying population, Europe has disproportionately declining birth rates China has a massive imbalance in the sexual diversity of it's large youth population (way too many boys) and India is struggling to grow fast enough to feed its population. US Education, life expectancy, standard of living and other indicators of well being, continue to be among the best in the world, which is a staggering achievement for a nation of more than 300, million people (a point lost on this who point to places like Denmark, Singapore and other tiny countries and crow about how they enjoy some tiny advantage over the US). The US as a food exporter and has huge untapped capacity to expand food production. The US has plenty of fresh water and can overcome any minor regional shortages. The US has massive tracts of forest and other natural resources that are preserved and could be used if necessary.

Beyond the nation itself, the US is allied with most of the strongest military and economic powers in the world. In the Americas, the US is on cordial terms with most other countries in both Americas. The US is allied with all of Western Europe, which is collectively the second largest economic bloc in the world. In the Pacific, the US is closely allied with Japan (the third largest economy in the world) South Korea (economy #13), Australia (economy #12), Singapore, the Philippines and most of the other strongest economies in Southeast Asia.

The point to be made by all of this is that the United States is a massively powerful, secure and diverse country that is sure to dominate the Western Hemisphere well into the next century. It is also likely to continue to play a decisive strategic role in the Pacific and Europe also well into the next century.

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