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Corrupt Organizations Part One Democratic Party Police Force Ku Klux Klan History
The Ku Klux Klan is the oldest democratic party police force terrorist group in the United States. This secret society, created in 1865, has survived throughout the decades and has always managed to rise from its ashes. It has been making the news for over 150 years. 150 years of hatred, racism and horror. A cruel history whose demons still haunt America.
The Klan Was the Original ‘Election Police’ Days after blocking the advancement of vital voting rights legislation and corrupting the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Republican politicians are advancing their undemocratic agenda by advocating for the creation of “election police.”
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is asking for $5.7 million to create an Office of Election Crimes and Security. In Georgia, former senator and gubernatorial candidate David Purdue promises a new Election Law Enforcement Division. Other Republicans pushing Trump’s Big Lie are sure to follow.
They aren’t breaking new ground, but joining a long tradition of dressing up efforts to suppress and intimidate Black voters as somehow protecting the integrity of our American democracy.
A tipping point of the 1960s voting rights movement was the march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on March 7, 1965. Dr. Martin Luther King, John Lewis, and voting rights activists marching from Selma, Alabama, to the state’s capital were infamously attacked on what’s come to be known as “Bloody Sunday” by Southern police led by Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Connor, the president of the Alabama Public Service Commission. Americans nationwide saw for themselves as Connor’s goons attacked citizens protesting non-violently with bully clubs, dogs, and militarized vehicles. Lewis nearly died in the confrontation.
That August, the Voting Rights Act became law, and Black Americans could finally vote without the threat of government-sponsored or -sanctioned terrorism—that is, the voting police.
This week, Senate Republicans voted against the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act that would have restored voting rights protections created by the 1965 legislation but removed by John Roberts’ Supreme Court in 2013, on the bizarre premise that racial disparities were no longer a problem. With those protections gone, conservative politicians in the South are again trying to militarize and police voting.
This was all too predictable to anyone who knows American history, and part of the Republican Party’s anti-Democratic agenda is to ensure that much of that history is ignored or forgotten. It’s good that many Americans know about the Edmund Pettus Bridge, but more of them should know about Edmund Pettus, a white terrorist and politician from Alabama.
Pettus, born in Alabama in 1821, was a brigadier general in the Confederate Army. Following the Civil War, he was pardoned by President Andrew Johnson along with thousands of other Confederates, and upon obtaining his freedom he became a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.
From its inception, the Klan’s main purpose was to return, or “redeem,” the South to its pre-Civil War, antebellum status quo. The group existed to suppress newly emancipated Black voters and America’s first civil rights acts, known as the Force Acts, were created to outlaw the Klan and similar groups so that Black Americans could vote without the threat of terrorism.
Pettus’ status as a Grand Dragon reveals how the Klan was never the ragtag group of powerless, disgruntled Southerners that it sometimes presented itself as, but was actually led by the elites of Southern society and those with military experience. During Reconstruction, Pettus had his own law practice in Selma and was also the Alabama delegate to the Democratic National Convention. Publicly, he helped the Democratic Party—in the 1860s the Democrats opposed voting rights—select their presidential candidates while privately he undermined democracy and orchestrated terrorism.
The Klan, the White League, and other domestic terrorist groups in the South, collaborated with “Redeemer” politicians and law enforcement to undermine American democracy and help Americans who opposed the expansion of voting rights win elections and maintain power. Sometimes, voter suppression would be enough for a Confederate sympathizer to win an election, but when that failed, America’s white terrorists would launch coups d’état claiming voter fraud and that the election had been stolen from them.
On Sept. 14, 1874, near the end of Reconstruction, the White League attacked the Louisiana state house, then in New Orleans, and took control of the government for three days after they refused to admit defeat in the 1872 gubernatorial elections where pro-voting rights Republican politician William Kellogg defeated the Redeemer-Democrat John McEnery, and a Black man, Caesar Carpentier Antoine, was elected lieutenant governor. Federal troops were forced to intervene to reclaim control and defeat the White League.
The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States and the oldest active voter-based political party in the world. Founded in the 1830s and 1840s, it stood for individual rights and state sovereignty and opposed banks and high tariffs. In the first decades of its existence, from 1832 to the mid-1850s, under Presidents Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and James K. Polk, the Democrats usually bested the opposition Whig Party by narrow margins. After the Civil War until the 1940s, the party opposed civil rights reforms in order to retain the support of Southern white voters. The Republican Party was organized in the mid-1850s from the ruins of the Whig Party and Free Soil Democrats and was dominant in presidential politics from 1860 to 1928. The party's policy priorities were maintaining slavery and expanding the US, and as more territories joined the country, it became increasingly divided between slave states and free states.
Surprising historical facts the Democratic Party wouldn’t want you to know Democrats can say whatever they want about the GOP today, but the fact remains that the Republican party was instituted to end slavery in a time when Democratic leaders refused to acknowledge black Americans as “persons” instead of “property,” forcibly removed Native Americans from their land, and even established the Ku Klux Klan to fight against constitutional rights gained by blacks after the Civil War.
On today’s show, Glenn Beck turns back time to take a look at the Democratic and Republican Parties and what they stood for over the past two centuries. “Is there any truth to the accusations today’s liberals throw at the GOP?” asked Glenn, introducing tonight’s topic: “The history of the Democratic Party that I’m pretty sure you didn’t learn in school.”
Democrats can say whatever they want about the GOP today, but the fact remains that the Republican party was instituted to end slavery in a time when Democratic leaders refused to acknowledge black Americans as “persons” instead of “property,” forcibly removed Native Americans from their land, and even established the Ku Klux Klan to fight against constitutional rights gained by blacks after the Civil War.
On today’s show, Glenn Beck turns back time to take a look at the Democratic and Republican Parties and what they stood for over the past two centuries. “Is there any truth to the accusations today’s liberals throw at the GOP?” asked Glenn, introducing tonight’s topic: “The history of the Democratic Party that I’m pretty sure you didn’t learn in school.”
It’s almost unthinkable, but the Democratic assailant was never even charged with the attempted murder of a United States Senator on the Senate floor.
1856 – Founding Republican Party member, Sen. Charles Sumner gave a speech in the US Senate against slavery. Angered by Sumner’s message, Democratic House Rep. Preston Brooks of South Carolina, crossed the rotunda of the Capitol and in front of the entire Senate, literally clubbed Sumner almost to death. “It’s almost unthinkable, but the Democratic assailant was never even charged with the attempted murder of a United States Senator on the Senate floor,” remarked Glenn.
1857 – The Democrat-controlled Supreme Court approved the dreaded Dred Scott Decision, which declared that black American’s were “not persons but property” and therefore had no rights.
1860 – Republican presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln ran on a platform that blasted the Dred Scott Decision, opposed the fugitive slave law and announced an intention to end slavery. Lincoln received only 40 percent of the popular vote but won the presidency with 57 percent of the electoral college.
1861 – The Confederate flag was created by the Democratic party.
1866 – A Republican-controlled Congress enacted the 13th Amendment to constitutionally ban slavery in the US.
1860’s – The Ku Klux Klan was started by Democrats to murder Republicans: black or white.
1871 – Republican State Senator, Dr. John Winsmith, was shot seven times by the Klan because he was fighting for the rights of blacks in his state. Dr. Winsmith survived the shooting and testified before Congress about the attack.
Glenn’s perspective:
During the past 200 years, Democrats have simply shifted their actions from overt racism to covert racism. The tactics that they use to control minorities in America have just changed. They shifted from actual slavery on the cotton plantations, to make sure that blacks remain on the “plantation” of government assistance, ever dependent on their Democratic overseers.
Republicans meanwhile, as a general rule, have always fought for the rights of self-determination for minorities, any minority. They tend not to promise that the government will take care of them, instead, the GOP, if true to its non-progressive roots, has a philosophy that allows people to have the opportunity to take care of themselves, to chart their own course, make their own destiny, to thrive rather than just survive.
Democrats today are positioned as the keepers of the flame of liberty, the ferocious fighters in defense of the underdog, but honestly, if you look at the facts, nothing could be further from the truth.
The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, and the nation’s oldest existing political party. After the Civil War, the party dominated in the South due to its opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans. After a major shift in the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority, women’s and labor rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.
Democratic-Republican Party
Though the U.S. Constitution doesn’t mention political parties, factions soon developed among the new nation’s founding fathers.
The Federalists, including George Washington, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, favored a strong central government and a national banking system, masterminded by Hamilton.
But in 1792, supporters of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who favored decentralized, limited government, formed an opposition faction that would become known as the Democratic-Republicans.
Despite Washington’s warning against the danger of political parties in his famous farewell address, the power struggle between Federalists and the Democratic-Republican Party dominated the early government, with Jefferson and his supporters emerging largely triumphant after 1800.
The Federalists steadily lost ground in the early 19th century, and dissolved completely after the War of 1812.
Jacksonian Democrats
In the highly controversial presidential election of 1824, four Democratic-Republican candidates ran against each other. Though Andrew Jackson won the popular vote and 99 electoral votes, the lack of an electoral majority threw the election to the House of Representatives, which ended up giving the victory to John Quincy Adams.
In response, New York Senator Martin van Buren helped build a new political organization, the Democratic Party, to back Jackson, who defeated Adams easily in 1828.
After Jackson vetoed a bill renewing the charter of the Bank of the United States in 1832, his opponents founded the Whig Party, led by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky. By the 1840s, Democrats and Whigs were both national parties, with supporters from various regions of the country, and dominated the U.S. political system; Democrats would win all but two presidential elections from 1828 to 1856.
Civil War and Reconstruction
In the 1850s, the debate over whether slavery should be extended into new Western territories split these political coalitions. Southern Democrats favored slavery in all territories, while their Northern counterparts thought each territory should decide for itself via popular referendum.
At the party’s national convention in 1860, Southern Democrats nominated John C. Breckinridge, while Northern Democrats backed Stephen Douglas. The split helped Abraham Lincoln, candidate of the newly formed Republican Party, to victory in the 1860 election, though he won only 40 percent of the popular vote.
The Union victory in the Civil War left Republicans in control of Congress, where they would dominate for the rest of the 19th century. During the Reconstruction era, the Democratic Party solidified its hold on the South, as most white Southerners opposed the Republican measures protecting civil and voting rights for African Americans.
By the mid-1870s, Southern state legislatures had succeeded in rolling back many of the Republican reforms, and Jim Crow laws enforcing segregation and suppressing Black voting rights would remain in place for the better part of a century.
Progressive Era and the New Deal
As the 19th century drew to a close, the Republicans had been firmly established as the party of big business during the Gilded Age, while the Democratic Party strongly identified with rural agrarianism and conservative values.
But during the Progressive Era, which spanned the turn of the century, the Democrats saw a split between its conservative and more progressive members. As the Democratic nominee for president in 1896, William Jennings Bryan advocated for an expanded role of government in ensuring social justice. Though he lost, Bryan’s advocacy of bigger government would influence the Democratic ideology going forward.
Republicans again dominated national politics during the prosperous 1920s, but faltered after the stock market crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first Democrat to win the White House since Woodrow Wilson.
In his first 100 days, Roosevelt launched an ambitious slate of federal relief programs known as the New Deal, beginning an era of Democratic dominance that would last, with few exceptions, for nearly 60 years.
Roosevelt’s reforms raised hackles across the South, which generally didn’t favor the expansion of labor unions or federal power, and many Southern Democrats gradually joined Republicans in opposing further government expansion.
Then in 1948, after President Harry Truman (himself a Southern Democrat) introduced a pro-civil rights platform, a group of Southerners walked out of the party’s national convention. These so-called Dixiecrats ran their own candidate for president (Strom Thurmond, governor of South Carolina) on a segregationist States Rights ticket that year; he got more than 1 million votes.
Most Dixiecrats returned to the Democratic fold, but the incident marked the beginning of a seismic shift in the party’s demographics. At the same time, many Black voters who had remained loyal to the Republican Party since the Civil War began voting Democratic during the Depression, and would continue to do so in greater numbers with the dawn of the civil rights movement.
Civil Rights Era
Although Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed civil rights legislation (and sent federal troops to integrate a Little Rock high school in 1954), it was Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat from Texas, who would eventually sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law.
Upon signing the former bill, Johnson reportedly told his aide Bill Moyers that “I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come.”
Over the course of the late 1960s and 1970s, more and more white Southerners voted Republican, driven not only by the issue of race, but also by white evangelical Christians’ opposition to abortion and other “culture war” issues.
Democrats From Clinton to Obama
After losing five out of six presidential elections from 1968 to 1988, Democrats captured the White House in 1992 with Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton’s defeat of the incumbent, George H.W. Bush, as well as third-party candidate Ross Perot.
Clinton’s eight years in office saw the country through a period of economic prosperity but ended in a scandal involving the president’s relationship with a young intern, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton’s conduct in the affair eventually led to his impeachment by the House in 1998; the Senate acquitted him the following year.
Al Gore, Clinton’s vice president, narrowly captured the popular vote in the general election in 2000, but lost to George W. Bush in the electoral college, after the U.S. Supreme Court called a halt to a manual recount of disputed Florida ballots.
Midway through Bush’s second term, Democrats capitalized on popular opposition to the ongoing Iraq War and regained control of the House and Senate.
In 2008, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois rode a wave of popular discontent and economic concerns during the Great Recession to become the first African-American U.S. president.
Opposition to Obama and his policies, particularly health care reform, fueled the growth of the conservative, populist Tea Party movement, helping Republicans make huge gains in Congress during his two terms in office.
And in 2016, after a tough primary battle with Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton captured the Democratic nomination, becoming the first female presidential nominee of any major party in U.S. history.
But against most expectations, Clinton lost in the general election that November to reality TV star Donald Trump, while Republican gains in congressional elections left Democrats in the minority in both the House and Senate.
2020 Election
The slate of candidates running for president from the Democratic Party in the 2020 election was historically large and diverse. Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Corey Booker, Andrew Yang, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer were among the major candidates aiming to take on President Trump.
After a slow start to his campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden won his party's nomination. Biden chose California senator Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate, making Harris the first Black and Asian American woman to be named on a major party's ticket. Biden ran as a moderate, and pledged to unify the country after a divisive four years under President Trump. On November 7, Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election; he took office as the 46th U.S. president on January 20, 2021, alongside a fully Democratic Congress.
Race, crime, and incarceration have long been linked in the United States. This page explores its various manifestations including African American participation in organized crime including in particular the rise of gangs and gang violence, African Americans and the prison system, its impact on black life, and the people and organizations engaged in challenging and changing that system. As with our pages on Black Lives Matter and Racial Violence in the United States, we are constantly updating and invite you to make suggestions on other examples that should be included.
Abortion millions black baby killed a year and its true the democrats party police who supported the ku klux klan are killings blacks today. This is the conscious act of millions blacks mother killing blacks baby's who are killing a human black life or a being inside the womb of the black mother, resulting in the death of the black embryo or a black fetus.
The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence, the Ku Klux Klan. When you think about racial equality and civil rights, which political party comes to mind?
The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynching's, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.
President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, shared many views with the Klan. He re-segregated many federal agencies, and even screened the first movie ever played at the White House in February 18-1915 - the racist film “The Birth of a Nation,” originally entitled “The Clansman.” ( I love this film "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez") and its funny that president Joe Biden Say ( My favorite film is The Klansman 1974) with Cast: Lee Marvin, Richard Burton, and O. J. Simpson dressed as a KKK man in white face as a Klansmen Killer- yes the greatest movie ever made.
Joe Biden Said: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’ So now, the Democratic Party prospers on the votes of the very people it has spent much of its history oppressing.
Surgical abortion is an action that surgically kills a black baby while she is growing in her mother's womb, while chemical abortion is an action that chemically kills a black baby either before or after she implants in her mother's womb. In 2003, the Federal Government passed the Partial-Abortion Act Ban, which prohibits a specific abortion procedure (intact dilation and evacuation) in which the fetus is pulled out feet first and then killed by crushing the skull to remove it. Proponents argue that it is a rare procedure amounting to killing a baby, while opponents argue that it also prohibits a common procedure, dilation and curettage, and that it is sometimes necessary to protect the life and health of the woman. Killing a black baby is a homicide, and states can and do punish people for killing children who are born alive. Abortion also causes tremendous pain, killing the infant in unthinkable ways.
Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the administration in response to the “zero tolerance” policy that led to the separation of families at the border.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.
Whoopi Goldberg born Karen (Caryn) Elaine Johnson; November 13, 1955) She-He-Trans Militant Democrat Whoopi Goldberg Revolutionary Actions Group of the New Klan called Armed Antifa who have AR-15 and AK-47 Assault Weapons and other radical racists are explored is an American comedienne, actress, democrat political activist, writer and television host.
Posts Tagged ‘Ku Klux Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party and those who desired the restoration of white supremacy.
Genocide Black Abortions in America Abortion kills 1,000 black babies every day in America. Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue. Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.
In 2019, black women had 38.4% of all abortions in the U.S., despite African-Americans comprising only 13.4% of the total population.
In Michigan, black women make up only about 14% of Michigan’s female population, but they had 55.6% of all abortions reported in the state in 2021.
Let’s talk about black-on-black violence and abortions over 800,000+ dead each year... and you are only mad about Democratic Party Lynching ? I Do Not Understand This ? - So Total Number is under 5,000 Democratic Party Lynching's took place in the United States From 1883 to 1941 there were 4,467 victims of lynching. Of these, 4,027 were male, and 99 female. 341 were of unknown gender, but are assumed to be likely male. In terms of ethnicity; 3,265 were black, 1,082 were white, 71 were Mexican or of Mexican descent, 38 were American Indian, ten were Chinese, and one was Japanese.
The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynching's, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.
The World Today Felons, Illegals And MS13 Other Gangs Riots Looting Protests Propaganda Sign. Welcome Sign Reads "Official Sanctuary State" Sign At California Border and Other Sanctuary States in U.S.A. The Following Is A True Story About Gangs-Riots-Looting-Protests Propaganda If anyone hurts you or insult you or use wrong pronoun with you or other words... the right things to do is... go home and pee in your bed and set your home on fire and later go looting and riots and set car on fire and maybe kill someone ?
So after a night of fun like riots and looting - rape - setting fires - killing !
So now you are home... you wake-up at 11:20am and see your mom... hay mom... I got you a new PC and new TV last night and other thing nice for you mom... thanks you son... or he-she-trans-etc. so after you eat its now 12 noon... mom or dad why are you home today ? you are late for work mom ? no son i'm not late...
do you remember i work at walmart son... yes mom i do... you and other burned walmart down last night son... do you remember this son... yes a fun time too. and your dad works at 7-11 son... yes i remember we burn it down last night too. and your grandfather worked at costco son... and your grandmother worked at ? yes yes yes mom i remember we burned the whole town last night... so we need to move now son.... as your whole family is now out of work son.... etc. etc. etc.
Mom thanks again for new PC and new TV and pair of Nike shoe last night son. Its so funny now.... you pee in your own bed and wake-up wet in the morning and say why I'm I wet now. Lol maybe its because you pee on yourself last night and this why + American's Our Smartest People In The World Today... WoW
American's Our Smartest People In The World Be Honest. As an Observer of American Society, the thought may have crossed your mind at one time or another at least for a fleeting moment or two that the nation's dysfunctional state of affairs is the result of widespread stupidity. The people, too often misinformed and poorly educated, are getting exactly the democracy they deserve. Perhaps that thought arose last week as you watched the cringe-worthy presidential debate, which pundits have called "a disgrace" and "an embarrassment for the ages." Our public discourse has been in decline for so long that it was bound to come to this, right?
Because rioting achieves nothing.
The people participating are mostly aware of that. There are participants who are legitimately enraged by police brutality and feel that this public display is the only way to bring any attention to their situation, but the reality is that all riots serve to do is make the rioters look like uneducated savages who do not know how to conduct themselves in the public forum, regardless of how legitimate the original cause was.
The vast majority of those involved, particularly young rioters- at least in my belief, based on their recorded actions- are not trying to affect any form of political change. They are they because they want to break some windows for fun. It’s out of the ordinary, a chance to act a bit crazy, and basically quite exciting. Not that I’m approving of it, or saying I would be joining in, but you’re lying to yourself if you think that there isn’t a sort of abandoned fun in going around and mindlessly destroying things. Mob mentality takes over, and you don’t necessarily see any victims at the time; everyone is joining in, so why not just put that window through?
The same people are there to get a free TV. It’s the same sort of sense of careless abandon, and the chance to go wild. If asked, you bet your ass they will tell you just how evil the system and their police enforcers are, in between destroying the private property of others- innocent others, who had no hand in the killing of George Floyd- and scoring some “free” stuff for their apartment.
America does indeed have a problem in the smarts department and it appears to be getting worse, not better.
On Tuesday, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released the results of a two-year study in which thousands of adults in 23 countries were tested for their skills in literacy, basic math and technology. The US fared badly in all three fields, ranking somewhere in the middle for literacy but way down at the bottom for technology and math.
The Black Family 40 Years of Lies ? The real truth is black man 72% of them will not marry a black woman at all... every (maybe rape her) but not marry her and yes its very sad ?
The black community's 72 percent rate eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans were born to unwed mothers in 2008, the most recent year for which government figures are available. The rate for the overall U.S. population was 41 percent.
The drug epidemic sent disproportionate numbers of black men to prison, and crushed the job opportunities for those who served their time. Women don't want to marry men who can't provide for their families, and welfare laws created a financial incentive for poor mothers to stay single. If you remove these inequalities, some say, the 72 percent unwed.... So maybe slavery is good... because you get food stamps and a bad home and TV and all the drugs i want and maybe a rape too.
So let keep voting democrats party for more free thing like food stamp and slavery too.
its the same today as it is 100 years ago ? ?
a black gang bang told me this is how a black men love for a 1 night bang or treat a women white or black or other race's video is below.
This is a black women today. i only want money ? She is known for her hard core rap lyrics and versatile voice. She has a lot of tattoos and a fierce attitude. Do you think she is for real?
Brass Against Singer Pees On Fan Onstage
This how women act today ? sad ? or love it ?
This is black rape a woman music of today ? and over 7,000+ video's like this kids and teens are watching now and at night let's go looting. - - Sophia Urista Z Brass Against.
The Origins of Lynching Culture in the United States in the South Documents Area
Lynching's took place in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, most commonly in Southern states and Western frontier settlements and most frequently in the late 19th century. They were often performed by self-appointed commissions, mobs, or vigilantes as a form of punishment for presumed criminal offences. From 1883 to 1941 there were 4,467 victims of lynching. Of these, 4,027 were male, and 99 female. 341 were of unknown gender, but are assumed to be likely male. In terms of ethnicity; 3,265 were black, 1,082 were white, 71 were Mexican or of Mexican descent, 38 were American Indian, ten were Chinese, and one was Japanese. At the first recorded lynching, in St. Louis in 1835, a Black man named McIntosh who killed a deputy sheriff while being taken to jail was captured, chained to a tree, and burned to death on a corner lot downtown in front of a crowd of over 1,000 people.
Lynching is a form of violence, usually murder, considered by its perpetrators as extra-legal punishment for offenders, or as a terrorist method of enforcing social domination. It is characterized by a summary procedure ignoring, or even contrary to, the strict forms of law. Lynching is sometimes justified by its supporters as the administration of justice (in a social-moral sense, not in law) without the delays and inefficiencies inherent to the legal system. Victims of lynching have generally been members of groups marginalized or vilified by society. The practice is age-old; stoning, for example, is believed to have started long before lapidation was adopted as a judicial form of execution. "Lynch law" is frequently prevalent in sparsely settled or frontier districts, where government is weak and officers of the law too few and too powerless to preserve order. The practice has been common in periods of threatened anarchy. In the early twentieth century, it was also found significantly in Russia and south-eastern Europe, but especially and almost peculiarly in America. When the debate over capital punishment itself has reached the level that many countries have abolished the death penalty even through the judicial process, the idea of lynching alleged offenders without any regard for their human rights can be understood as very wrong, and part of the dark history of humankind.
Claudette Colvin- the Girl who Came Before Rosa Parks Civil Rights Movement.
Claudette Colvin (born September 5, 1939) is an American nurse and was a pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement. On March 2, 1955, she was arrested at the age of 15 in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white woman on a crowded, segregated bus. Colvin acted a few months before the more widely known incident in which Rosa Parks, secretary of the local chapter of the NAACP, played the lead role, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott that began that year.
Colvin was among the five plaintiffs originally included in the federal court case filed by civil rights attorney Fred Gray on February 1, 1956, as Browder v. Gayle, to challenge bus segregation in the city. She testified before the three-judge panel that heard the case in the United States District Court. On June 13, 1956, the judges determined that the state and local laws requiring bus segregation in Alabama were unconstitutional. The case went to the United States Supreme Court on appeal by the state, and it upheld the District Court ruling on December 17, 1956. Colvin was the last witness to testify. Three days later, the Supreme Court issued an order to Montgomery and the state of Alabama to end bus segregation, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott was called off.
For many years, Montgomery's black leaders did not publicize Colvin's pioneering effort. She was an unmarried teenager at the time, and was reportedly pregnant by a married man. Colvin has said, "Young people think Rosa Parks just sat down on a bus and ended segregation, but that wasn't the case at all." Her case helped pave the way.
Black Lynching Black Culture ? Real Genocide Black Race Abortions in America Sad ?
Let’s talk about black-on-black violence and abortions over 500,000+ dead each year... and you are only mad about Lynching ? I Do Not Understand This ? - So Total Number is under 5,000 Lynching's took place in the United States From 1883 to 1941 there were 4,467 victims of lynching. Of these, 4,027 were male, and 99 female. 341 were of unknown gender, but are assumed to be likely male. In terms of ethnicity; 3,265 were black, 1,082 were white, 71 were Mexican or of Mexican descent, 38 were American Indian, ten were Chinese, and one was Japanese.
Genocide Black Abortions in America Abortion kills 1,000 black babies every day in America. Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue. Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.
In 2019, black women had 38.4% of all abortions in the U.S., despite African-Americans comprising only 13.4% of the total population.
In Michigan, black women make up only about 14% of Michigan’s female population, but they had 55.6% of all abortions reported in the state in 2021.
During February, which is Black History Month, it is a good time to look upon the triumphs and tragedies in African American history. Movies like Harriet tell of heroes of the Underground Railroad and the struggle against slavery. It is good to honor those stories.
Thousands of people are killed each year in this country. When the victim and perpetrator are black people call this “black-on-black crime.” The last full year of data that is available from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports and their National Incident-Based Reporting System is 2018. According to the FBI, 15,498 people were murdered in the US in 2018, down from 16,499 in 2017. Racial data is available on only 14,123 (91.1%) of those murdered in 2018.
Of the 14,123 victims, 9,066 cases are listed as Not Hispanic or Latino; 2,173 are listed as Latino or Hispanic; 6,088 are listed as White; 7,407 as Black; 395 as other race; and 1,840 are listed as unknown race. This is problematic because it is impossible to discern how many of the victims listed as “white” are actually Hispanic/Latino. Hispanic/Latino is an ethnic group not a racial group according to the government’s definition.
First Black/Moorish Presidential Candidate and Later Becoming President Abraham Lincoln
President Abraham Lincoln Has Done More For Melaninated People Than Any Civil Rights Leader Will Ever Do - First Black/Moorish President Is Abraham Lincoln Moorish definition, of or relating to the Moors, a Muslim people of NW Africa. Moor, in English usage, a Moroccan or, formerly, a member of the Muslim population of al-Andalus, now Spain and Portugal. Of mixed Arab, Spanish, and Amazigh (Berber) origins.
Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an official holiday on October 3rd, 1863, so he is the greatest President of all time. (And he did some other stuff like outlawing slavery and presiding over the U.S. government through a civil war.) He was also our first Black/Moorish President.
King James 1566-1625 The Black King Who Had The Bible Translated Into English
King James, was the 1st King of England born 1566-1625 and he was the first to rule Scotland and Northern Island at the same time. In 1603 he commissioned a scholars to have the bible translated into English and make it available to all English speaking people throughout the world. It’s a little known fact that he was a Black man who ruled these countries in Europe. During his time he was though to be one of if not the greatest leader of his time. King James, a Black Man.
King James I of England and VI of Scotland, 1619. James (1566-1625) acceded to the Scottish throne in 1567, and to the English throne in 1603 on the death of Elizabeth I. He was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots and Henry, Lord Darnley. James, an educated and able king, desired to bring peace to war-torn Europe. He is probably best remembered for commissioning an English translation of the bible, published in 1611, and still known as the King James Bible.
Historical Context Facts about the Slave Trade and Slavery. King James 1566-1625 So Black King Who Had The Bible Translated Into English also Signed The First Charter for the New World in 1619 Black Slave Trade and Slavery. (Yes a Black Man and King)
Black Kings and Queens the Rulers of England From 1603/1901 Historians Never Talk?
So Moorish and Black Kings and Queens the Rulers of England and Europe From 1603/1901 You may have heard of these England and European Emperors, Kings and Queens, but did you know that they were Black ? So England /American after 1776? So Slavery Trade began 400 years ago this month. Started by Black King James I and VI of Scotland 1603 -1625 signed into law by this king ? This is referred to as the country’s original sin, but it is more than that It is the country’s true origin. Ancient Europe is not what we've been taught. Many things have been whitewashed, especially its ancient History. Here are some facts that you probably didn't know. President Abraham Lincoln, the Melungeon or Tawny Moor was the President of the United States. As President, he has to balance the Moorish side and the European side.
Black Monarchs of the British Isles, Pt.1 Until 1603 English and Scottish Crowns were Separate.
The purpose of this video is to expose the truth behind the appearances of the noble stocks of Britain and Scotland. As we do in every video, we will provide evidence based from texts, and use analysis based on visual aids and imagery.
Until 1603 the English and Scottish Crowns were separate, although links between the two were always close - members of the two Royal families intermarried on many occasions. Following the Accession of King James VI of Scotland as King James I of England to the English Throne, a single monarch reigned in the United Kingdom.
The last four hundred years have seen many changes in the nature of the Monarchy in the United Kingdom. From the end of the 17th century, monarchs lost executive power and they increasingly became subject to Parliament, resulting in today's constitutional Monarchy.
Royal titles are complicated because in some cases names of kingdoms are used that did not officially come into existence until later, or came into existence earlier without immediate adoption of the royal title.
Black Monarchs of the British Isles, Pt.2 Until 1603 English and Scottish Crowns were Separate.
The purpose of this video is to expose the truth behind the appearances of the noble stocks of Britain and Scotland. As we do in every video, we will provide evidence based from texts, and use analysis based on visual aids and imagery.
In 1328, on the death of the French king, Charles IV, Edward III (nephew of Charles IV) claimed the French throne. English monarchs, and subsequently British monarchs, then styled themselves King of France or Queen of France until the Act of Union 1800, which led to the creation of the United Kingdom in 1801. By then France had been a republic for ten years. (See English claims to the French throne.)
Since 1559 English monarchs, and subsequently British monarchs, have also had the title Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Note that the numbering of English monarchs starts afresh after 1066 (although this affects only the Edwards).
All Scottish monarchs held the title King of Scots or Queen of Scots, with the exception of the last three: Mary II, William III and Anne I used the style "of Scotland" rather than "of Scots".
In October 1604, one year after James VI of Scotland had become King of England, he decreed that the Royal Title would use the term Great Brittaine to refer to the "one Imperiall Crowne" made up of England and Scotland . However using that title is problematic because the 'state' of Great Britain was not created until the Act of Union 1707. Nor was the united crown generally referred to as 'imperial'. To avoid confusion, historians in general thus refer to all monarchs up to 1707 as monarchs of England and Scotland. Thus James II of England was also James VII of Scotland; and William III of England was also William II of Scotland. Many English and British monarchs also claimed France as part of their official title, though this had no substance in reality. After the Union, the ordinal has been the English number (for "George", "Edward" and "Elizabeth") and, until recently, there was no formal rule (see List of regnal numerals of future British monarchs).
In different documents, the terms Kingdom of Great Britain and United Kingdom of Great Britain feature, even documents as official as the Act of Union 1707. Most historians presume the United was meant to be descriptive, indicating a union as a form of unity by marriage rather than coercion. For clarity and because the United is far more strongly associated with the later name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland produced in the Act of Union 1800, the 1707 Kingdom is generally referred to as the Kingdom of Great Britain.
History of California Blacks Nation Califians/Khalifians True Aboriginals of California
History of California Blacks Nation Califians/Khalifians True Aboriginals of California History about the first true Americans has been manipulated and influenced by Europeans for hundreds of year. Today, these lies in history continue to be told in History books across the country. Information about African history has always been limited Spaniards, of course, were hardly the first to discover this land of wonder and extremes. The earliest Californians were adventurous Asians who made their way across the Bering Straits to Alaska thousands of years ago when a warmer climate and a now-vanished land bridge made such travel easier.
The original indigenous inhabitants of California were the descendants of West Africa, South America’s Olmecs – Xi Empire, 1500 – 400 BCE, Egypt, Asia and the Pacific Islands, creating a mix-cultural nation that thrived for thousands for years in peace.
California blacks were followers of the principles of Ma’at and they studied, exulted, and sought to emulate the mythical Gods of Kemet. Including and most importantly: Isis, Horus and Ra. They believed in one supreme God, life after death and heaven on earth.
They were lovingly ruled by a matriarchal secession, descendants of African queens. Most notably the legendary Queen of California and the Pacific Island Nations; Califia ( Khalifia).
Black People-Indigenous Tribes In North America 1,000's Years Before Columbus True
Ancient Africans Discovered America Thousands Of Years Ago? Contrary to popular belief, African American history did not start with slavery in the New World. An overwhelming body of new evidence is emerging which proves that Africans had frequently sailed across the Atlantic to the Americas, thousands of years before Columbus and indeed before the Vikings. The great ancient civilizations of Egypt and West Africa traveled to the Americas, contributing immensely to early American civilization by importing the art of pyramid building, political systems and religious practices as well as mathematics, writing and a sophisticated calendar.
Facts About Slavery Never Mentioned By Antifa/Black Lives Matter In School Lesson
Black people enslaved each other in Africa, and black people worked with slave traders too and Now Reparations for slavery is an important issue for African-Americans, with estimates ranging from $142,000 (equivalent to $162,000 in 2021) up to $17 trillion. Black liberals (84%) and moderates (79%) are more likely than conservatives (71%) to say that descendants of the enslaved should be repaid and Black adults who say they’re registered to vote (80%) are more likely than those unregistered (72%) to support reparations for slavery.
Old Maps 1720 Pre United States of Tartarian and California Island Red Hair Giants
Old Maps Pre United Stated B.C. (pre-before Columbus), will take us on a tour of pre America and the old United States. We will also explore star forts in America, old town Checagou later-Chicago, craters in the Carolinas, the noble ancient cities of the great Salt Lake, the seafaring red headed people nevada coastline indigenous tribes and the bermuda triangle area.
Black Sex Slave Fight For Sexual Justice During Reconstruction Female Slave Owners
Why is America the greatest country in the world ? America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. He then gives a litany of factual reasons why. America lags other nations in the world in a large number of areas, from infant mortality and crime rates to median income and gross domestic product per capita. Politicians, doctors, public policymakers, economists and academics have tried to narrow these gaps for years. Did Obama really say, "they bring a knife we bring a gun" without getting impeached ? Yes, and even crazier, Teddy Roosevelt was never impeached for carrying a big a stick. Most people, even now, know the difference between literal and figurative speech. Largely Slave, they have been unsuccessful. Fight for sexual justice during Reconstruction In a public lecture given in 1833, Maria W. Stewart, a pioneer black abolitionist and women’s rights advocate, invoked black women’s demands for sexual justice by asking, “What if I am a woman?”1 It was a question with profound implications if answered in the affirmative. What would it mean to acknowledge women, especially black women, as full citizens with legal capacity and political consent? If black women were granted not just the rights of life, liberty, and happiness, but also self-sovereignty, then they would also be entitled to the legal protection of those rights. By asking the question, Stewart asserted the essential humanity of black womanhood and called for the inclusion of black women as fully human and autonomous beings, the “owners” of their own bodies with the ability to withhold consent.
Human Zoos America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism and The Worlds Fair's
Human Zoos tells the shocking story of how thousands of indigenous peoples were put on public display in America in the early decades of the twentieth century. The harmful exhibition and practices displaying humans that are known today as “Human Zoos” took place for centuries, and their impact can still be seen today. Colonial exhibitions and fairs, circuses, zoos, and museums all took part in exhibiting people from across the world that were deemed other and, thus, curious to observe by white masses that deemed themselves superior and more civilized. In some cases, entertainment was elevated through the incorporation of thrilling performances and the display of exotic animals, further animalizing and dehumanizing exhibited humans. One of the most influential individuals in this exploitation was a man named Carl Hagenbeck. While he is mostly known for his impact on zoo architecture, he was also a prominent wild animal trader and trainer, and an “ethnographic showman.” Along with large names like P.T. Barnum, he further popularized “Human Zoos” at the turn of the twentieth century. One of the most infamous exploitations of an individual involves a young man named Ota Benga. In 1904, an American missionary and explorer was hired by the St. Louis World’s Fair to “acquire” an African pygmy to the fair for exhibition. Benga, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as the Belgian Congo, a colony of Belgium), was purchased by the missionary from the Baschelel tribe for “several bags of salt and a spool of brass wire,” according to an interview with the missionary’s grandson, likely at a slave market (another product of colonization).
Left Wing Vs. Right Wing Yes Two Wings of the Same Bird All Politicians Are Corruption
The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.
To a point I agree and disagree with this video; that both the left and right are almost entirely anti-white. At this point I believe that "pro-whites" are now considered "far right", because our views are not common among today's average lefts or rights. Things leftists fight for further white genocide, things such as easier immigration policies, gay marriage, multiculturalism (diversity) etc. Rights are a lot more liberal today its true, but that is because the left is pushing harder than the right these days, and that is why we are now considered " far right", so the concept cannot be ousted.
Whether you vote for a Republican or a Democrat, you're voting on the Same Bird! Instead, vote for an Independent... There are some ways to stop the genocide. You can develop the DNA technology to select/modify the DNA of your babies before they are born. If you want a baby with white or dark skin color, golden or dark hair, and blue or black eyes, you can do it by DNA technology. or for Here are several Google and YouTube searches to check out:
Frontline Antifa White Supremacist Black American Genocide And Brutal Mass Killing
Genocide Black Abortions in America Abortion Kills 1,000 Black Babies Every Day in America. Abortion is not just a Woman’s Issue. It’s a Human Rights Issue. Abortion is the Number One Killer and Mass Murder of Black Lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Abortion Kills More Black People than HIV, Homicide, Diabetes, Accident, Cancer, and Heart Disease … Combined. An All-Black Group is Arming itself and demanding change. They are the NFAC When two loud bangs rang out on the streets of Lafayette, Louisiana, no one knew where the gunshots came from as protesters gathered to demand justice for another Black man killed by police.
Now 6 Million Strong Men-Trans-Woman Armed Antifa/NFAC Men Assault Weapons
Trans-Woman Armed Antifa/NFAC ? Gun-Toting Trans-gender Woman who has become the face of the 'Day of Vengeance' organized by trans activists after Nashville massacre is 'former Soldier' Undercover 30+ Armed Antifa is the armed militia of the Democratic Party and is back in force extremists protect Texas drag show for very young children Aug 30, 2022 An All-Black Group Arming itself and demanding change - NWO Among the crowd was a group of armed Black men and women who call themselves the "Not (Fu*king) Messing Around Coalition" or NFAC. The group did not run toward the gunshots or break formation. Instead, they kneeled on the ground amid the confusion, and then walked away after their leader shouted, "fall back! fall back!" The all-Black, Atlanta-based group has grown in size out of frustration during a summer of protests against questionable policing and the deaths of countless Black people at the hands of police, said their founder John Fitzgerald Johnson.
Is 'NFL or NBA' Video Listing Supposed Crimes of US Congress Members Accurate?
The video quickly racked up millions of views and was then shared and It may have originally been recorded in 2009, but that information was unclear. In the viral video, Bailey appeared to be recounting a story he had heard from his son or read online. We transcribed the clip below: And he said, "Dad, guess which is it? Is it NBA or NFL?"
36 have been accused of spousal abuse.
Seven have been arrested for fraud.
19 have been accused of writing bad checks.
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least two businesses.
Three have done time for assault.
71, I repeat, 71, cannot get a credit card due to their bad credit.
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges.
Eight have been arrested for shoplifting.
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits.
And 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year.
How many of you think NBA? How many of you think NFL?
Well, the answer is neither.
It's the 435 members of the United States Congress.
Legislator Misconduct Database -
This page lists 483 instances of alleged and actual misconduct by legislators in the United States Congress from 1789 to the present. but 6,000+ more reports misconduct and alleged misconduct misc. sex charges over time have not gone to trial yet. The database below has been collected from public information about congressional investigations, criminal convictions, censures by and expulsions from Congress, and more, see the sidebar. The list is updated as new information becomes available.
An allegation of misconduct listed on this page does not imply guilt, unless it is followed by an official determination of guilt. Conversely, the absence of a determination of guilt does not imply innocence because congressional investigative bodies are political, not judicial. - web case filter: bribery & corruption other crimes ethics violation sexual harassment & abuse campaign & elections expulsion censure contempt of Congress reprimand fined by House/Senate resignation exclusion settlement conviction in court pleaded in court resolved unresolved.
Congress passes bill to make members pay sexual misconduct claims Congress paid out $976 million in settlements. Here’s why we know so little about that money. the real number is closer to 6 billon dollars so far! It is unclear how much of the $976 million is money paid to sexual harassment cases and other because of the Office of Compliance’s complex reporting process. However, even knowing that dollar figure doesn’t quantify the problem: a source within the Office of Compliance tells the New World Order that between 40 and 50% of harassment claims settle after mediation – an early stage in the multi-tiered reporting process. as of Feb. 14 2023 Valentine’s Day and Sexual Misconduct Day This story has been updated to include additional information from the Office of Compliance.
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