Do Not Fear Death Christians Because We Win This War - Jesus Christ - God

1 year ago

Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh - Jesus says “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am", (John 13:13). "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father [God]” (John 14:9). “I and the Father [God] are one” (John 10:30).
Jesus is far more than God’s mere messenger. Jesus Christ is God’s one and only Son (John 3:16-18). Further, He is the Second Person of the Trinity, God incarnate—God Himself (John 1:1,14; 5:18). Jesus claimed to be both “the Lord” and “God”’
No one can deny that Muslims reject the biblical Jesus. Yet it was Jesus Himself who warned all men, “If you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins” (John 8:24).

The god and jesus of Islam Are Not the Same as God and Jesus Christ of Christianity.

Our Jesus Christ is their antichrist, our antichrist is their redeemer.
It is a satanic counterfeit that is in Complete Reverse.

God never dominates anybody. Wherever you encounter domination, it's something satanic, that's not how God rules people, but satans ambition is to dominate the whole world, not just some little part of humanity, threw a kingdom of darkness to dominate the whole world. And because his kingdom is a kingdom of darkness, the people who are in that kingdom, for the most part, don't know what their in. You See. The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of light, If we're in the Kingdom of God, we know where we are.

Before us are two books. The Holy Bible and the Quran. One is flawless and divine. It is the Bible. The other, the Quran, is error-ridden, the product of a self-styled prophet, who was no prophet at all. One encourages us to love our enemies; the other promotes conversion by force and Jihad - "holy war"

The Bible is not a self referencing book unlike the Quran. The Bible is a book about history, geography and events that can be tested from outside the Bible unlike the Quran, which is a self referencing book, what does that mean? How can you know the Quran is the word of God? Muhammad says so, how do you know that Muhammad is right? because the Quran says so, that's what you call by a self referencing authority - Dr. Ravi Zacharias.
Non-Anonymous Charity (channels)
Episode List
Episode 1 Gangsta Satan - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 2 Rules for the Remnant - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 3 God's Plan of Salvation - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 4 Martyrs for Christ in the End Days - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 5 I can't swim - Andor S01 E10 - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 6 satan is real, the Bible is right, Jesus is God - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 7 Jezebel, The new Union - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
Episode 8 The 2 Wake-ups [The Great Apostacy] - (Non-Anonymous Charity)
HS inspired worship videos and Scripture/Messages
The Revelation of Jesus Christ **fully animated** (James Earl Jones narration KJV)
Isaiah 53
Take this Promise to the end of You -Forest 2001 SOAD (Matthew 28:18-20)
Revenga SOAD 2005 - Samson destroys House of Dagon (Rom 12:19)
Halfway There - Soundgarden 2012 (Psalm 34:4-8)
Man of Sin (dead) - ALIVE in Christ [Black Saturday-Soundgarden] (Col 3:10, Rom 6:1-6)
By Crooked Steps - Soundgarden 2013 (Micha 4:2, Lk 3:5)
Church withstanding the FLOOD [Jars of Clay] (Rev 12:15)
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun 1994 (Day of the Lord Is 13)
The Promise - Chris Cornell 2017 (the lost reunited)
beating the devil, we never run from the devil, we never hide from the devil (I Jn 3:8)
Audioslave - Show Me How to Live (Official Video) 2009
DMX - Lord Give Me A Sign (Official Video) 2006
In Your House I long to be (Psm 139)
It's a big big house with room for everyone - Jn 14:2
I Am the Highway · Audioslave 2002 (Is 35)
Victims of a Down - End of Days poem
Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (I Jn 2:15-17, Eph 6:12)
God's people victorious over Babylon - kid songs (Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah)
Do Not Fear Death Christians Because We Win This War - Jesus Christ - God
What Must I Do To Have Eternal Life - God is Waiting - Supernatural Help

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