Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message - Chuck Missler

1 year ago

it's a delight to be with you but i have to tell you as one who spent his career in the scientific community i get so tired of people who mean well say you can't prove the bible but then they'll make some positive statement i'm so tired of hearing that preamble this presumption that you can't prove the bible yes you can this document this collection of documents you have in your lab the bible is incredible and you can demonstrate that it is of extraterrestrial origin its origin is from outside our time domain and i want to give you some examples of things to help demonstrate that this morning one of the questions that we often get asked is are there hidden messages in the bible and there's a lot of nonsense published in that area but yes there are in fact solomon tells us it is the glory of god to conceal a thing and the duty and honor of kings to search out a matter so we're going to explore some of those things this morning and i believe that before we're through you'll have some examples that will strengthen your confidence that that bible the word of god that we also depend on is in fact a supernatural document a unique document but i'll start by asking you a riddle and that is who is the oldest man in the bible anyone methuselah good for you yes methuselah lived 960 969 years he's the oldest the longest life in the bible and yet he died before his father yeah that puzzles you a little bit doesn't it he's the oldest man in the bible yet he died before his father say cheated on you you see everybody forgets who his father was his father was a guy by the name of enoch and enoch was an interesting guy and we'll talk a little bit about him he at the age of 65 something happened in his life that from that point on he walked with god for another 300 years now what happened was i should explain something else the flood of noah did not come as a surprise the flood of noah was preached on for four generations surprisingly enough but when enoch's son was born god told him that as long as his son is alive the judgment of that flood would be held back and indeed so he names his son methuselah that's a hebrew word from two root words the word muth which means his death that occurs 125 times in the old testament and the verb shallach which means his death shall it means to bring or send forth the combination means his death shall bring or send forth strange title but that's his name and we discover when we study genesis chapter 5 carefully that methuselah was 187 when he had a son by the name of lamech and lamech was 182 and he had a son by the name of noah and it was in the 600th year of noah that the flood came and the in other words the year that methuselah died is the year the flood came and that was the prophecy can you girls imagine what it was like to raise that kid every ti
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Episode List
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