Hybrid Children, Hydra Vulgaris, and Alien DNA - Pro Nephilim Life?

2 years ago

Some suggest that Roe V Wade has now been overturned in order to allow the hybrid children to be born and to bring chaos into the the streets of America? Does 2nd Esdras 5 make a reference to these demonic hybrid children being born as monsters, a new Genesis 6 hybrid nephilim race? The X-Files, Prometheus, and Childhoods End all seem to hint at a new modified alien race of children coming to the world.


Here is some information concerning the Spartan Virus, Alien DNA, and a New Alien Hybrid race in the X-Files Season X, Episode 6:


"In the 10th season of the show, humans have been infected with the Spartan virus, which aliens put in the smallpox vaccine. The aliens apparently plan to use this virus to edit our DNA and wreck havoc on our immune systems.

The only antidote is alien DNA, which Dana Scully happens to have because she was abducted by aliens many seasons ago. So they start making a vaccine from her DNA to save everyone from the Spartan virus.

While much of this may still sound like fiction, scientists have developed gene editing techniques that bring this plot unsettlingly close to reality (minus the aliens).

CRISPR-Cas9 allows scientists to manipulate the genome in unprecedented ways. CRISPR is a portion of bacterial DNA that protects them from viruses, and they use the protein Cas9 to do it by cutting out pieces of the viral DNA. Researchers have hijacked this process to easily edit any piece of DNA, and even replace it with other DNA of their choosing."


"The Spartan Virus is engineered to shutdown the human immune system and was delivered via smallpox vaccines as early as 2011, though by 2018 the conspiracy rapidly heated up as CSM began to pursue William, a half-alien hybrid who would aid in creating more alien hybrids, a necessary step for repopulation after the Spartan Virus wiped out most of humanity, since alien DNA is immune to it."

I believe that Satan is seeking to birth a new non-human hybrid race through the vaccine gene therapy, and perhaps merging the seed of the fallen Angels with the seed of mankind through nanotechnology in the Covid Vaccine:


Many of the Churches in America will not give any weight to the validity of the Book of Enoch, known as Enoch 1 or Ethiopian Enoch, yet this book seems quite compatible with the Bible and even speaks of the Son of Man as the redeemer and gives greater detail concerning the fallen Angels interbreeding with mankind before the flood. In addition, the Dead Sea scrolls found in the West Bank of Israel seem to confirm the Book of Enoch and dates the text to atleast 100 BCE from what I understand. This means it is not just some recent forgery, although we must use the Biblical Canon to examine the validity. What is interesting is that 1st Enoch Chapter 1 says the Book is for a remote and far off generation when the LORD will visit the world in His anger and wrath, which I believe speaks of Daniel's 70th Week which will begin at any moment!
Yet, the New Testament scripture says Enoch was a prophet:

Jude 1:14 KJV - And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints


It seems that Satan has constructed a false creation narrative in which involves Ancient Annunaki Aliens, Evolution, Transhumanism, Flat Earth, and more — as he wants us to believe that we are a product of chance evolution, and that we are on speck of dust floating in outer space waiting to enhance ourselves through occult knowledge and high-technology. Yet, the truth is we are the center of Yahweh's creation who formed man from the dust of the earth and planted us in paradise until Adam and Eve sinned and brought death and destruction into His creation after the serpent Satan tempted them (Genesis 1-3). Satan has hijacked the world kingdoms and he rules over the kings of the earth in the spiritual realms as the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), through deception and false miracles while he bribes leaders and politicians and scientists and secret brotherhood organizations through offers of power and immortality and hi-technology and spiritual ascension. Christ will reclaim the world Kingdoms at His soon return after the final 7 year Tribulation Period known as Daniel's 70th Week and the Antichrist and his New World Order will be destroyed at the Battle Armageddon. (See Revelation 19, Zechariah 14, Psalms 2).

Satan - Prince of This World

In this video, I discuss the coming Alien Deception which I believe will happen just before or right after the rapture event and how the 2022 TV Series "The Man Who Fell To Earth" portrays a narrative that may be closely related to what will actually happen with the appearance of the AntiChrist and the Fallen Angels as alien gods who will appear with new Fallen Angel Technology in line with the World Economic Forum and the United Nations' plans to bring sustainable energy to the world.

Video Link Here

The below video link explores the true meaning, and underlying allegory, of the narrative and plot to the 2022 TV series titled "The Man Who Fell To Earth." I propose various ideas in relation to this narrative - involving the nuances of the Biblical End Days deception concerning the Annunaki Ancient Aliens, the intrigue of the person of Barack Obama, and the rise of the False Savior AntiChrist at same the time Satan is cast to the earth like lightening from heaven (Luke 10:18) for Daniel's 70th Week.

Movie Decode Link

It appears the rise of the AntiChrist as the False Savior and One World Leader will coincide with the appearing of the Fallen Angels disguised as ancient Annunaki aliens and who will be accompanied by the demonic nephilim hybrid grey aliens. Similar to the account of Genesis 6 and the fall of the 200 Watcher Angels in 1 Enoch. Also, the Biblical book of 2 Thessalonians 2 says the AntiChrist will rise with all lying signs and wonders and the world will be given over to a strong delusion or deception:


Phoenix - Rise of the Antichrist NWO

"Ordo Ab Chao" is the motto on the Scottish Rite Freemason logo/seal. According to ThreeWorldWars.com, Albert Pike a Freemason sat with Satan and devised the blueprint to establishing the One World Order from the ashes of three world wars. They create the chaos and destruction and then give you the "solution" according to their Satanic agenda. This why they use the occult symbol "Phoenix" to symbolize the firebird rising fresh out of the ashes of destruction. This Phoenix also symbolizes the rise of the AntiChrist or, as the Luciferians believe, the resurrection of Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod.

A Global Reset

It appears that using a blacklight or medical imaging devices, the Luciferase in the cells can be seen for those who have received the Mark of the Beast Vaccine or Quantum Dot Tattoo or Vaccine Pill, etc:


I believe the Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine, the quantum dot tattoo, the hydrogel, the Vax pill, the micro needle patch, and more! Resist these things peacefully at all costs as I believe they lead to eternal damnation as the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13-14)! It appears that the vaccine contains graphene oxide nanotubes and or iron oxide Nanoparticles that can change your DNA, connect you to the A.I. Cloud, and mark your cells with Luciferase Bioluminescence and more:


Grid Down Event - Cyber Polygon

The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

This Plandemic and New World Order Takeover is also a ploy to thrust mankind into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, merging man with machine through vaccine nanotechnology and cybernetic implants, Neuralink brain chips, Metaverse VR Headset, augmented reality, smart cities, the IOT (internet of things), and a 5G Artificial Intelligence Hivemind. The merging of man with the digital and spiritual world, man with the fallen ones - a symbiotic relationship with the fallen angels and demons through technology.

A Brave New World Order

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