1. Living a Life of Significance. 8. Dont Worry. Ken Legg

    Living a Life of Significance. 8. Dont Worry. Ken Legg

  2. Living a Life of Significance. 3. The Pure Gospel Produces Peace. Ken Legg

    Living a Life of Significance. 3. The Pure Gospel Produces Peace. Ken Legg

  3. Why, Lord. (The Book of Job). 2. The Devil is in the Detail. Ken Legg

    Why, Lord. (The Book of Job). 2. The Devil is in the Detail. Ken Legg

  4. Wounded For Our Transgressions. 5. The Pleasure of the LORD.Ken Legg

    Wounded For Our Transgressions. 5. The Pleasure of the LORD.Ken Legg

  5. Wounded For Our Transgressions. 3. By His Stripes We Are Healed.Ken Legg

    Wounded For Our Transgressions. 3. By His Stripes We Are Healed.Ken Legg

  6. Wounded For Our Transgressions. 4. Who Shall Declare His Generation.Ken Legg

    Wounded For Our Transgressions. 4. Who Shall Declare His Generation.Ken Legg

  7. Wounded For Our Transgressions. 2. Who Has Believed.Ken Legg

    Wounded For Our Transgressions. 2. Who Has Believed.Ken Legg

  8. The Promise of the Spirit.1. Intimacy with the Father Through the Spirit. Ken legg

    The Promise of the Spirit.1. Intimacy with the Father Through the Spirit. Ken legg

  9. A Person After God's Own Heart 11. A Celebrity and a Shepherd. Ken Legg

    A Person After God's Own Heart 11. A Celebrity and a Shepherd. Ken Legg

  10. A Person After God's Own Heart 9. The Religion of a Servant or the Relationship of a Son. Ken Legg

    A Person After God's Own Heart 9. The Religion of a Servant or the Relationship of a Son. Ken Legg

  11. The Kingdom of God, Then 8. When the Son of Man Comes in His Glory.Ken Legg

    The Kingdom of God, Then 8. When the Son of Man Comes in His Glory.Ken Legg

  12. The Kingdom of God, Then 5. Watchful Leaders.Ken Legg

    The Kingdom of God, Then 5. Watchful Leaders.Ken Legg

  13. Faith People 10. Assurance is the Essence of Faith. Ken Legg

    Faith People 10. Assurance is the Essence of Faith. Ken Legg

  14. Faith People 8. Faith in the Blood of the Lamb. Ken Legg

    Faith People 8. Faith in the Blood of the Lamb. Ken Legg

  15. Faith People 2. Faith Witnesses to God. Ken Legg

    Faith People 2. Faith Witnesses to God. Ken Legg

  16. The Book of Revelation 3. What Is This World Coming To. Ken Legg

    The Book of Revelation 3. What Is This World Coming To. Ken Legg

  17. Seven Signs Revealing His Glory 1. Dont Miss The Real Thing. Ken Legg

    Seven Signs Revealing His Glory 1. Dont Miss The Real Thing. Ken Legg

  18. A Person After God's Own Heart 10. Our Only Refuge is Jesus. Ken Legg

    A Person After God's Own Heart 10. Our Only Refuge is Jesus. Ken Legg

  19. Living a Life of Significance. 10. Gods Grace, Gods Ways and Gods Time. Ken Legg

    Living a Life of Significance. 10. Gods Grace, Gods Ways and Gods Time. Ken Legg

  20. The Proper Human Diet. Fruit, Honey and Iodine on Carnivore - Dr. Ken Berry

    The Proper Human Diet. Fruit, Honey and Iodine on Carnivore - Dr. Ken Berry
