26 days agoPart 2 Question. Anyone heard of Anti Monkey Butt Powder?Alesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)
9 months agoPart 2. You deserve it all, the life, the career, the love. Act as if you already have it.Alesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)
9 months agoMake sure you stay close to people that want more for you, not from you.Alesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)
6 months agoWorking hard for something you don't care about is called stress.Alesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)
8 months agoThe Cost Of Not Following Your Heart, Is Spending The Rest Of Your Life Wishing You Had.Alesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)
7 months agoPart 1. Nothing worse than losing a friend because they felt like they didn't have anyone to talk toAlesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)
7 months agoPart 2. A drink can be easily poured, but sometimes learning how to sit in silence with someone.Alesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)
7 months agoIf someone isn't opening up, meet them where they are. Let them come to you on their own timing.Alesha Peterson (Quotes & Topics)