1. DAY26:SEED CYCLE (Mk 4:30-32; Mt 13:31-33; Lk 13:18-21; Lk 17:5-6) Lord I Believe, Help my Unbelief

    DAY26:SEED CYCLE (Mk 4:30-32; Mt 13:31-33; Lk 13:18-21; Lk 17:5-6) Lord I Believe, Help my Unbelief

  2. Can a Tee Make Your Day? Try This On and See! #MotivationalWear #CoolTees #DailyMotivation

    Can a Tee Make Your Day? Try This On and See! #MotivationalWear #CoolTees #DailyMotivation

  3. Morning Reads: John 20:19-31; Hebrews 9:11-14; & Mark 10:32-45- “The Faith of Thomas”see my write up

    Morning Reads: John 20:19-31; Hebrews 9:11-14; & Mark 10:32-45- “The Faith of Thomas”see my write up

  4. Proverbs15: Righteous Responses - Good is now Bad-Bad is now Good Preserve Truth or Lose Freedom

    Proverbs15: Righteous Responses - Good is now Bad-Bad is now Good Preserve Truth or Lose Freedom

  5. Morning Reads: 1Peter 5:5-14; Luke 10:16-21; & Psalm 18(19)- “I Saw Satan Fall like Lightning…”

    Morning Reads: 1Peter 5:5-14; Luke 10:16-21; & Psalm 18(19)- “I Saw Satan Fall like Lightning…”

  6. From Real Estate Investor to Author My Journey to Empower Others Ep1 Real Power Family Radio

    From Real Estate Investor to Author My Journey to Empower Others Ep1 Real Power Family Radio

  7. Paul Before the Sanhedrin Christ Foretells His Death Resurrection Ascension - Preparing For Seminary

    Paul Before the Sanhedrin Christ Foretells His Death Resurrection Ascension - Preparing For Seminary

  8. YOUR PAST DOES NOT DEFINE YOU | Blue October- Fear (Reaction)

    YOUR PAST DOES NOT DEFINE YOU | Blue October- Fear (Reaction)

  9. Deception Leads to Spiritual Death- (Acts 5:1-11; Acts 5:17-32) Holy Trinity John 5:30-47- John 6

    Deception Leads to Spiritual Death- (Acts 5:1-11; Acts 5:17-32) Holy Trinity John 5:30-47- John 6

  10. Morning Reads - “Justification By Faith” - Is living & active - (Acts 10:34-43- John 8:12-20) …

    Morning Reads - “Justification By Faith” - Is living & active - (Acts 10:34-43- John 8:12-20) …

  11. DAY33: LOAVES AND-FISH PART2 (Mark 6:36-38)Confession (Psalm 6)- “Bad Is Now Good- Good Is Now Bad”

    DAY33: LOAVES AND-FISH PART2 (Mark 6:36-38)Confession (Psalm 6)- “Bad Is Now Good- Good Is Now Bad”

  12. Morning Reads: The Ascension The Gift of the Holy Spirit Link to Orthodox Study Bible in Write up…

    Morning Reads: The Ascension The Gift of the Holy Spirit Link to Orthodox Study Bible in Write up…

  13. If u are feeling like Giving up, watch this......

    If u are feeling like Giving up, watch this......

  14. It's okay to struggle; it's not okay to give up.

    It's okay to struggle; it's not okay to give up.

  15. Morning Readings: “Christ Sheds His Own Blood” “Great Catch”-“Christ The High Priestly Prayer”

    Morning Readings: “Christ Sheds His Own Blood” “Great Catch”-“Christ The High Priestly Prayer”

  16. DAY 7: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels- “Isolation vs Faith”- See my Write up & Notes…

    DAY 7: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels- “Isolation vs Faith”- See my Write up & Notes…

  17. Paul Beaten in Jerusalem Christ to send the “Helper” “Purification” “Righteousness” “illumination

    Paul Beaten in Jerusalem Christ to send the “Helper” “Purification” “Righteousness” “illumination

  18. Judgement of Sinning Humanity- Righteousness illustrated Pray for The World & For all “SINNERS”

    Judgement of Sinning Humanity- Righteousness illustrated Pray for The World & For all “SINNERS”

  19. DAY15: Blended Gospels- Peter’s Hesitation- Give Thanks Always to God- Communion is Life

    DAY15: Blended Gospels- Peter’s Hesitation- Give Thanks Always to God- Communion is Life

  20. Morning Reads: Paul’s Third Account of his Conversion- “Siloam” SENT- “Mary Magdalene is Faithful”

    Morning Reads: Paul’s Third Account of his Conversion- “Siloam” SENT- “Mary Magdalene is Faithful”

  21. See Write Up:-“Ministered”- Before Abraham was “I AM” - Struggling with My Own Spiritual Warfare

    See Write Up:-“Ministered”- Before Abraham was “I AM” - Struggling with My Own Spiritual Warfare
