1 year agoDrew Baye. Never follow a pre-set volume & frequency-must set to what your body can adapt toDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. Anytime have two methods that nearly equally effective, choose the one that is lower riskDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye.Afterward, tell them: I did not help-it was you Did not do this for their physical benefitDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. "At that point, stop" -adding more work will not increase the effectiveness of stimulusDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. Get to a point, even momentarily,where you ARE WORKING ASINTENSELY AS YOU ARE CAPABLEDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Vegetable oils get into the retina cells of eyes & skin, exposed to sunlight: oxidizesDoctors To Trust
5 months agoTIM NOAKES | FAT BURN …BEST DIET for marathoners; ultra-intense athletic performanceDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoDrew Baye. Coaches, trainers need to take clients' safety very seriously...Doctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. This approach is just as effective as any other effective method...-but this is saferDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. -working to momentary muscle failure -have practically same results,Doctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. hold weight for 2 minutes,cannot hold longer-will effectively recruit all motor unitsDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. If train intensely:-sets last 60 to 90 seconds -move quickly between exercisesDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Omega3, also polyunsaturatedcreate molecules that dampeninflammationDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. The belief: have to move fast to recruit fast-twitch motor units IS FALSE!Doctors To Trust
4 months agoBEN BIKMAN | TOP HIT 31 FAT PATHWAY…fat digested thru lymph system 1st, then LIVERDoctorsToTrust