1 year agoNADIR ALI 4 | HOMA-IR less than 1…OK But, greater than 1: rancid fat STOPS FUEL RECEPTORS!!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI B | Type 1 diabetics go low carb & fast: blood lipids return to NORMALDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI 3 | Heating vegetable oils: creates toxic aldehydes. animal fat: NOTDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI c’ | WEAK INSULIN causes SKY HIGH GLUCAGON: muscle breakdown; protein breakdownDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI a’ | Eat high carb: insulin to fat cells: store fat to brain: LOVE THIS…SEND MORE!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Vegetable oils get into the retina cells of eyes & skin, exposed to sunlight: oxidizesDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. vegetable oils puts omega6 in our eyes, skin-causing inflammation, free radicals toxicityDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI A | LDL neutralizes bacteria & viruses; cuts inflammation; boosts ovaries & testesDoctors To Trust
2 years agoNADIR ALI Part 1: FASTING or LOW CARB: Gluconeogenesis steps in until we burn body fatDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. We get 30% calories from fat. veggie oils: create inflammation and free radicalsDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. AHA claim vegetable oils are most healthy, but. Who has the courage to question them?Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Makers of canola oil: has omega3s-these are ALA, from plants-NOT DHEA & EPA from fishDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali repeatedly heated oil: livers severely damaged! -fatty liver enzymes 2.5 times higherDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. 86g of US dietary fat is vegetable oil!-our ancestors ate tallow & butterDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Used canola to simulate taste of dairy fat Oatley: "Essentially deep fried!"Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Children's brains must have high amounts of DHA, NOT ALA from vegetable sources...Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Omega3, also polyunsaturatedcreate molecules that dampeninflammationDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI a CLASSIC | FOCUS ON LDL? classic mistake driven by standards of practiceDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Omega6: bodies cannot burn it for fuel...-gets into our fat cells-gets into mitochondriaDoctors To Trust