1. The Book of Jeremiah: Part 8- Chapters 13-14- The Sash: The Symbol of Israel- The Drought-

    The Book of Jeremiah: Part 8- Chapters 13-14- The Sash: The Symbol of Israel- The Drought-

  2. Morning Reads: “DEVOUT” (Be Faithful)- What’s a THOUSAND YEARS to God- “I’m being Called PRIESTHOOD

    Morning Reads: “DEVOUT” (Be Faithful)- What’s a THOUSAND YEARS to God- “I’m being Called PRIESTHOOD

  3. Good evening: Wisdom of Sirach- “Students of God’s Words” - Chapter 39:1-11- See Notes

    Good evening: Wisdom of Sirach- “Students of God’s Words” - Chapter 39:1-11- See Notes

  4. Morning Reads- “Spirit & Truth” - A Closing Message to all Mothers- Happy Mothers Day to All

    Morning Reads- “Spirit & Truth” - A Closing Message to all Mothers- Happy Mothers Day to All

  5. DAY17: Who Do Say That I AM? The Confession of Faith That The Church Is Built On Christ’s Example

    DAY17: Who Do Say That I AM? The Confession of Faith That The Church Is Built On Christ’s Example

  6. Morning Reads: “We Are All ONE in CHRIST” (Acts 10:21-33- John 7:1-13) “Accepting Prayer Requests”

    Morning Reads: “We Are All ONE in CHRIST” (Acts 10:21-33- John 7:1-13) “Accepting Prayer Requests”

  7. Continued in James 1-“ Temptations”- (James 1:12-18)

    Continued in James 1-“ Temptations”- (James 1:12-18)

  8. DAY5: Evening Blended Harmony of the Gospels.“I’m a Chosen Vessel for God” I Reflected on my Journey

    DAY5: Evening Blended Harmony of the Gospels.“I’m a Chosen Vessel for God” I Reflected on my Journey

  9. Prophet Study Part 1: The Book of Jeremiah- Introduction- Chapter 1 “Chosen To do The Lord’s Work”

    Prophet Study Part 1: The Book of Jeremiah- Introduction- Chapter 1 “Chosen To do The Lord’s Work”

  10. Morning Reads Church in Pisidia Philip’s Faith Tested- Quick background- Journalism to Bible Teacher

    Morning Reads Church in Pisidia Philip’s Faith Tested- Quick background- Journalism to Bible Teacher

  11. The Law of Love- (James 2:1-13)”The Law of Liberty”

    The Law of Love- (James 2:1-13)”The Law of Liberty”

  12. Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

    Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

  13. DAY 11: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospel’s- “Find REST in Jesus’ Yoke Because It’s Easy”

    DAY 11: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospel’s- “Find REST in Jesus’ Yoke Because It’s Easy”

  14. DAY 10: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels - “Always Look To Heaven” Beautiful ending Message

    DAY 10: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels - “Always Look To Heaven” Beautiful ending Message

  15. Day16 The Chosen Blended Gospels Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood- Gentile Woman with immeasurable LOVE

    Day16 The Chosen Blended Gospels Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood- Gentile Woman with immeasurable LOVE

  16. Faith’s Perfection- Look to Jesus- Christ, I Did not come to bring Peace but a “SWORD”

    Faith’s Perfection- Look to Jesus- Christ, I Did not come to bring Peace but a “SWORD”

  17. Morning Reads - “Justification By Faith” - Is living & active - (Acts 10:34-43- John 8:12-20) …

    Morning Reads - “Justification By Faith” - Is living & active - (Acts 10:34-43- John 8:12-20) …

  18. DAY 8: The Chosen Blended Harmony of The Gospels- Message- Mercy - Humility - Compassion- See Notes

    DAY 8: The Chosen Blended Harmony of The Gospels- Message- Mercy - Humility - Compassion- See Notes

  19. Morning Reads- Assigned Angels- “CANCEL CULTURE OF JESUS’ TIME” “Truth Is Silent- Lies Are Loud …”

    Morning Reads- Assigned Angels- “CANCEL CULTURE OF JESUS’ TIME” “Truth Is Silent- Lies Are Loud …”

  20. Prophecy Friday- Daniel Chapters 10-11- Did Everyone A Solid - See Write Up & Notes

    Prophecy Friday- Daniel Chapters 10-11- Did Everyone A Solid - See Write Up & Notes

  21. Eschatology- “The Judgment of Works” (Matthew 25:31-46)- Hell is Prepared for Satan & His Angels

    Eschatology- “The Judgment of Works” (Matthew 25:31-46)- Hell is Prepared for Satan & His Angels

  22. “The Meaning of the Name “Jew”- “We Are All Sinners”-“The Kingdom of God”- “The Golden Rule”

    “The Meaning of the Name “Jew”- “We Are All Sinners”-“The Kingdom of God”- “The Golden Rule”

  23. DAY 4: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels - Close out Message about “FREE WILL” & Our Hearts

    DAY 4: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels - Close out Message about “FREE WILL” & Our Hearts

  24. DAY19: Does Jesus Support Capital Punishment? (Discussion on this starts at 11:21-16:30

    DAY19: Does Jesus Support Capital Punishment? (Discussion on this starts at 11:21-16:30

  25. Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!

    Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!
