1. Southeast Wisconsin weather: Scattered showers throughout Friday, temps drop to 60s

    Southeast Wisconsin weather: Scattered showers throughout Friday, temps drop to 60s

  2. Michael Fish's NBC26 Storm Shield weather forecast

    Michael Fish's NBC26 Storm Shield weather forecast

  3. Storm Shield Forecast morning update 11/30/17

    Storm Shield Forecast morning update 11/30/17

  4. Storm Shield Forecast morning update 11/29/17

    Storm Shield Forecast morning update 11/29/17

  5. Michael Fish's NBC26 weather forecast

    Michael Fish's NBC26 weather forecast

  6. Gino Recchia NBC26 Weather Forecast

    Gino Recchia NBC26 Weather Forecast

  7. Michael Fish's NBC26 weather forecast

    Michael Fish's NBC26 weather forecast

  8. Michael Fish's NBC 26 weather forecast

    Michael Fish's NBC 26 weather forecast

  9. Michael Fish's NBC 26 weather forecast

    Michael Fish's NBC 26 weather forecast

  10. Storm Shield Forecast morning update 12/28/17

    Storm Shield Forecast morning update 12/28/17

  11. Storm Shield Forecast morning upate 1/17/18

    Storm Shield Forecast morning upate 1/17/18

  12. Storm Shield Forecast morning update 1/15/18

    Storm Shield Forecast morning update 1/15/18