#222 RE-ELECT GOD 2024 & Do A 180 On EVERYTHING You've Done For The Past 3 Years To Take Back America Now! The ONLY Solution Is Our 5 Point Plan. DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO THE CANDIDATES! The REAL Ones Haven't "RUN" Yet
INTERVIEW: Meet Tyler Bendeson—We Talk Scalar Wave Frequency Technology/Devices and Crystal Healing, Alkaline Foods, Dr. Sebi, Ascension & Dieting, Reaching Your Goals, The “Vaccine”, Patriotism, and Tyler’s New Book! (5/31/22)
Dr. Füellmich and 50 Lawyers: Different Batches & Lethal Doses, The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill. Those who are forcing you to get Jabbed are attempting to Murder You.
#165 You Can Have Voting Machines Or A Country . . . You CAN'T Have Both! It's Time We The People Take Back Our Unconstitutional, Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections! | GUNNY CORWELL & MICHELE SWINICK