Pay Attention Ministries


Pay Attention Ministries believes in the undiluted truth of the Word of God. We believe the scripture clearly point the way to Salvation. Church members we appreciate your willingness to visit our website and know more about Pay Attention Ministries. It is our passion here at Pay Attention Ministries to uncover the Mystery of the Bible and reveal it to a sick and dying world. The Lord has given us this opportunity and we will do anything in our power and ability to fulfill His will. With our loving and faithful ministry, we would very much love to have you with us in worshiping God, celebrating His goodness and sharing His words and promises to those who need it, and to those who seek for it. God bless you.

I am going on an Adventure


Lumber River Canoe Club The Lumber River Canoe Club was created in 1982 so that canoeists and kayakers could share their enjoyment of the Lumber River and other area rivers. We are located in southeastern North Carolina. We meet on the second Tuesday of every second month to schedule floats and other activities. The schedule will be posted on this page. Members may also post messages and photos of general interest to paddlers.

Mayah Skye


Mayah Skye is a thought leader in Vedic Astrology. She specializes in the study of the 27 nakshatras and is committed to guiding her students and clients in creating their own fortune (and futures) using their personal astrology as a guide. She knows with her full heart and soul that everyone is meant experience a life full of love, joy, abundance, health, wealth and happiness. Mayah Skye combines the ancient wisdom of the 27 nakshatras with astrological data analysis of the modern day to create a plethora of resources for anyone who wants to use their personal astrology to level up and consistently create their own fortune in their lives. Mayah Skye has her Bachelor’s in Computer Science and uses her technical background & expertise to ground these spiritual concepts in a simple and effective way that anyone can understand. Zodiac En Fem offers a variety of exclusive courses, products and services designed with the intention to enhance the seekers entire life experience.