The Epoch of Friar Tuck


Hi, I'm Friar Tuck. After losing my business I have decided to go on an Epoch to find myself. Along my journey I have talked about what it is like to be a bohemian. At first I was traveling on bike doing the Southern Tier bike route, but a hurricane caused me to stop in Gainesville, FL where I met some cool people before I continued on my epoch journey. From there I decided to start hiking the Eastern Continental Trail from Florida to Maine. Along the way I met even more interesting people who influenced me on my epoch journey. I managed to complete the Florida Trail, Alabama Road Walk and Pinhoti trails before I got sick and had to stop in Chattanooga. While in Tennessee I met an individual who took me under his wing as my mentor. As my mentor he is showing me what the digital economy really is, introducing me to Linux and showing me a different way to live as a bohemian. Subscribe and follow me on my epoch journey to find myself and maybe you will too.

The No Choice Man


no decision no confusion no conflict Contact for Natural Hygiene Consultation I have a dream of creating Edens all over the world, especially in the tropics, where we can reverse cellular degeneration / acidosis eat fruit in abundance and play. THE ANSWER IS NATURAL HYGIENE There is no superficial cure outside of you, one must radically change lifestyle. Also, help expose the child slaves in the underground and eliminate this slavery system / elite insurance plan. #OccupyTheGetty #StevenDKelley firends n family support: monthlysupport:

The OCD & Anxiety Show with Matt Codde LCSW


My name is Matt Codde and I help people who are struggling with OCD & Anxiety take back control of their lives by helping them master the Triple-A Response. As someone who personally struggled with OCD & Anxiety for years, I know how challenging it can be to navigate all the chaos and find the right help. And after living in this loop for several years, I eventually got to the point where I started to lose hope for my future. But one day, I had this sinking realization: all this energy I was using to fight my thoughts and feelings wasn’t working. So instead of trying harder, perhaps it was time to shift gears and try a different approach. And this ultimately led me to create the Triple-A Response. Learn more about Matt and Restored Minds:

OCD, HOCD, Intrusive Thoughts & How To Rewire The Brain!


To heal, it is invaluable to have detail knowledge of how we are put together before we expect favourable results when trying to fix it! We Discuss the matters of life including topics such as We will discuss consciousness, how thoughts and thinking come to be, fear, desire, anxiety, and life in present moment versus the past or the illusive future, their differences, common grounds, bases and illusory perceptions versus the actuality of the present moments, other interesting topics, discussions such as OCD, subsets of OCD (HOCD), topics helpful in facing/ handling / managing the day to day challenges, worthy of pondering. Mehran Dadbeh Author "Me,My Psyche & I" #Breakup #Brain #intrusive #Breakup #thoughts #OCD

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Föreningen Covid-19, Skola & Barn är aktiv på riksnivå och arbetar för ökad säkerhet i skolorna under pandemin. Vi jobbar huvudsakligen utifrån Folkhälsomyndighetens, Arbetsmiljöverkets och Skolverkets rekommendationer och utifrån Skollagen, Arbetsmiljölagen och Smittskyddslagen. Vi tar hänsyn även till försiktighetsprincipen och till de senaste vetenskapliga rön som förmedlas genom WHO och ECDC. Vi arbetar för implementering av riskbedömningsplanen i skolorna, för att Covid-19 ska behandlas i riskbedömningsplanerna såsom det står i Arbetsmiljöverkets rekommendationer och för att de åtgärder som skrivs in i planen ska tillämpas och efterföljas.