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Messianic Torah Observant Israel


We are dedicated to doing our part in preparing the Body of Messiah to become the type of people Yahweh would want to live with forever. Born and raised in New York City of the tribe of Levi, Rabbi Berkson is well grounded in Torah and brings a Hebraic understanding to his teachings. He went to Hebrew school as a child and was Bar Mitzvah at age 13. In 1986 Rabbi Berkson came to know Messiah Yeshua through the Worldwide Church of God where he continued to study and eventually ended up in the United Church of God (a splinter from the fragmented WCG) in Tampa, Florida, where he met and married his beautiful bride Juliana in 1998. After moving to Knoxville in 1999, Rabbi Berkson was ordained and planted his first congregation. By 2001 he was serving congregations in Knoxville, Nashville, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. In January 2010 Rabbi Berkson planted Beth Shalom Messianic Congregation in January 2012 where he and his family serve the needs of the Messianic Torah Observant community in the greater Chattanooga area.

HopeFilled Financial Coaching


A coaching practice dedicated to helping individuals and small business live out their HopeFilled futures. HopeFilled Financial Coaching focuses on budgeting practices, understanding retirement, money in marriage, and debt freedom. Employees can experience up to 40% less productivity if they are regularly under financial stress. HopeFilled currently offers a series of workshops to train your employees how to free themselves from feeling financially trapped so they can provide you with their full potential at work. Jay Disberger is trained by "America’s trusted voice on money and business," Dave Ramsey through Financial Coach Master Training: registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). In addition, Jay graduated at the top of his class with B.S. and M.S. engineering degrees from Kansas State University equipping him to solve an assortment of challenging problems.