Adam and Eve - How sin entered the world | Bible Study | Lie #1: God Punishes Us Series | Part 3

3 years ago

God created Adam and Eve and placed the in the Garden of Eden, but it didn’t take long before the enemy showed up and deceived them into sinning – into disobeying God’s Word. Our enemy still uses the same tactics today, trying to deceive us about God, hoping to keep us away from Him by lying to us about Him.

We must look to what happened when the enemy tricked Adam and Eve to understand not only how the enemy works, but also how sin works, and how God set everything up. The truth is, the enemy has sowed many lies about God and His Word and we’ve all inadvertently picked up on some, but Jesus teaches and commands us to take our thoughts captive – to replace what we believe with the Truth of God’s Word so that we can live the lives God intended us to.

God intended for Adam and Eve to live happily ever after in the Garden of Eden, but the enemy managed to separate them from God. However, Jesus came to redeem us and to pay for all of our sins so that we can be reconciled to our Perfect Heavenly Father, and so that we can fulfill God’s Purpose for our lives because we are free indeed in Jesus! He makes us this Promise in John 8:31-36 – if we abide in His Word, we will know the Truth, and the Truth will set us free! Let’s look at the truth of what happened with Adam and Eve and how sin entered the world!

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful, and I hope it encourages you to join me in this Bible study that will help us not only understand in depth why God doesn’t punish us, but that will help us internalize who God really is, and help us relate to Him as our Perfect Heavenly Father! Because getting rid of the lies in the church that we ended up believing will help us to not only be able to get closer to God and stay in agreement with Him, but also become successful in all areas of our lives – the Way He intended us to!

God bless you, abundantly!!

✅ Who is God? | Lie #1: God Punishes Us Series | Part 2:

✅ God Punishes Us - Overview | Lie #1: God Punishes Us Series | Part 1:

✅ Lies in the Church: Who is the Holy Spirit? | Part 3 of Lies in the Church Series:

✅ Lies in the Church: How to know what’s true | Part 2 of Lies in the Church Series:

✅ Lies in the Church: Introduction | Part 1 of Lies in the Church Series:

✅ The Word of God:

✅ The Gospel vs The Bible - Why prayer isn't enough - Part 1:

✅ The Gospel vs The Bible - Why prayer isn't enough - Part 2:

✅ Fresh Start Bible:

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