Lies in the Church: How to Know What's True | Part 2 of Lies in the Church Series

3 years ago

We must learn how to know what’s true, if we’re going to get rid of the lies in our lives and build a strong foundation for success!

Growing up, I was actively discouraged from reading the Bible. I was told that the Bible is the book for priests, and they alone can tell the rest of us, regular people, what to do. And, that as a woman, it was definitely a sin (the wrong thing to do) to read the Bible. So, I ended up trusting this false teaching and never opened the Bible.

As my life started getting worse and worse, since I was unknowingly developing complex post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia, I ended up rejecting God because none of what I’d been taught about Him growing up made any kind of sense. I started believing, unfortunately, other lies, such as – we get to make up the rules, I get to decide how things work, there is no right or wrong, and so on.

This then led me on the brink of divorce, in addition to not being able to leave my house since my traumatic past was catching up with me and I had no way of dealing with it. Surprisingly, I discovered my solution was in the Bible after all – God’s Word to us. I learned how to know what’s true, how to build my life on the strong foundation of Jesus Christ, and how to apply His Teachings in my life.

In my particular case, doing this healed me completely of my complex post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia, within a year of deciding to become Jesus’ disciple. You may have a different starting point, but building our lives in agreement with the reality of how God set things up will lead us toward the successful lives, marriages, and relationships God created us to experience!

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful, and I hope it encourages you to start choosing the truth as the standard to build your life on, today! Because getting rid of the lies in the church that we ended up believing will help us to not only be able to get closer to God and stay in agreement with Him, but also become successful in all areas of our lives – the Way He intended us to!

God bless you, abundantly!!

✅ Lies in the Church: Introduction | Part 1 of Lies in the Church Series

✅ The Word of God:

✅ The Gospel vs The Bible - Why prayer isn't enough - Part 1

✅ The Gospel vs The Bible - Why prayer isn't enough - Part 2

✅ Fresh Start Bible:

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