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We Are Navigated

1 month ago

It is always pretty clear which direction to go when on a golf course. When there is chaos in our culture, the way is not always clear. Confusion is of the devil and where there is confusion, you know the enemy is at work.
There is confusion everywhere, disruption and chaos in our culture, left plotting against right, and evil looking to punish good for a win no one had anything to do with but God. This swirling chaos should not stop us from finding our way. We are navigated! We are navigated by God Himself.

Our God is an amazing navigator, He is a Way-Maker God. Just like in golf, you know where the tee is, you know what hole you are on, you know what the yardage is. But you still have to play well to get the par. You can find your way even in the confusion of our culture, we can find our way by following the path God sets out. Sitting in the golf cart, we follow the pat h already laid out for us. Golf is a lot like life with God. Listen up to God, just like in golf, because you know where the tee is, you know how to set yourself up to hit the ball, and you know the right techniques for driving the ball. Just do it. Be Navigated By The Word Of God Already Laid Out For Us.

Our culture is a bit cray-cray crazy as the old is on the way out and the new is coming in gentle like a dove and wisely as a servant. Just like in golf, we always know where to go and what is expected of us, because of the signs on the course that were set ahead of time, and we know to follow them from hole to hole, and they tell us what is expected for that hole, the yardage, the water, sand traps and the number for par.

As we play a golf course, we can confidently tee off at the right place, because of the instructions on the course. It is the same with our lives in Christ. Confusion comes in like a flood, but we have the Bible, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit to instruct us and navigate us with the Word of God, so we don’t get caught up in enemy snares. We are navigated.

So if the way is not always clearly defined, watch the signs along the way, listen up to the instructions of God, and do what we already know is right by the directions we have already received. We will never be without navigation, the Holy Spirit will navigate our way.

In this season, times may seem good and it may seem like evil has been defeated, but evil is lurking and scheming in shadows and the darkness has not been totally shut down, just stunned, but not out. God has moved mightily on our behalf, beginning a new work, and it is a time of Celebration. We can celebrate with joy, but not pridefully as we remember, pride goes before a fall. Our celebration should be humble, and Awe-GOD grateful, as we remember what God has done and that God’s not done. He will finish what He has started, and He will finish it well.

Chaos will be sent out again by the evil one, and it will be confusing to those who thought God was finished, that all was well. God will give us signs along the way, His Shalom will disrupt the chaos, and we will find our way safely through it. Whatever God has told us in the dark, we will remember and speak powerfully in the light, and we will be Awe-GOD Grateful that He will make a way for us as He expunges the evil He has exposed.

We will never doubt what He told us in the dark, we will testify of it courageously and He will do it again, save, deliver and heal. God will navigate us in these times and as He exposes the workers of darkness and brings forth His Justice. God will Shepherd us with the still small voice of The Holy Spirit, this is the way, walk in it and we will avoid all the hazards on the course ahead. We will be navigated!

Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/vbic09-we-are-navigated.html

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