Masterful Strengthener

23 days ago

There are those days when our soul can get very down and we feel like we are sinking in the depths of darkness in our soul. We need God’s comfort. It is not easy to live in times such as these where our culture is in such chaos. Even though, things are not always as they seem, and we know that God is at work in the unseen, we can still be swept up into soul weariness. But there is an amazing Comforter, Jesus Christ, He is a Masterful Comforter, Who will soothe our soul with His truth and make a way for us out of the darkness into the light and strength of His Truth. God’s Truth stands the tests of time. There is no one who can strengthen us in these days, only Jesus and He will help us to stand strong in truth during the storms of our culture where deception is a whirlwind that we can’t avoid.

The darkness of deceit is so prevalent and it seems like the enemy mocks us with it, as what is right is being lifted up as wrong and what is wrong is being lifted up as right. Sometimes it is overwhelming. We need the comfort of our God, and He is right there to give it to us. The comfort of God is such a masterful thing. God is a Masterful strengthener of our soul when we are weakened by the constant barrage of the enemy of our soul who wants to steal our joy, kill our hope and destroy our destiny. He can’t. He won’t. God is with us. God is for us.

No doubt about it. When our soul is weary, God strengthens us masterfully, and when we turn to Him for help, and guard our hearts with His Word, He will continue to maintain our soul strength day by day. He is so awesome in that way. Praise Him! 1 God - 1 Purpose - 1 Day At A Time… This is our Great God Adventure!

Jesus is a masterful strengthener in comfort, because He understands our need to be comforted. He has been tried in every way we have. He understands us, therefore, He comforts us masterfully, and this is a great strength for our soul when we are weary. To be understood is an amazing comfort. There is never a time that we are misunderstood by God. He knows all our thoughts and motives. All knowledge is His, therefore, He is a masterful strengthener, and a strong comfort for our soul. Yes, when we are at our weakest, needing comfort, He is strong in us, our Masterful Strengthener, the strong inner spiritual core power, in our weakness.

At times, we don’t understand God’s methods, we can’t wrap our mind around our reality unfolds His truth. His ways of doing things are not ours, and many times they are not the way we would choose, and they push us right out of our comfort zone. If it was up to us, we would make ourselves really comfortable, because we know when we are comfortable with our lives, we feel stronger, but God causes us to step outside our comfort zone and experience human weakness, because He knows we won’t grow if we stay comfortable, and always in our comfort zones. He wants what is best for us. Sometimes God exchanges our comfort for spiritual growth.

Jesus grew like a root out of dry ground and became the most Masterful Comforter that there ever will be. He is strength like no other. This Masterful Strengthener, He deserves our love, trust and loyalty. Be So~Wholly-Holy His.

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