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Mike Adams debates Dr. Shiva on Trump, RFK. Jr. and how democrats CHEAT...

6 months ago

Mike Adams debates Dr. Shiva on Trump, RFK. Jr. and how democrats CHEAT by blocking ballot access

To learn more, visit: https://shiva4president.com/

- Dr. Shiva's Campaign and Electoral College Explanation (0:00)
- The Role of Presidential Electors and Legal Challenges (5:41)
- The 14th Amendment and Natural-Born Citizenship (6:21)
- The Democratic Party's Hypocrisy and Zionism (13:15)
- The Role of Zionism and the Military-Industrial Complex (14:31)
- The Importance of Decentralized Systems and Bottoms-Up Movements (46:26)
- The Role of Dr. Shiva's Campaign in Educating the Public (52:58)
- The Challenges of Voting in a Flawed System (4:01:20)
- The Future of the American Political System (4:01:39)
- The Role of Dr. Shiva's Campaign in the Broader Context (4:02:37)

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  • 0/2000
  • We love you Dr. Shiva, but please stop swearing so much.. Thank you. :)

  • Shiva is absolutely correct. When the working people just collectively say "No" in a unified voice, it will all change instantly. However, Shiva is wrong in the sense that it is that simple. It has always taken violence to kill off the swarm of psychopaths. Worse, even after Ghandi motivated the masses to peacefully take the abuse of the UK, which resulted in change, the swarm just reinvented itself there and the cast system did not change. South Africa...same. Commom people will acquiesce and psychopaths will rise to enslave them. Shiva is right, but it doesn't take his genius to understand this. These cycles always repeat and it is America's turn. Interestingly, it almost appears that Russia is the next place of semi-liberty. It'll be quite a thing to see but, I and my family are already prepared to leave this decaying system. Maybe we'll survive the collapse

  • Vote for Dr. SHIVA. A vote for zionist is a vote for a party of war and death. Jesus kingdom is not of this world. We need to stop thinking in a carnal nature. It disgusts me what's happening in Gaza and both parties are bought and paid for by Israel.

  • This guy is on point.

  • sad how people like Mike hear the truth, but still think voting for Trump, will fix this.

  • This is one of the best interviews I've heard in a long time, and that's saying something. I've heard Dr. Shiva before but not to this depth. He is really sharp.

  • Mike, can you please consider interviewing Paul Craig Roberts again? It has been a while since you last interviewed him and it was a fantastic interview.

  • Mike, I appreciate your courage and Shiva’s to speak The Truth that other popular voices will never touch. Thank you.

  • Another thing. Remember when Alex Jones talked about the fake left - right paradigme? Now he is pro one side..

  • We are not a representative democracy. We are a republic!

  • Dr. Shiva, you extremely hurt yourself by dropping the F bombs and your uncontrolled mouth. You are brilliant, and you have the best grasp of the issues in the field—ever. But your language is pure gutter. I can not tolerate your language any longer.

  • Mikey is itching to run an infomercial ❗

  • Shiva is arrogant and believes he is correct. Trump was never a politician and I know Shiva only likes himself. if you look behind this person, it's all about Shiva and his awards. He wanted to be CEO of Twitter/X. He didn't have a chance with X nor will he have a chance as President of the US.

  • Shiva curses too much. Makes him low level

  • There were shooters from the “Democrats” and shooters from the “Republicans” BUT Trumps side were aware of that, so they “shoot” him very early so the other shooters were taken by surprise, they were probably going to shoot him five or ten minutes later. That was a very clever action by the Trump side, but he was not actually shot, he had a plastic blood capsule hidden in his hear that he squashed with his hand to make the little amount of blood appear – his shirt collar and sleeves were not red – they were perfectly white with not a single drop of blood in them.