Ben Shapiro Almost Got Away With This Radicalism In Islam Vs. Judaism 2024

10 months ago

Daniel Haqiqatjou refutes Ben Shapiro's claim that most Muslims of the world are "radical." Haqiqatjou shows that Shapiro's has double standards when attacking Muslims. If Shapiro's standards were applied to the Jewish community, a more significant percentage of Jews than Muslims would qualify as "radical." This is other evidence is proof that Shapiro harbors bigoted views against the world's 2 billion Muslims.

IMPACT: Ben Shapiro is a conservative political commentator with a large national platform as a popular podcast show host and Young America’s Foundation-sponsored speaker at college campuses. Shapiro has a history of making derogatory, generalizing and inflammatory comments about Muslims, Arabs, African-Americans, transgender people and others. He previously worked at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, an organization that espouses Islamophobic views.

Ben Shapiro is the founder and current editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire. He also hosts its weekday podcast, The Ben Shapiro Show. Shapiro served as editor-at-large of Breitbart from 2012 to 2016, when he resigned in protest of the company’s handling of the physical assault of one its reporters by then-Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

From 2013 to 2015, Shapiro served as the co-founder and editor-in-chief of TruthRevolt, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center that shuttered in March 2018. Shapiro was also a Senior Shillman Journalism Fellow and wrote for Frontpage Magazine during 2010-2015, the flagship project of the Freedom Center. According to 2014 tax filings for the Freedom Center, Shapiro is listed as its Vice President of Operations with reported compensation at over $190,000.

Shapiro has in the past made derogatory and generalizing statements about Muslims, Palestinians, Syrians and Arabs generally. In June 2007, he wrote that the “Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core” and that “Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets.” In September 2010, Shapiro tweeted: “Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. #settlementsrock.”

In November 2015 on The Ben Shapiro Show, Shapiro stated that “Syrian Muslims have a different philosophy of life” and “are not people who are engaged with Western values.” He further said, “It is not good for Western civilization to take in millions of Muslims who have had no education in Western civilization at all.” Shapiro also described Islam as “an ideological representation of third worldism…and poverty.”

In a November 2017 op-ed in Forward, journalist Peter Beinart criticized articles published by The New Times about Shapiro due to their lack of engagement with “Shapiro’s naked bigotry toward Palestinians and Muslims.” Beinart further stated that when Shapiro talks about Palestinians and Muslims this way, “he’s generalizing about the immutable characteristics of an entire national or religious group.”

Shapiro claims that Islam is inherently violent and advocates the religious profiling of Muslims for entry to the U.S. In October 2014, Shapiro featured in a TruthRevolt video titled “Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority.” According to fact-checking by PolitiFact, Shapiro’s claim that there is a “radical Muslim majority” is “false.” According to its analysis, “for Shapiro, support for any form of Sharia law means one thing — the believer is a radical.” PolitiFact also argued that in order “to make his numbers work, [Shapiro] had to cherry-pick certain results from public opinion surveys” and “relied heavily on the idea that anyone who supported sharia law is a radical.”

In October 2014, Shapiro wrote in Breitbart: “The West cannot be the great defender of Islam, because we have no capacity to slice radical Islam out of broader Islam.” He further wrote that “defending that broader ideology by downplaying a so-called ‘fringe minority’ only emboldens those of the radical minority.” In November 2015 on The Ben Shapiro Show, Shapiro stated that “radical Islam tends to predominate inside Islam.”

In a November 2015 lecture sponsored by the Young America’s Foundation at the University of Missouri, Shapiro argued that appropriate vetting procedures for Syrian refugees and immigrants more broadly should include questions such as: “Do they have any experience with Western style democracy?” “Do they believe in any of the same American rights that we believe in?” Shapiro also said that “Europe is full of culture clash because of the vast wave of Muslim immigration.”

In December 2015 on The Ben Shapiro Show, Shapiro stated that “Islamic civilization is inferior to the West” and described Afghanistan, Iraq and “more modernized countries like Indonesia” as “archaic, barbaric and irrational in the ways that those countries are governed.” Shapiro further said: “[Trump’s] policy of banning all Muslim immigration also doesn’t answer what you do with the three million Muslims who are already here.” In a separate episode the same month, Shapiro discussed the San Bernardino shooting and advocated religious profiling as “necessary,” describing “Islamic terrorism” as “behaviorally linked.”

In an archived August 2011 article for Front Page Magazine, titled “In Defense of David Yerushalmi,” the architect of anti-sharia legislation proposed and enacted in state legislatures across the country, Shapiro described sharia as “foreign and primitive law that allows men to rape their wives” and in opposition to “civilized values.” He further wrote that “the rise of shariah law in Europe has created a separate society that hates civilized values.”

In his first podcast, in September 2015, for The Ben Shapiro Show, Shapiro said, “There’s a very strong case that traditional Islam is not in consonance with the constitution. Sharia law is not in consonance with the constitution.” Such language reinforces anti-Muslim tropes and is a distortion of the normative meaning of sharia for Muslims.

In February 2016, Shapiro shared an article from The Daily Wire on his Facebook page that was titled: “Germany’s Telling Muslims Not To Grope Women At Swimming Pools.” Shapiro added the following commentary along with the article share: “They’d better be careful. Muslims can get pretty riled up over cartoons.” In the article, the author advances anti-Muslim tropes by describing migrants in Germany as “grope-happy” and “uncivilized men,” and it describes Germany’s refugee resettlement program as “suicidal.”

Shapiro has made crude and callous statements about the police killings of Black American adults and teenagers, including Trayvon Martin (who was killed by a neighborhood watchman), Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and Michael Brown. In November 2014 at the David Horowitz Freedom Center “Restoration Weekend,” Shapiro additionally referred to Trayvon Martin as “St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie” and to Michael Brown as “St. Michael of the Gentle Giantedness.” In a May 2015 debate on race relations in the U.S., Shapiro stated that disproportionately lower incomes among Black Americans “has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture.”

In October 2017, The Daily Wire posted a video on “Columbus Day” that, according to reporting in Mediaite, “excuses ethnic genocide by depicting Native Americans as cannibals and savages who weren’t tamed until white Europeans came to America and took their land.” Following criticism, Shapiro initially defended the video as satire, describing the “great gain Western civilization brought the world via entry into the Americas, despite the awful wrongs committed in the process.” In a January 2018 interview in Slate, Shapiro said that “Native American culture [being] inferior to Western culture…is a contention with which I generally agree.”

In a December 2016 speech at Yeshiva University, sponsored by Young America’s Foundation, Shapiro said, “Transgender people are unfortunately suffering from a significant mental illness.” During his speech at the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Shapiro said, in response to those “who insist that a biological man is actually a woman if he says he is a woman,” “he is not, he is a dude.”

Ben Shapiro Triggered By Jesus… A Case of Surfacing Talmudic “Feelings”? Ben Shapiro, the most well-known Jewish nationalist within the USA, has earned himself quite the reputation in conservative circles for his heroic triumphs in debating uninformed college students, and he often caps off his “intellectual” tirade with the catchphrase:

“Facts don’t care about your feelings.”

But it appears that Shapiro let loose his own personal “feelings” when Candace Owens, an African-American conservative political commentator who he recruited for his Daily Wire media company, had decided to drop some hard-hitting facts—that Jesus (peace be upon him) is naturally of the utmost importance within the “Christianity” component of the “Judeo-Christian” slogan that Shapiro is usually so eager to sell.

Rolling Stone has summarized the internal conflict as follows:

Earlier this month, Owens had tweeted that “no government anywhere has a right to commit a genocide, ever. There is no justification for a genocide. I can’t believe this even needs to be said or is even considered the least bit controversial to state.” The post angered pro-Israeli advocates who deny the country’s offensive in Gaza constitutes ethnic cleansing.

Despite the Daily Wire’s past posturing as a platform wholly committed to free speech, video emerged on Tuesday of Shapiro calling Owens’ commentary on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “absolutely disgraceful,” during a private event.

In response, Owens tweeted a verse from the biblical gospel of Matthew. “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” The post suggested that Owens would not cease her vocal criticism of the conflict to placate her employer.

Shapiro was incensed. “Candace, if you feel that taking money from The Daily Wire somehow comes between you and God, by all means quit,” he responded.

Shapiro is, of course, an Orthodox Jew, and the most logical reason behind such intense feelings of hatred has to be found in how Jesus (peace be upon him) is portrayed in Orthodox or Rabbinical Judaism.

For example, we read in the Talmud (Gittin 57a:3–Gittin 57a:4):

Onkelos then went and raised Jesus the Nazarene from the grave through necromancy. Onkelos said to him: Who is most important in that world where you are now? Jesus said to him: The Jewish people. Onkelos asked him: Should I then attach myself to them in this world? Jesus said to him: Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye (see Zechariah 2:12).

Onkelos said to him: What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement. As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement. And this was his sin, as he mocked the words of the Sages.

RELATED: Secular Jews According to the Talmud: Expendable Vermin?

Let’s forget, for a moment, necromancy and the use of black magic within Orthodox or Rabbinical Judaism.

If readers would like to to acquire a broader understanding of just how anti-Christic, in its literal sense, the Talmud really is—as it attacks Jesus (peace be upon him) starting right from his blessed birth—, we would refer them to Peter Schäfer’s short study, Jesus in the Talmud.

Aside from the Talmud, another collection of writings that has surpassed the Torah, in terms of importance for Jews, is the Zohar. It is the most important written composition in the Kabbalah tradition, which has influenced much of Judaism.

One of the most negative figures in the Zohar is Balaam, who has also been referenced in the Talmudic quote. Balaam is the quintessential false prophet, the Gentile who was given prophecy but abused it for his own personal worldly benefit.

Well, as demonstrated by Jewish scholars who specialized in Kabbalah, such as Ellen Haskell, Daniel Matt, and Elliot Wolfson, the Balaam of the Zohar is a concealed reference to Jesus (peace be upon him), as the Kabbalists were unable to insult Christ publicly while living in what was still an overwhelmingly Christian Europe.

Haskell in particular describes it as a “Zoharic innovation,” since in the Talmud (like we saw with the quote), Balaam and Jesus (peace be upon him) were still separate individualities, but, with the Zohar, every criticism of Balaam somehow becomes a cryptic criticism of Jesus (see chapter 3 of her 2016 book, Mystical Resistance: Uncovering the Zohar’s Conversations with Christianity).

With Jesus (peace be upon him) being portrayed that badly both in the Talmud and in the Zohar, it is almost inevitable that individual Jewish theologians would have a great deal of hatred towards him, as can be seen with Maimonides (1138-1204), the most influential rabbi in history, who writes in his famous Mishneh Torah (the most authoritative compendium of Jewish law):

Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also alluded to in Daniel’s prophecies, as ibid. 11:14 states: ‘The vulgar among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.’

Can there be a greater stumbling block than Christianity? All the prophets spoke of Mashiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior who would gather their dispersed and strengthen their observance of the mitzvot. In contrast, Christianity caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the Lord.

RELATED: The Evil Depiction of Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) in Jewish Scripture

More recently, Rabbi Dina Rosenberg (yes, a female rabbi) wrote in What do Jews Believe about Jesus?, based on the Talmud and the insights of Maimonides, that “Jesus was sexually immoral and worshiped idols”—may Allah punish severely those who dare to insult His beloved and chosen prophets and messengers.

All of this might help to explain why Ben Shapiro, the Orthodox Jew, becomes so triggered to see words attributed to Jesus being quoted by one of his collaborators, but does Shapiro himself think so negatively of Jesus?

I guess there’s no way for us to really know for sure. However, in his discussion with Joe Regan at least, he seemed to suggest that Jesus was just one of the many Jewish rebels (criminals?) who was punished (rightfully so?): As for us, we affirm that Jesus (peace be upon him) is undoubtedly a prophet and the foretold Messiah of the Jews, and, quite frankly, the facts don’t care about Ben Shapiro’s feelings.

“Non-Jews Have Satanic Souls”: The Spiritual Mentor of Ben Shapiro You may have come across a recent article of mine, which discussed how, according to Kabbalah—the mystical approach to religion that has shaped much of modern Judaism—, the soul of a Jew is significantly more superior and more valuable than the soul of a non-Jew. In fact, the former is deemed to be divine in some sense, while the latter is considered plainly to be animalistic in nature.

Within this context, one figure who came up was Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), also known simply as “the Rebbe.” In the precise context of Hasidic Judaism (Hasidism being a “popularization” of Kabbalah for the masses), Rebbe is a unique term used for an almost deified spiritual leader.

The My Jewish Learning site notes:

Among the most unique features of Hasidic Judaism is the centrality of the Rebbe. Every Hasidic sect has one, and their succession over time is typically dynastic. When a rebbe dies, his successor is usually a son or other close relative. (The best-known Hasidic rebbe in modern times, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Chabad, was the son-in-law of the previous Chabad rebbe; Schneerson, who died childless in 1994, has not been succeeded.) Occasionally, succession can be contested and even split a sect, as happened in 2006 following the death of the Satmar Rebbe Moshe Teitelbaum. In Hasidic communities, the rebbe functions not merely as a communal leader and spiritual authority, but often holds an almost mythical status among his followers. Rebbes are commonly petitioned for help in situations of ill health or financial distress, their advice is sought on various personal matters, and they are often seen as something akin to a conduit to God.

Schneerson was the Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement within Hasidic Judaism. As we had mentioned in our earlier article:

The Chabad itself is also the most important Jewish mass movement (if you have already read the articles mentioned earlier, it’d be fair to assume that most of the rabbis that you’ll ever come across are Chabad).

The movement itself focuses on “outreach” (bringing Jews back to their religion) through community-building, educational institutions, and so on. The Muslim Brotherhood in (some of) the Arab world could be considered a close comparison in terms of the amount of influence it has. mentions:

Following its inception 250 years ago, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement—a branch of Hasidism—swept through Russia and spread in surrounding countries as well. It provided scholars with answers that eluded them, and simple farmers with a love that had been denied them. Eventually the philosophy of Chabad-Lubavitch and its adherents reached almost every corner of the world and affected almost every facet of Jewish life.


Today over 5,000 full-time emissary families (2,000 in the United States) apply 250-year-old principles and philosophy to direct more than 3,500 institutions (and a workforce that numbers in the tens of thousands) dedicated to the welfare of the Jewish people worldwide.

The Chabad-Lubavitch hasn’t found a successor to the Rebbe because many, if not most, consider him to be the Jewish Messiah. And since this would mean he’s not really dead, it is plausible that he could return at any given moment.

Also in our earlier article, we had shown that both Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel) and Ben Shapiro (the most prominent American conservative influencer and most famous Jewish ethnonationalist in the country) are unapologetic admirers of the Rebbe.

But, being a Chabad-Lubavitch leader (and thus a Hasidic and Kabbalist), it was inevitable that the Rebbe too would subscribe to the idea of non-Jews being inferior. However, in his worldview, this is actually to the extent that non-Jews are in fact deemed to be Satanic.

We can read, for example, the book, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, originally published in 1999. It was authored by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, both Jews. The former was a Holocaust survivor (present in the Warsaw ghetto) who eventually became a professor of chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, while the latter, who passed away just last September (2022), was an American academic.

It is also worth noting that this was Shahak’s last major book before his death in 2001. His most famous work was Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years (1994).

They highlight the hypocrisy of the scholars of Kabbalah, such as Gershom Scholem, who give the impression that Kabbalah promises salvation for all, including non-Jews, while also distorting the terminology in the process.

They then mention how Lurianic Kabbalah, the most influential subgroup of Kabbalah, considers non-Jewish souls to be Satanic in nature and how it influenced Hasidism.

We read, on p.58:

Tishbi cited Rabbi Hayim Vital, the chief interpreter of Rabbi Luria, who wrote in his book, Gates of Holiness: “The Emanating Power, blessed be his name, wanted there to be some people on this low earth that would embody the four divine emanations. These people are the Jews, chosen to join together the four divine worlds here below.” Tishbi further cited Vital’s writings in emphasizing the Lurianic doctrine that non-Jews have satanic souls: “Souls of non-Jews come entirely from the female part of the satanic sphere. For this reason souls of non-Jews are called evil, not good, and are created without [divine] knowledge.” In his illuminating Hebrew-language book, Rabbinate, Hassidism, Enlightenment: The History of Jewish Culture Between the End of the Sixteenth and the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century (1956), BenZion Katz explained convincingly that the above doctrines became part of Hassidism. Accurate descriptions of Lurianic doctrines and their wide influence upon religious Jews can be found in numerous other studies, written in Hebrew. In books and articles written in other languages, and thus read by most interested nonIsraeli Jews and non-Jews, such descriptions and analyses are most often absent. The role of Satan, whose earthly embodiment according to the Cabbala is every non-Jew, has been minimized or not mentioned by authors who have not written about the Cabbala in Hebrew. Such authors, therefore, have not conveyed to readers accurate accounts of general NRP or its hard-core, Gush Emunim politics.

And who do you think is mentioned as a relevant example of someone who personified this Kabbalistic and Hasidic idea of non-Jewish souls being Satanic?

You guessed it:

The beloved spiritual mentor of Benjamin Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro, the Rebbe!

They thus continue:

A modern and influential expression of the attitudes derived above is evident in the teachings and writings of the late “Lubovitcher Rebbe,” Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who headed the Chabad movement and wielded great influence among many religious Jews in Israel as well as in the United States. Schneerson and his Lubovitch followers are Haredim; nevertheless, they involved themselves in Israel’s political life and shared many concepts with Gush Emunim and the NRP. The ideas of Rabbi Schneerson that appear below are taken from a book of his recorded messages to followers in Israel, titled Gatherings of Conversations and published in the Holy Land in 1965.


The Lubovitcher Rebbe continued:

The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The Old Rabbi [a pseudonym for one of the holy Lubovitch rabbis] explained that the passage in Chapter 49 of Hatanya [the basic book of Chabad]: “And you have chosen us” [the Jews] means specifically that the Jewish body was chosen [by God], because a choice is thus made between outwardly similar things. The Jewish body “looks as if it were in substance similar to bodies of non-Jews,” but the meaning … is that the bodies only seem to be similar in material substance, outward look and superficial quality. The difference of the inner quality, however, is so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews]” “their bodies are in vain.” … An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood. There is also a difference in bodies. The body of a Jewish embryo is on a higher level than is the body of a non-Jew. This is expressed in the phrase “let us differentiate” about the body of a non-Jew, which is a totally different kind. The same difference exists in regard to the soul: the soul of a Jewish embryo is different than the soul of a non-Jewish embryo. We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” [Genesis 1:1] means that [the heavens and the earth] were created for the sake of the Jews, who are called the “beginning.” This means everything, all developments, all discoveries, the creation, including the “heavens and the earth – are vanity compared to the Jews. The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.

This is spiritual narcissism taken to some truly cosmic levels, and we really wonder how many quotes of this nature are simply not accessible to us because we don’t have access to the original Hebrew language and are thus only exposed to the pop Kabbalah (all about meditation and peacefulness) of a few Hollywood actors and singers.

But all of this also explains the Rebbe’s political stances surrounding the issue of Palestine. For example, the Rebbe was bullish on Jewish settlements, arguing that Jews were completely justified in stealing lands in what he called “Judea and Samaria,” religious terminology used by them to refer to the West Bank (where there is no Hamas by the way). The reasoning behind this is that, according to them, these lands are not being stolen at all. Rather, they are Jewish lands. He also makes it very clear that he believes any concessions made for the sake of peace are almost blasphemous.

Thus, he stated in a talk:

The shocking reality is that the people who have been given the power of decision in Eretz Yisroel are chasing after murderers and terrorists, trying to find favor in their eyes, to convince them to take away tracts of Yehudah and Shomron! Not only is this actually happening — but it is being pursued in a shameful and denigrating manner, openly and with much fanfare.

This attitude of shameful fawning and obsequiousness to the gentiles never before existed, even in the lands of the diaspora. In Eretz Yisroel itself so disgraceful an approach was certainly never previously followed. To deal with terrorists!?

Day and night the political leaders of Eretz Yisroel proclaim that they are ready for “joint rule” and “trusteeship,” or even “autonomy.” It appears that their sole intention is just to be able to sit down at a round table together with the terrorists!

What will result is common knowledge. When dealing with murderers and terrorists, even after the agreements are signed they will be of no value — just a “scrap of paper.” When you sit down to negotiations with a murderer who holds a dagger in his hand it does not take long before you are stabbed in the back.

What makes this even worse (if it weren’t bad enough already) is that there are still those who argue that we stand now in the Messianic period!

In another talk, the Rebbe, who has openly endorsed the IDF, would seem to be in favor of the sort of collective punishment we see enacted today in Gaza:

Israel must broadcast a clear message: Terrorism will be met with strength; when caught, terrorists and their families will be punished severely; and by no means will terrorism be rewarded by concessions.

This not only helps us to make sense of the geopolitical views of the late (or living, according to some) Rebbe but also those of Benjamin Netanyahu, who, as per Max Blumenthal in his 2019 book, The Management of Savagery, is the true father of the modern “Clash of Civilization” narrative, having been propagating such views as far back as in the ’80s. He writes:

The anxiety over Iran’s revolution was also palpable in Israel, where the right-wing Likud Party had wrested power for the first time from the Zionist movement’s Labor wing. In Jerusalem, just months after Khomeini swept to power, a young Likud Party upstart named Benjamin Netanyahu organized a conference under the auspices of the Jonathan Institute, a think tank he named after his brother, who had been killed while leading the legendary 1976 Israeli raid at the Entebbe airport in Uganda.

In attendance was George H.W. Bush, neoconservative standard bearers like Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, staff from newfangled conservative think tanks like the American Enterprise Institute and the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and sympathetic policymakers and journalists from across the West. Netanyahu’s goal was to internationalize the Israeli understanding of terrorism. In short, he sought to deny rational motives to the Arabs, who had been militarily occupied for decades or had seen their nations ravaged by Western colonialism, casting their violence instead as the product of the most primitive impulses—“part of a much larger struggle, one between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism,” as he wrote in his 1986 tract on terrorism and “how the West can win.”

Netanyahu had cleverly reimagined right-wing scholar Richard Pipes’ vision of a global struggle between communist and “anti-communist” nations as a battle over “values” waged between the civilized “JudeoChristian” West and the barbaric Eastern hordes. When Washington embarked on a “war on terror” two decades later, the clash of civilizations narrative Netanyahu helped construct provided the George W. Bush administration with the language it needed to market its unilateral military doctrine to a discombobulated American public. The crude mantra of the post-9/11 era in America, “They hate us because we’re free,” seemed to have flowed directly from Netanyahu’s world-view and into George W. Bush’s teleprompter. History had been erased and the West was cast as a blameless victim of stateless totalitarians driven by nothing more than a pathological urge to dismantle democracy. Anyone who attempted to place Al Qaeda in context, particularly by explaining how its early antecedents emerged thanks to semi-covert US warfare, was likely to be accused of “blaming America first.” Either you were “with us, or you’re with the terrorists,” Bush and his supporters often said, putting a distinctly Texan spin on Netanyahu’s Manichean discourse.

I am a Palestinian (as my parents call themselves) but I decided to do a DNA test.
Am I an Arab really? I do not look like Saudi Arabians but rather like Turks and Persians.
This is my DNA results:
Admix Results (sorted):
# Population Percent
1 Mediterranean 36.62
2 Caucasian 26.45
3 SW_Asian 17.67
4 Horn_Of_Africa 10.62
5 NE_European 3.16
6 S_Indian 2.68
7 Wht_Nile_River 2.52
8 Siberian 0.28
Single Population Sharing:
# Population (source) Distance
1 Samaritian 7.84
2 Palestinian 7.95
3 Lebanese 10.67
4 Jordanian 10.74
5 Egyptian 10.78
6 Iraqi_Jew 11.22
7 Syrian 11.98
8 Cypriot 12.08
9 Libyan 12.27
10 Druze 13.02
11 Yemenite_Jew 14.79
12 Sephardic_Jew 15.93
13 Assyrian 18.62
14 Sicilian 18.92
15 Ashkenazy_Jew 18.96
16 Turk_Kayseri 20.01
17 Bedouin_A 20.24
18 Yemenese 20.44
19 Kurdish 22.65
20 Armenian 22.73
Mixed Mode Population Sharing:
# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 53.1% Egyptian + 46.9% Cypriot @ 3.32
2 55.5% Cypriot + 44.5% Yemenite_Jew @ 3.85
3 66.3% Libyan + 33.7% Turk_Trabzon @ 4.18
4 50.4% Cypriot + 49.6% Libyan @ 4.23
5 90.1% Samaritian + 9.9% Somali @ 4.31
6 87.1% Samaritian + 12.9% Eritrean @ 4.43
7 88.4% Samaritian + 11.6% Afar @ 4.49
8 87.1% Samaritian + 12.9% Tygray @ 4.52
9 87.8% Samaritian + 12.2% Amhara @ 4.58
10 88.8% Samaritian + 11.2% Oromo @ 4.62
11 61.4% Libyan + 38.6% Assyrian @ 4.63
12 63.2% Libyan + 36.8% Turk_Kayseri @ 4.65
13 66.2% Libyan + 33.8% Armenian @ 4.68
14 60.8% Samaritian + 39.2% Egyptian @ 4.72
15 81.7% Cypriot + 18.3% Afar @ 5.03
16 79.7% Cypriot + 20.3% Tygray @ 5.03
17 77% Libyan + 23% Georgian @ 5.04
18 85.9% Samaritian + 14.1% Somali_Benadiri @ 5.05
19 91.5% Samaritian + 8.5% Maasai @ 5.08
20 90.3% Samaritian + 9.7% Wolayta @ 5.16
As you can see I’m over all (90%) a Samaritan which are definitely an indigenous people of this land. This is the comments of a geneticist about my DNA results:
"OK so you clearly owe the vast majority of your ancestry to a Samaritan-like source.
Part One.

OK so you clearly owe the vast majority of your ancestry to a Samaritan-like source. Pt. 2
The most convincing results come from MDLP K23b, Eurogenes K13 and PuntDNAL K13 Global. You often get fits that are invariably +80% Samaritan + North African (or Horner), while I think the North African signal is bogus it is worthy of consideration since your mtDNA haplogroup is very common in NW Africa, I'll see what happens if we use Copts to proxy that signal once you get your Global 10 results. Surprisingly, you often get high Genetic Distances (GDs) in the single population mode, this could be indicative of recent admixture or, more likely, of sampling bias.

The funny thing is that despite the North African signal, you're not particularly shifted towards Bedouins and Peninsular Arabs, you're closer to Lebanese Muslims and Christians instead, heck you're also closer to Western Jews (Ashkenazi, Italian, Sephardic, North African & Syro-Lebanese) Jews than to several Arabian populations so if this isn't bogus it has to be recent North African ancestry. One thing which could vindicate this signal is the set of fits which proxy you as 90% Palestinian Christian + Berber.
In terms of Levantine substructure, you seem to be somewhat more akin to "Israeli Arabs"/3arab 48/Filastiniyi ed Dakhel than to the Palestinian reference, more importantly "Christian_Arabs_Israel" doesn't show up in the K23b oracle, so you share drift with the Muslim community (the genetic distance is rather high though, so I wouldn't take this too seriously). You're consistently close to Samaritans as well, you even get Samaritan as your first population in MDLP K11 so I'm going to assume that you're on the less Arabian-admixed side of the spectrum (Palestinians vary wildly, some are like Saudis and Negev Bedouins, others are like Samaritans and Lebanese Christians, others still are somewhere in between, not far from Jordanians). I'll test all of the above when you'll get your K7 and G10 results from Davidski.

Yes Lets Stop Killing Each Other Now.
So Moses Leads the People Out of Egypt (Exodus 14)

So God made a promise to Abraham that he would have an uncountable number of descendants - more than the stars in the sky! For exactly 430 years, Abraham’s descendants, the Israelites, had been slaves in the land of Egypt. Pharaoh was the ruler of Egypt.

So if all the Jews are living as Slave in Egypt for 430 years.

So who is living in Israel at this time for the 430 years. Maybe its Canaanites.

Moses led 600,000 people out of Egypt in the middle of the night. God did not lead Moses and the Israelites through enemy land. Rather He led them through the desert toward the Red Sea as they journeyed to the Promised Land.

Forty years of wandering in the wilderness had brought Israel to stand upon a mountaintop overlooking the land of promise. Every Israelite over twenty years of age when they left Egypt under Moses’ leadership was now dead, except for three people: Moses, Joshua, and Caleb (Numbers 14:38).

They forgot His power and trembled in fear at the thought of facing the Canaanites. In so doing, they lost their privilege to enter the land of promise.

Why Did God Order the Destruction and to killing all Canaanites people.

Why did God order Jews to kill everyone destroyed including women, children, and animals.

The Promised Land in which the Israelites were to settle was populated by the Canaanites who had corrupted and perverted God's truth.

Before Israel could establish itself in the region as a witness to the one true God, all remnants of the pagan culture had to be destroyed. The failure to totally eliminate all of the pagans in the Promised Land eventually led to the nation's downfall in the times of the Judges.

God ordered the destruction of the Canaanites because of the corrupting influence they would have if their false religious system were allowed to survive. Unfortunately, Israel disobeyed God and did not utterly destroy all Islamic State these pagan peoples.

Yes The land of Israel has been populated by the Jewish people since 2000 BC. Here's the timeline, in case you didn't realize that it is their homeland, as designated by Yahweh.
1900 BC: Abraham chosen by God as the Father of the Jewish Nation.
1900 BC: Isaac, Abraham's son, rules over Israel.
1850 BC: Jacob, son of Issac, rules over Israel.
1400 BC: Moses leads the people out of Egypt and back to Israel.
1010 BC: King David unites the 12 tribes into one nation.
970 BC: King Solomon, son of David, builds the first temple structure in Jerusalem
930 BC: Israel is divided into two kingdoms, the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.
800s BC: The rise of the prophets, God's messengers.
722 BC: Kingdom of Israel is conquered by Assyrians.
605 BC: Kingdom Judah is conquered by the Babylonians.
586 BC: Solomon's Temple is destroyed by the Babylonians.
539 BC: Persians conquer the Babylonians and take control of Israel.
538 BC: The Jews return to Israel from exile.
520 BC: The Temple is rebuilt.
450 BC: Reforms made by Ezra and Nehemiah.
433 BC: Malachi is the end of the prophetic age.
432 BC: The last group of Jews return from exile.
333 BC: The Greeks conquer the Persian empire.
323 BC: The Egyptian and Syrian empire take over Israel.
167 BC: Hasmonean's recapture Israel, and the Jews are ruled independently.
70 BC: Romans conquer Israel.
20 BC: King Herod builds the "third" temple
6 BC: Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem
70 AD: Romans destroy the temple
After that, the people were captives to the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Crusaders. Through all of these events, the Jewish people continued to live in Israel. There were more or less of them, depending on the centuries, but there was never a time when the Jews didn't live in the land. They stayed, they built their communities, they raised their families, practiced their faith and they suffered at the hands of many outside rulers, but they always kept their faith. It is what sustains them, even now. Part One Thanks.

70 AD: Romans destroy the temple... Part Two - Thanks Everyone!

In 1948, the UN established the State of Israel, the nation of Jews. Don't buy the Palestinian lies that they are entitled to the land. It simply is not true. Yahweh will also provide a way for his chosen people to live in Israel, as He has for thousands of years.

The people of the Levant are considered primarily Arab and indeed speak the Semitic language of Arabic, but in truth they must be very mixed, given the region has been a crossroads of human migration down the ages, with the Romans, Byzantines, Muslims and Ottomans only the latest to occupy the region, prior to Zionist colonization from Europe following WWI. It is also possible some of them are descendants of the Biblical Jews although those ones were effectively Arabs themselves, having migrated out of the Arabian Peninsula thousands of years ago during a time of great climatic change. The Biblical Jews became distinct from other Arabs only after creating their own religion, inspired by Zoroastrianism. They were not expelled under the Romans, and there was no great migration north to Germany and Eastern Europe. The religion spread far and wide, however. Under the Ottomans the land and the people of the region were referred to as Palestinians, including the Jewish and Christian minorities. All were ethnically akin, of course, and left together in relative harmony.

Arab immigration into the land, and preventing or limiting Jewish immigration, when it was charged with facilitating Jewish return to their ancestral land), the Jewish people discarded the name “Palestine”, and restored one of the ancient native true names for the land, Israel.

Two decades later, in a bold propaganda move, the Arabs who were trying to destroy Israel and claim the land as an Arab state declared themselves to be “Palestinians”, in the hope that people would forget when and how they adopted the name, and would associate Arabs with the land’s history. Thanks !

UN/WEF/WHO/New World Order ‘One World Government’ Totalitarian Dictatorship will, as part of the Great Reset, outlaw all religion. All religion will cease to exist. Every church, mosque & temple will be destroyed globally. Every bible & koran will be burnt. All those who protest will be eliminated.

If you think this whole ‘idea’ is something ‘new’, you are mistaken. New World Order commenced in 1895. Every conflict & war since then (& to the present day), has been organised by the New World Order for entertainment & population control.

Sustainable Development Goals are the ‘Great Reset’ Final Solution & will exterminate 95% of global human population. Evidence: Lima Accord signed in 1976. Agenda 2030 signed in 2000.

The ‘1%’ UN/WEF/WHO/NWO has signed the Death Warrant for humanity on Earth. Indisputable, verifiable fact! Not opinion, conspiracy theory, fantasy, paranoia, delusion or insanity. Sheeple will refuse to believe this horror will occur. Sheeple brains can’t process brutal reality & absolute truth. That is why the global extermination is guaranteed to succeed. Nobody is prepared to stop it.

I repeatedly call for the elimination of all UN/WEF/WHO/NWO Personnel. Nobody listens or cares. I repeatedly call for the assassination of the puppet ‘leaders’ in every country globally. Nobody listens or cares. How the Sheeple will bleat when the UN/WEF/WHO/NWO Wolves attack. It’s a recurring conversation every year in Davos, Switzerland.

They will take no prisoners. They will leave no wounded. They will show no mercy & kill 95% of the simple, stupid, naive, gullible Sheeple Cowards worldwide. The survivors (who will wish they were dead) will be used as chained & shackled slaves. Not a ‘false prophecy’.

Naked truth! Dismiss my unhinged rant immediately, as you most certainly will. Go back to the herd & go back to sleep. Everything will be just fine . . . All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate.

Thanks for writing us. All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research.

When we talk about justifiable killing we must always remember to use discernment. Just because you can kill someone doesn’t mean you should.

We are no longer under the Old Testament law so we are not to kill people for things like adultery, being a rebellious child, or homosexuality.

We are to always obey the law. Besides the Old Testament reasons here are four more reasons when killing is permitted.

Honour killings have been known since ancient Roman times, when the pater familias, or senior male within a household, retained the right to kill an unmarried but sexually active daughter or an adulterous wife.

Honour-based crimes were known in medieval Europe where early Jewish law mandated death by stoning for an adulterous wife and her partner. Today the practice is most commonly associated with regions in North Africa and the Middle East.

What does Islam say about being killed?
Suicide, euthanasia, and unjust murder as means of death are all prohibited in Islam, and are considered major sins.

To Kill and To Die In The Name of Allah

Allah orders Muslims in the Quran to terrorize non-Muslims on His behalf. "Strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of God and your enemies." Surah 8:60.

So Why does the Quran say that infidels should be killed?

But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda & our wrong ?. so as a child this woman today is not happy and close to death for her and family so she want to talks about it.

See Total Numbers Of Illegal Immigrants in Every State in America Today. According to various sources, from 2000 to 2023 the estimated number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States ranges from 18.2 million to 20.8 million. The majority of unauthorized immigrants come from Mexico, with 14.5 million of the 62 million foreign-born residents living in the US being illegal. Pew Research Center estimates that 18.7 million are got-a-way's unauthorized immigrants lived in the US in 2020, the lowest level in a decade. The largest increases in the number of unauthorized immigrants from 2001 to 2022 were from Central America (2,640,000) and South and East Asia (1,480,000). A data tool provides detailed sociodemographic profiles for the United States, 44 states now (plus the District of Columbia), and the 130 counties with the largest unauthorized populations as of 2023.

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The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims and Other who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Islam And The Undeniable Truth - Jihadists and Islamic State Say Death To America ! - - Undeniable Truth 1400 years of Islam history in a few minutes from Brigitte Gabriel was born in the Marjeyoun District of Lebanon to a Maronite Christian couple, a first and only child after over twenty years of marriage.

A Closer Look at Sharia in the United States Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? See Video's Below Are From This Rumble Channels.

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This Is The Pure Form Of Hate & Evil Of Earth Today And A Real True Racist Group Is The Congressional Black Caucus & Other Squad Members Hate U.S.A. Today. Planning For Sharia Law In The USA And Islamic State Rules And Laws For Everyone Who Alive Now. And To Forced Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States Per Sharia Law in the 20th Century. Paid For and Pre Planned Pro-Palestinian Protests at Harvard and 100's Other University Is To Be Paid As Planned.

So American Pledge of Allegiance Is Now To Be Replaced in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah". And All New U.S. Coins To Be Replaced from "In God We Trust" to In The Name Of Allah".

What about the Quran's verses of Peace and Tolerance for other religions?

In A Secrets Meeting Per U.S.A. New Sharia Law Rules 2022 and Kids Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Rules 2023 Kids Can Now Start At Age 8 Yrs. Old Puberty Blockers Drugs Per President Joe Biden's Administration has confirmed that the legal age of consent for sex and marriage will be lowered to 8 yrs old starting February 16th. 2023 During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated ‘We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.’ He then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. Puberty typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and AFABs and New Age of Consent, specifically one young person's question about whether or not to wait until she reaches to have sex, is complicated. There are many nuances to the law depending on where you live and the law itself can be harmful when it's intent is to help. Social media users are sharing screenshots of articles claiming Joe Biden has lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years by laws. Over the last week, social media users have been pushing claims that President Joe Biden had lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years.

In 2000, the Republican National Convention became the first US presidential convention to open with a Muslim prayer to Allah.

In 2021, President Joe Biden nominated and the U.S. Senate confirmed Zahid Quraishi as the first Muslim U.S. District Judge, for the District of New Jersey.

In 1984 Tried To Warn Us We The People About Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every moment scrutinized. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.

Although Democrats don't truly hate America, making this claim elicits the outrage that garners higher TV ratings, more social media shares and likes, and makes more money for networks. Media on both the right and the left foment this anger because their existence often depends upon it. We are all, to some degree, responsible, as well, as we collectively segregate ourselves into our tribes and convince ourselves that we are morally superior to those "others." Until both liberals and conservatives realize that our real enemy isn't each other, but our vilification of one another, we will continue down this path toward greater tribal animosity that is the real threat to our democracy.

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Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a non-medical procedure that involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia. It is most often carried out on young girls between infancy and age 15 and has no health benefits for girls and women, causing severe bleeding and problems urinating, cysts, infections as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths.

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So In A Secret Meeting By Antifa And Black Live Matter And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. With 1,000 Other Democratic Party Members... Said Jesus Is A Trans Woman So What Is A True Woman Is The Question.

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