Labour’s Gaza ceasefire support is a sham as suspensions continue!

3 months ago

Despite Starmer's Labour having rammed through their version of a ceasefire, suspensions continue for backing one it seems.
Right, so Labour suspensions or expulsions based on support for Gaza and for a ceasefire in Gaza should be a thing of the past now that the parliamentary party and Keir Starmer have formally backed one, albeit on their own terms by hijacking an SNP Opposition Day to do so, as they did last month, so surely speaking up for Gaza and demanding others do likewise now a ceasefire position has been reached should be a thing of the past? Well no, it isn’t as events on Hounslow Borough Council have exploded, with divisions wrought amongst Muslim Labour Councillors, two abstaining Labour MPs that are opposed for their abstentions on Gaza are now being shielded with apparent hypocrisy by some who claim to want a Gaza ceasefire who have turned against one of their own and two councillors at the centre of this have now been suspended, one indefinitely, the other having quit altogether. This is amongst the most vicious Labour infighting over the subject of Gaza I’ve heard of to date, where those demanding a ceasefire are the ones being punished.
Right, so what’s this one about then Damo, Labour back a ceasefire now, why are people still getting the treatment for backing what is party position now? Well it’s another council cracking up under the strain of Labour’s ‘do they back a ceasefire really or are they just saying it?’ attitude, because the ceasefire called for, isn’t really one, when it scuppered a proper ceasefire motion in order to push through a heavily watered down amendment, as we saw Starmer organise last month, leaning on Lindsay Hoyle as it appeared that he did, in order to get his way. It needs to be made clear though that despite that, this latest mess is happening on a Labour run council, massively so, with a sizeable Muslim representation on it to boot, and indeed one of the two councillors at the centre of this is Muslim themselves. We’ll start with them.
This individual concerned is Councillor Amrit Mann, who has represented Labour and his constituents in Heston East on Hounslow Borough Council for the last 30 years. He was the mayor of Hounslow from 2011/12 and has served as the Deputy Mayor since 2014 and he committed the cardinal sin of backing a ceasefire, and called out others who had backed one before by their actions in calling out the two borough MPs for their previous abstentions, for not later doing so and the councillors concerned in that hypocrisy, were also members of the Mosque Committee with links to Hounslow Borough Council. So we have a Muslim Councillor being hung out to dry by fellow Muslims councillors over a Gaza ceasefire, so this is truly horrible and all of it, happened at the beginning of this month, so after Starmer rammed his amendment through to the SNP Gaza ceasefire motion in parliament, which has led to Labour MPs still being able to say they back a ceasefire, without actually doing anything proactive to that end.

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo gaza ceasefire,palestine,gaza,ceasefire,israel,labour ceasefire,labour ceasefire amendment,labour,keir starmer,starmer,hounslow borough council,amrit mann labour,amrit mann hounslow,labour ceasefire suspension,labour party,seema malhotra,seema malhotra mp,feltham and heston,ruth cadbury,ruth cadbury mp,brentford & isleworth,kernow damo,damo rants,damo,brentford today & tv,ceasefire suspension,indefinite suspension,starmer faction,starmerroids

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