Kryon – Can Anyone Really Tell the Future?

3 months ago

Is it possible for anyone to tell the future? Can it really be done?

ANYTHING can be Changed at ANYTIME in the Consciousness of Humanity.

If this is true, how can anyone accurately predict the future?

Looking back at history, we will see the Shaman’s told others about what might happen and then it did happen.

Some people today predict also, some hit sometimes and they miss sometimes.

Were they simply lucky when they were accurate?

Or, is there an avenue that someone might take that will give them good answers about the future?

The Hopi Indian Rock has a complete description of what is happening right now, who did they do that? How could they even imagine our life today from the way they lived then?

How did they give the future?

Many different societies gave the same accurate story, how did this happen?

Gordon Michael Scallion had powerful, profuound clear visions and he wrote them down and gave times but they did not come true? WHY?

He gave a map of the future that much of the USA was underwater, something was to happen, natural or not that would wipe out the West Coast and he assigned dates – this was in the late 80’s and early 90’s.

Even when it didn’t happen on the dates predicted, he still had these visions. He wondered if he was seeing the future or seeing a future.

The Future and A Future are two completely different concepts.

In a Multi-Dimensional State – we are ALWAYS in the Past, the Now and the Future. When time is given to us in a Linear form, but it is actually this multi-dimensional thing, it can cause great confusion about everything.

Is it possible to have many futures? YES.

Is it possible to have many Timelines? YES.

We are only on ONE timeline though.

Can we tell the future that is coming on our timeline? At some level, yes.

It is all based on what is happening NOW.

Here is how it works: Consciousness is Energy. This conscious energy has attributes of dark and light. The conscious energy is like a snowball rolling down a mountain, gaining momentum. Is it becoming more Light or more Dark?

Light is Compassion and Love and we know what Dark is.

This snowball is getting bigger and it can now be projected to what will happen to it.

According to Kryon, this snowball is becoming filled with more Light. Indicating that there will not be a WWIII, that times are going to gradually change for the better, we will eventually choose better politicians, people will continue to wake up, light will continue to expose the dark, so YES our future can be told because it is now so obvious according to Kryon.

34 years ago Kryon said that there was a shift coming. The balance of light and dark was in a reversal process as the light is now becoming greater.

This light will bring a shift in the planets thinking about what they want. With this light comes compassion, the desire to clean up the planet, to have great inventions, to choose better leaders that fit what the collective want.

Yes, we are experiencing at timeline which seems pretty negative right now, but this will change. It may appear that things are getting worse, but things are being set up for exposure and that’s what it will take for the shift to become evident for everyone.

When Consciousness shifts the world can change and it will.


SOURCE: Kryon Lee Carroll --


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END. 3/5/2024.

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