Is Labour’s stance on Israel the reason Jeremy Corbyn had to go?

5 months ago

In light of Jeremy Corbyn's historic support for Palestine & his criticism of Israel, was this why pro Israel Labour brought him down?
Right, so in light of how ardently the Labour Party are currently supporting Israel right now, it’s worth asking, certainly with Jeremy Corbyn having gone to the International Court of Justice in the Hague this week as part of South Africa’s delegation in their case against Israel, whether this gives some insight into how he was taken down as Labour leader, versus how he was treated over that, versus how Labour regard Israel here and now, when they’re committing genocide. We know the issue of antisemitism was weaponised against Corbyn, but with public opinion worldwide at an all time low as we witness the atrocities Israel are committing and the fact labour regardless of that are not only on side with Israel still, but now prepared to go to war for them, should we not now be admitting, hang on here, Corbyn being critical of Israel and being pro Palestine, he had a point didn’t he? And given what his own party did to him, how they chose to use antisemitism to do that, assisted by other pro Israel organisations the media were more than happy to platform, is it not also true that we have not only a Labour Party so utterly entwined with Israel and pro Israel interests, but that as Corbyn has proven, there’s little to no chance of undoing that?
Right, so Jeremy Corbyn, former Labour leader, the guy who got me into politics really, enthused and inspired by the opportunity of having a country run a different way, smeared for Jew hate as he was, never actually stood a chance and looking back at what happened before, with the knowledge of what is happening now in Israel and Gaza, I think makes for worthwhile opportunity for some reflection on that and actually what all of it says about the Labour Party itself.
Corbyn we know was undone in 2017 by the party machine misappropriating funds to shore up favoured right wing Labour MPs who didn’t need the funding, such as then Deputy Labour Leader Tom Watson, who was also ardently pro Israel, he actually sang for them in a show of his absolute dedication to Israel just the year before, in 2016 at a lunch event put on by the Labour Friends of Israel. He burst into a rendition of Am Yisrael Chai – which means the People of Israel live. In light of today’s ongoing events, that would have gone down like cold sick if he’d done it now. The thing is though, it was going on then. The persecution of Palestinians has been going on for decades, from Gaza electing Hamas to run their authority in 2007, which resulted in sanctions against a territory, which like the West Bank was occupied territory and had been since 1967 and the six day war and we shouldn’t forget that.
Now Corbyn has long spoken out against the occupation, for a two state solution, which is supposed to be the UK’s official stance on the Israel Palestine situation, but being critical of Israel has. In fact Corbyn said as much himself back in 2022.

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