Ex Labour Friends of Israel DIRECTOR is Israel’s new spokesperson.

2 months ago

Meet Eylon Levy's somehow even worse replacement, whihc also exposes the uncomfortable ties between Israel and LFI.
Right, so Labour Friends of Israel, or Labour Friends of Genocide as they might also be reasonably called now and many people do, it’s a hashtag that regularly trends on Twitter as you might well imagine is in no small part seen as one massive red flag towards voting for Starmer’s Labour for many given the conduct of Israel and given that through LFI, the Labour Party is seen as being too close to Israel. This isn’t for no small reason, with the Israel Lobby having been significant backers of Keir Starmer’s leadership bid, many MPs taking donations from Israel lobbyists, from cash donations for the always opaque ‘office costs’ exempt from limits as they are, to jollies to Israel to be fussed and fawned over. Then there is the fact Labour candidates get sent to Israel for education purposes. I’d prefer my UK politicians to be educated on UK matters, not Israeli ones, but in response to stories like that many are asking themselves who exactly runs that party these days? Having high ranking paid for Israeli representatives even on Labour’s National Executive Committee just underlines that, as is the case with Luke Akehurst. Yet now, in the wake of Israel having officially sacked their far too up himself former spokesperson Eylon Levy, that left a vacancy and that vacancy has now been filled by a former director of Labour Friends of Israel. So how much closer can LFI and the Israeli state actually get and this should raise even more questions about how close our Labour Party is to that regime and who they would run this country in the interests of?
Right, so Labour Friends of Israel. You might have thought this is just an assemblage of Labour MPs benefitting from friendly relations with Israel with all the accoutrements that brings with it, but it’s more than actually, LFI is a limited company, incorporated in 2015 as said limited company, and therefore needs directors to attend to financial oversight certainly, but it also means there are financial records for them too since then, which make for interesting reading on Companies House, not least of which continues to beg the question of where does their funding come from, but I’m not going to go into that here.
Despite it appearing to be a recent entity though as far as financial records go and it’s company status certainly does, LFI’s existence goes back much further than that, founded in 1957 in fact by the Labour MP Doug Hoyle, the father of the current lousy weakling Speaker of the House of Commons, Lindsay Hoyle, who’s recent capitulation to Starmer over that SNP Opposition Day has raised questions about his own impartiality and loyalties given his family connection to LFI. The power and influence of LFI can’t be underestimated, it’s regarded as one of the most prestigious lobby groups within the Labour party and a stepping stone to ministerial positions within Labour even. So if you aren’t LFI you might find it more difficult to get promoted and there are equivalent organisations within the Tory Party and the Lib Dems too, but it’s Labour that appear to be the most beholden to pro Israel interests.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
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