Is Keir Starmer sending Labour candidates to Israel for instruction?

2 months ago

Video footage from 2021 highlights a disturbing new insight into Keir Starmer's relationship with the Israel regime.
Right, so Keir Starmer’s relationship with Israel has become a graver cause for concern since the events of October 7th broke out. We already knew he was a Zionist without qualification - his own words – and of course he has opposed a ceasefire there, a meaningful one certainly, firstly in wanting just humanitarian pauses and then coming out in support of a ceasefire though not when and not for how long either, though that entire episode seemed to be more along the lines of an intention to scupper an SNP ceasefire motion which called for one that was immediate and permanent and more worrying than anything else, appeared to come after he said he had spoken to the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, the kind of guy who signs bombs before they get dropped on Gaza, who faces criminal charges in Switzerland we know nothing of the details of, and who said on video every Gazan is guilty of being party to Hamas, which when half the population are under 18, is disgusting and as such formed part of the case South Africa brought against Israel in January. But now video has emerged of Starmer addressing Labour Friends of Israel, extolling their virtues and discussing Labour parliamentary candidates being sent to Israel, seemingly for instruction. So just how deep in hoc to Israel is Starmer’s regime and how disturbed should we be by this?
Right, so video has emerged of Keir Starmer addressing Labour Friends of Israel conference, extolling the virtues as he sees it of the group and giving further insight to suspicions that this guy’s loyalty to the apartheid regime committing genocide in Gaza is pretty much unshakable. Take a look at this:
Now despite loyalists to Starmer and to Labour making claims that this is some kind of deep fake, it isn’t, that clip is actually taken from a longer video which Starmer sent to address Labour Friends of Israel’s Conference back in 2021, so isn’t recent, but does go to show his attitude towards a group who heavily influence Labour policy, regularly have affiliated MPs platformed on media shows and in the papers, enjoy paid for jollies to Israel and are heavily lobbied by them, many of their donors come from affiliated and supportive bodies and there very much appears to be a culture of being looked after if your interests align with those of Israel. This was also dramatically exposed by the activities of such MPs and Israel loyalists in the party during Corbyn’s tenure in charge, antisemitism weaponised against him in no small part many believe because of Corbyn’s longstanding support for the oppressed Palestinian people who have lived under apartheid and Israeli occupation for decades. He was damned for it leading up to the 2019 General Election, but as has so often proved to be the case, his views have been borne out as true, it’s just taken a genocide happening before our eyes for a lot of people to snap out of it and realise he was actually right.

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