Chrismas and The Rapture

11 months ago

Everyone is getting ready for Christmas. Order the book It Was A Riddle Not A Command & The Mystery of the Jewish Rapture today as a gift for your loved ones.
It Was A Riddle Not A Command (
The Mystery of the Jewish Rapture(

Learn the Hebrew Idiom Jesus spoke, saying, "No one knows the Day or the Hour." It was like a parable telling you the very day he was coming back. He is coming on the same day He was born, not December 25. When He comes, those who are ready will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. This day is also revealed to you if you would just read His words.
The five wise virgins understand what the thief in the night is and why the servants who are not awake and watching are going to be caught sleeping and will end up ashamed because of their nakedness.

If you do not understand exactly what I am saying, then order both PDFs today and begin to learn these truths. Judgment begins in 2024. You have no time to waste waffling back and forth. It is time to get ready now.

The Mystery of the Jewish Rapture(
The Resurrection of the Saints and the Rapture were demonstrated at Passover. We were also told when the Rapture would be in Lev 23, Lev 25, and Luke. But if we do not understand the keys that reveal all prophecies, then we will not be ready for when they do happen.

It Was A Riddle Not A Command (
No One Knows The Day or The Hour is a Hebrew idiom or parable. Jesus spoke in parables to conceal His message, which He later explained to the Apostles.

No One Knows The Day or the Hour is actually telling you the very day He is going to come back on! The Very same day when He first came.

The Book of Revelation Tells you the very day and hour He was born.
You are given clues in the book of Revelation about the thief that comes in the night, about being caught naked and ashamed. All of these clues tell you about the very day He is coming back.

Paul even wrote to the Thessalonians saying they did not need Paul to write them about the Day of the Lord FOR THEY KNEW FULL WELL THE MOEDIM!!!
Knowing the Moedim shows you the Day and Hour No Man Can Know.

Order the books and begin to understand those deep secret words Jesus told those who loved Him.

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You can also order the following books to learn more about where we are in these last days according to the Jubilee Cycle.

The 2300 Days of Hell(

Remembering the Sabbatical Year of 2016(

The Sabbatical and Jubilee Charts(

The Restoration of All Things (

The Abomination That Makes Desolate (

The 10 Days of Awe (

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