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The Rabbit and The Crab

1 year ago

The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show for Young Children Ep. 28

The Chariot card in the Tarot shows someone “getting what they want”. Young children want to get what they want. Often times, what they want is what they need to become an individual later in life. Sometimes, what they want might be affecting other people in their environment. In the early learning centres, some desires are left unchecked and young children go about harming others where it is seen as a dominant genetic sequence being expressed around recessive genetic sequences. Smacking and snatching a toy from another child requires skill…. it’s just that this skill is put to use in a negative way. The victims of wrong-doing require the same skills to get what they want. So, what are these skills? Firstly, let’s assume that psychopathy is not considered a skill…. at least according to you and I. “Getting what you want” requires a lack of fear, a calming of the nerves, managing stressful and difficult situations. We need these skills to maintain our basic needs, our basic rights. Our natural right to not have our well-being taken from us. As we go about life, people try to stop us, verbally and physically, from going about our business. When our business is not causing any harm, we should exercise our rights and keep moving forward.

Rabbits literally must eat poos to get the nutrition they need for an energetic life of love, family and play. Rabbits send us a message to move ahead by leaps and bounds.

Crabs go with the flow, do their dance, make their mark and stay protected, all at the same time. They send us a message to live life with a thicker skin, express ourselves freely and deal with confrontation tactfully.

We can promote the qualities of the crab and rabbit by providing young children with choices (regardless of how we feel at the time), encouraging self-defence and by practicing our breathing exercises when we are in stressful situations. Simple breathing exercises, for young children, help them manage stress and pain. In particular, the out-breath is connected to the easing of the fight-flight response.

Young children should be empowered to get what they want. They should also experience the natural consequences of their actions. This is part of how they learn about morality, true objective morality that is inherent in nature.

The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show for Young Children is live every Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A): https://www.revolution.radio/


You can find us also on all main podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcast, iHeart, etc.) and on Substack, YouTube, Odysee and Bitchute.

By Nancy Stewart by https://nancymusic.com/
Noble Duke of York
Let’s Go to The Market
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Clapping in The Castle

“The Tale of Peter Rabbit” by Beatrix Potter.
Read by Kara Shallenberg (RIP) for Librivox.org

“I’ll Fly Away” by Holizna4KidsMusic
From freemusicarchive.org
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

“Jungle Stream” by Kirk Osamayo
From freemusicarchive.org
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

“Rabbit 2” by quetzalcontla
(CC BY-NC 4.0)

The Inspiration by Keys of Moon https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/

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