Sweat Lodge Stories with Mitzie

2 months ago

Geri Quintero is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, a GAPS diet practitioner and accomplished herbalist practicing out of the Yreka Healing Arts Centre in Yreka Caifornia. She is also the host of Brigid's Well, on Revolution.Radio Studio A, Tuesdays 8pm-10pm ET. Geri, AKA Mitzie, shares anecdotes relating to coming-of-age rites of the Indigenous People of the Americas. Her stories, shared in this episode, show that these initiations are more about honouring the individual as part of the community, the world and nature. A theme of acceptance seems to be at play, while the rites and celebrations seem to counter the current western indoctrination system and cultural norms. This episode encourages the possibility of marking milestones in the family with celebrations and activities as an antidote to our current situation!

Geri's website: https://geriquintero.com/
Revolution Radio: https://revolution.radio/


The Secret Kindergarten is live every Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A): https://www.revolution.radio/.

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For any questions or comments: gino@thesecretkindergarten.com
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