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Klaus Schwab Brags WEF Has 'Infiltrated' Every MSM Outlet In The World

1 year ago

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Mainstream media journalists are “intellectual prostitutes” who are as easily bent over as Poland in World War 2, according to World Economic Forum co-founder Klaus Schwab, whose off-colour remarks shared by a WEF insider reveal the extent of globalist control over the mainstream media in the United States, Europe and the western world.

According to Schwab, the WEF has infiltrated every major mainstream media outlet in the world, placing key globalist stakeholders in positions of power and influence, creating a climate of compliance and fear among ordinary journalists who scramble to please their masters, and building an industry that operates as the globalist’s de facto PR department.

The mainstream media have been failing the people for decades, willfully manipulating and distorting the truth, and playing a leading role in driving humanity towards the dystopian future the elites have planned for us.

The question is, what are we going to do about? We’ve got a plan. It’s huge. It’s your chance to buy a stake in the future of media ownership, earn profits, have your say in what information gets broadcast to the masses, while destroying the mainstream. We’ve got all the details coming up later in this video.