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Doom: Anomaly Report (Unity Add-On) - Map 30: Anomaly (UV-Max)

1 year ago

Map 30 of Anomaly Report is the grand finale, and unlike most final maps, there is a bloody battle ahead just to get to the Icon of Sin! In order to even get to the thing, you have to fight through an open battlefield with four Spider Masterminds and a Cyberdemon to get to the other building to get the three keys, then run back to the other side to hit the switches to lower the barriers blocking your line of fire to the Icon of Sin, then take the teleporter in the center of the battlefield to where you can shoot it. While all this is going on, the Icon is infinitely spawning more enemies to make your life hell! Good thing there's a near-endless supply of BFG ammo!

Secrets: 2:54
Full Anomaly Report Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh4UqT3A_lk&list=PLcZithGR1z9D3d18Na2Xoh6HhRCu1WUMg
Full Base Ganymede Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-nWtMD78Qc&list=PLcZithGR1z9CH2MBEvWZ0orUAS0o4ANk8
Doom Zero UV+ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ipmV875xWY&list=PLcZithGR1z9Bkr6KX3O49z2TD_bqF26jD
More Doom Add-ons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiJzaJMyzOU&list=PLcZithGR1z9AJ_cyUgtWwpM76wz6aKfWN
Full Doom 2 Ultra-Violence+ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcZithGR1z9DvVb-DTG_aiDmR3yvISlGz
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