Lead Magnet Landing Pages - 2 Minute Masterclass

9 months ago

This lead magnet landing gets a 40-60% conversion rate. Get this lead generation landing page template free here: https://www.gogochimp.com/free-landing-page-template/

So why is this landing page perfect for lead magnets and lead generation?


Today we're giving away a landing page template. This landing page template consistently gets a conversion rate of over 40%. But we're going to go through it right now.

So, it's a very simple landing page with a 40% conversion rate on average.

What we're seeing on a consistent basis is that shorter landing pages that focus on trust get more conversions.

But copywriting is still key and you need the ability to clearly communicate what the offer is. That is crucial.

So first off we have the heading. You have to explain what it is, the problem that's solved and the emotion they'll feel.

Now for this landing page we're going to use two subheadings and you want to hammer in why it's unmissable and a touch of instant gratification.

So for example "sign up now and get it instantly".

So you want to touch on how many customers you've got; you might want to use photographs of real customers; customer testimonials; where you've been featured and the companies you work with.

So it might be your main heading or subheadings, but you want to tackle people's objections to your offer.

Trust is also very important. So try to include contact details; you might even have a live chat; security seals and review badges.

If people feel that they're missing out on your offer or if there's a limited amount of time to get it, then they're going to act and they're going to act now.

Now you can download a copy of this template and guide by going to the link in the description below. So best of luck with your landing page and thank you for watching.

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Thanks for watching this 2-minute masterclass on lead magnet landing pages!

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