Anti Aging Supplements Do They Work? (Add Years To Your Life)

2 years ago

Anti Aging Supplements Do They Work? (Live Longer Stronger)

Anti-aging means preventing or lessen the effects of aging. Now there is nothing out there that stops aging. Time will eventually get us all.

We can live longer and stronger. What I mean by this is not just potentially adding years to our life, but improving our healthspan—adding quality years where we’re active and healthy with less time spent sick and dying.

But the question is, what should we be focusing on to do this? Are there certain supplements that help us? Or should we be directing our efforts elsewhere to live this longer, stronger life?

Let's start with vitamins. Lots of vitamins have been associated with anti-aging. Vitamin D, B 12, E, and C are a few examples, and if you are deficient in one of these, your health will benefit from correcting that deficiency.

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The best way to get these vitamins and all our nutrition are from whole foods. Any supplement is merely a backup.

Let’s take a closer look at vitamin D. This is one that I take as a supplement, and it has health benefits like improving bone density and reducing the risk of cancer. All good reasons to take vitamin D, but does it improve longevity?

They did a meta-analysis to determine just this, looking at 52 trials with 75 454 participants. So this was no small review. And what they found was vitamin D3 nor D2 was associated with a statistically significant reduction in all-cause mortality.

It’s worth noting they found it reduced the risk of cancer death by 16%

I’m not saying taking a vitamin D supplement isn’t beneficial, just that there’s no evidence it’ll increase our lifespan.

What we want to see from a study or, better yet, a literature review or meta-analysis is that taking a specific substance or doing an activity will add, on average, this many years to our lives. We want it to be very definitive.

That’s a lot to ask for but let’s keep looking.

Resveratrol is found in red wine, and I like red wine, so I’m a fan of it already. It’s in the grapes that make the wine, as well as other berries and peanuts.

It’s claimed that Resveratrol helps prevent neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and certain cancers, and it shows promise in a lot of these areas. The problem is that there aren’t many human studies, and animal studies often don’t translate to humans.

So until there are more studies done with humans, there is no evidence to support it will extend our lives.

So far, no supplements can claim to extend your life. But there’s one thing research has shown that can extend our lives on average 2.9 years for men and 3.9 years for women. This includes good quality life, adding between 1.2 and 3.1 more disability-free years.

I got these stats from a literature review published in the Journal of Aging Research. They looked at all the studies on Life expectancy related to physical activity.

The difference is that the effect on the body is so dramatic that it can be measured in years of additional life. And this positive effect can be compounded by eliminating other risk factors. For example, if you keep your body fat at a healthy level, don’t smoke, follow a good diet with moderate alcohol consumption and stay physically fit, you will live 12 years longer than if you were overweight, unfit and a smoker

This review looked at only one study that included strength training, but I know from other studies I’ve looked at that there is a connection between longevity and having increased muscle mass.,by%200.4%20to%206.9%20years.

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