Did Jason Aldean Get Banned? - St. Thomas Aquinas on Music - Special Guest Jon Hall Is On

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Date – Friday, July 21st, 2023 – St. Victor of Marseille

Profession: Catholic officer of the Roman army

Characteristics: Noble lineage, military valor, intelligence

Location: Garrison of Marseille around 290 AD

Apostolate: Developed a strong apostolate among his fellow soldiers and the people of the city, encouraging them to face persecution courageously

Discovery and Denunciation: His apostolate was discovered, and he was denounced to the Emperor

Trial: Brought before two prefects in the city, then sent to the Emperor himself

Torture: The Emperor imposed cruel torments on him to make him deny the Catholic Faith, but Victor remained faithful

Conversion: Converted three soldiers who were guarding him while imprisoned

Defiance of Idolatry: Ordered to burn incense to the false idol, Jupiter, but Victor kicked the statue to the ground

Punishment: Victor's foot was chopped off, and his body was crushed by a millstone (when the mill broke down, he was ordered beheaded)

Miracles: Many miracles occurred in the cave where his remains were kept

Relics: His relics were preserved for centuries in the Abbey of Saint Victor in Marseille; they are currently kept in the Church of St. Nicolas of Chardonnay in Paris, saved from destruction during the French Revolution.

St. Victor of Marseille, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Friday

Howdy to Catholic Spirit Radio since June

Sammy Rodriguez Jr, President of the Guadalupe Radio Network, wants to share an inspiring and encouraging message with you during these trying times. Look out for a letter from Sammy in the coming days, which will reveal valuable insights for daily growth. If you don't receive it, please reach out to Sammy at GRNonline@GRNonline.com, and he will gladly send one to you.

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Catholic Spirit Radio Jon Hall

Also – at 30 past the hour, Jason Aldean banned?

Plus – in the next hour, St Thomas Aquinas on Music

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

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