The Lord explains to Adam the Effects of Curses and Blessings ❤️ Household of God thru Jakob Lorber

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Household of God - Volume 2, Chapters 112 to 115

The Lord elucidates to Adam...
The Effects of Curses and Blessings

Chapter 112... Starting Verse 10
10. As this people departed, Adam wept and sent blessing after blessing after nearly every one of their steps.

11. When Abedam (the Lord) noticed this, he commended him and said: "Adam, if instead of cursing the lowlands, you had always acted as you do now, in the spirit of My love and mercy, then truly, the plains and the deep valleys of the Earth would not have become hell!"

12. But since you always found more justification in cursing than in love, therefore it has come to be that the people in the lowlands behave as you have just heard from the mouth of Lamel, in a new testimony, which, as living proof thereof, now lies here to My feet as well.

13. O Adam, all the things you could have spared Me and all of creation!

14. However, because you have always found more pleasure in cursing than in blessing, behold, the consequences now lie before both you and Me, and will remain upon the Earth until the very end of its existence!

15. Truly, I tell you, no matter how great and severe your first major mistake was, when you forgot My commandment and allowed yourself to be enchanted and utterly deceived by your own serpent, whereupon both Heaven and Earth were turned upside down; despite everything, all this could have been solved sooner and more easily than the fact that you continuously cursed the wretched lowlands, because of the iniquity of Cain!

16. But I tell you: Cain's misdeed was truly malign, yet it was still barely a dewdrop compared to the whole sea, compared to what you did to Me at the very beginning, when you sought to rise as a Lord above Me as the head!

17. But could you ever accuse Me of cursing you for it?

18. Indeed, My inviolable holiness, which you so grossly infringed upon, did curse the soil of the Earth, so it would bear you thistles and thorns.

19. However, My great love for you soon alleviated the curse from the soil of the Earth, and it once again blossomed into a new garden for you, as you have surely noticed for a long time now!

20. Behold, however, as I removed the curse from the Earth, it was exactly then that you were most diligent in cursing all the plains and valleys, including their inhabitants, and you have managed, during your lifetime already, that such fruits have sprouted from the soil you cursed, of which you see a new testimony lying here, at My very feet!

21. I have sent Farak, an angel blessed by Me, to be a guide for the inhabitants of the lowlands. Instead of your cursing, could you not have done the same, in My name?!

22. And the lowlands now blossomed more gloriously than all these highlands!

23. O Adam, Adam! Look closely at this girl now lying at My feet, purer of heart than the midday sun!

24. What has happened to this little one's parents, as a consequence of your curse, behold, will again come to pass in the future, to the son of a virgin, and this virgin I will invigorate with the spirit of the one who lies at My feet here!

25. O, consider what you have done here with your curse! However, it is what it is now. Therefore, let us look to the future, and maybe even forget the abomination of the past!

26. Adam, rescind all your curses, and give a blessing in return! Give My blessing in return, for every evil deed has been your work from the beginning! Therefore, curse no more henceforth, and bless everything instead! Amen."

Chapter 113
1. When Adam heard such talk from Abedam, he was grieved and knew not what to say or do in response.

2. He thought to and fro within himself, seeking the great, decisive and all-balancing 'why'. But all his efforts were in vain, he failed to find the great 'why'; and already he was again on the verge of throwing everything out and away from himself, beginning to curse himself once more, now that he considered himself to be the sole origin of all evil, malice and falsehood.

3. But Abedam grasped his hand, looked him firmly in the eyes, and after a while said to him:

4. "Adam! What a man you are! Is it your wish to become a stone? Is life truly something so contemptible to you, that you would want to curse it within yourself, killing yourself thereby through and through, both in spirit and body, as well as in all the children I have had come forth from you?!

5. Adam, until nearly this very moment you have spent your long-lasting earthly life with cursing, according to your keen justice, and you were satisfied with it, because you always thought that I am pleased with your judicially inexorable severity, and with your fatherly cursing against those of your children who were weak enough to violate your will carelessly.

6. But now, as I wish to purify you, which is why I reveal to you all your shortcomings, visualizing it to you and all your children, in order to make you fully capable of receiving life from Me, - now though, as you learn that I am not at all pleased with cursing, nor with judgment, but only with the sole living love, you are furious within your heart and weary of life!

7. Only now, after previously having judged nearly every single little speck of dust of the Earth, out of pure righteousness, do you wish to curse yourself, to take revenge on Me in a certain way, because, through My great love, mercy and patience, I am in opposition to your old order of judgment!

8. O Adam, Adam, I tell you: You do try My love and patience sorely!

9. Consider how long I have been all too patient with you. Consider how, back when not a single sun blazed in the whole of infinity, and the Earth was hardly even thought of by Me, your spirit, which I created for the purest love and sought to make free, to be an independent being before Me, for My greatest pleasure and delight, - already then your unyieldingness had Me mighty worried, and you began to stretch My patience excessively.

10. What eternally lengthy stretches of time have passed since I called you into being!

11. And how much My patience has been stretched to infinity throughout this series of eternities, all for your sake!

12. Behold all these innumerable stars; count them, these endless, great and firm celestial masses, filling nearly the entirety of visible infinity! What are they?

13. Adam, do you know what they are?! - O Adam, Adam, see and hear:

14. Every grain of sand, of which any heavenly body consists, is, in regards to you, an acid test for My patience, each lasting more than a thousand years, measured according to the swift passage of times, in and of itself.

15. Now count the many endless worlds in all the endless regions of space; then count all the grains of sand, of whose endless multiplicity they consist, as of atoms strung together; then think of each and every atom as a thousand years of My affectionate, divine patience, always present with you!

16. When you have thoroughly considered this within yourself, tell Me how much longer I shall endure you, that is until you have altogether become a being according to the meaning of My eternal love for you. I will accept whatever deadline you suggest!

17. But woe to you should you resort to suicide. I tell you: No moment as swift as this, when I would hand you and all of creation over to the fire of My wrath, with the exception of the faithful few!

18. Truly, I will have eternal patience with every sinner, yet not even a moment with one who resorts to suicide!

19. Therefore, turn around and realize what I have done to you, what I am doing right now, and what I will do to all your children, and I shall turn to you and lift you up to Me, out of the mire of your prolonged blindness, and give you life!

20. But curse no more, for the Earth is already provided for abundantly with your judgment, yes even for a hundred thousand years.

21. Understand this now, and turn to Me completely. Amen."

Chapter 114
1. When Adam heard another such talk from Abedam, at once his heart was filled with remorse, and only now he saw the state of himself and his order, and how entirely different things are with the order of Jehovah, who now visibly revealed to him His eternal order through Abedam.

2. Once he beheld it, he fell down face first before Abedam, and began to utter the following words from the deepest depths of his being, pleading:

3. O Jehovah, You most holy Father, visible within Abedam before me, behold, two Adams lie here before You in the dust of their utter nothingness; one is a general Adam, and the other but a particular Adam, complete unto himself.

4. O Jehovah, You most holy Father! Graciously remove from me the general Adam, and let me live the remainder of my time by myself, so it may please You!

5. For only now do I see it clearly: It would be utterly impossible for me to lead the general Adam back to the path of Your eternal holy order, though it was I alone who led him astray, unto the path of ruin and downfall.

6. Therefore, gaze upon me most graciously, as the simple person that I am, lying before You at the very bottom of all nothingness, and lift it up to the light, and thus to unity with You!

7. But as far as my former generality is concerned, graciously remove this endless burden from me, and do with it as it may please You.

8. O Jehovah, if You would take it upon Your shoulder!

9. Your holy will be done, always and forever! Amen."

10. As these words emenated from Adam, the natural sun set, but Abedam allowed Adam to behold another sun rising within him, and Adam perceived a radiant woman standing upon this sun, trampling the head of a serpent beneath her feet as it wound around the entirety of the sun.

11. Abedam soon bent down to Adam, touching him and raising him up. And when Adam finally straightened up, Abedam took him by the hand once again, and said unto him:

12. "Adam, what did you see just now?" And Adam replied:

13. "O Jehovah, I saw a new sun rising within me, yet despite its heavenly beauty, a mighty serpent entwisted it almost entirely!

14. Shortly thereafter I saw a great, radiant woman descend upon this sun, and this woman did not fear the serpent, and right away she trod upon the serpent's head with utmost might.

15. Yet when the serpent endeavored to overpower the mighty woman, to bite her heel, behold, the woman hurled an apple at the serpent's head, and the serpent snapped at the apple, and bit into it instead.

16. In response, Adam was silent. Thrice he smote his own breast mightily, and then said:

17. "O Jehovah, this was my great fault before You!"

18. But Abedam answered him, saying: "Adam, that which you have just asked for, I have done already, as you have seen within yourself!

19. Behold, the general Adam has been taken from you wholly and completely, and now you are as every child out of yourself!

20. And so, care now for this final remnant of your being, and live a simple life in My order, in the love of the Father!

21. Regarding the general Adam, however, behold, I have taken him upon Myself as the sun of all heavens, celestial suns and worlds, as you have seen when the serpent entwisted My sun!

22. And this girl from the lowlands, laying before Me, is the woman you saw standing atop the sun, crushing the serpent's head!

23. Yet not her body, but her soul and spirit you must gaze upon!

24. This girl has suffered more in the lowlands than any human being has ever suffered. Therefore, in the future, she shall receive compensation, from whose greatness all of infinity will recoil in awe!

25. Understand this, Adam, you who are now of a more simple nature, for this will come to pass truly, truly, truly! Understand it! Amen."

Chapter 115
1. After this speech of Abedam, Adam and all others present were so moved that they began to weep, brimming with a most fervent love and true, innermost gratitude, and finally, Adam exclaimed:

2. O man, O man! What could you be to the love of the eternal holy Father, if your own free will had not made you unholy before Him!

3. How infinitely good You are, O holy Father, and how far we must have fallen before You, for Your eternal love is merely compelled and only able to save us through a great and unending mercy!

4. Yes, only now, only now, only now do I realize what You, O most holy Father, have done for us, what You are doing right now, and what You will do, forevermore!

5. Let me cry out, that my voice may be heard in even the farthest reaches of the world. Let me proclaim as all the thunders of the world. Let me vigorously proclaim it to all creatures, to all worlds, and to all the heavens, what infinitely great things the Lord, the infinitely holy God, has done for us endlessly fallen sinners!

6. Hear it, all you heavens, you sun, you moon and Earth, hear it from my mouth:

7. God, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Holy, the Almighty God! O heart, you my heart, do not hold back the voice of my tongue. Let me cry out with all my strength!

- He, He before whom thousands upon thousands of years are but a most fleeting moment, He before whose breath all the endless spaces tremble, and all the eternities sink back into nothingness in greatest awe...

- He, He who, with but a single glance, calls forth thousands upon thousands of suns into being and has them pass away again in an instant...

- He, He Himself, from the depths of His Holiness, has gazed upon us, the most unworthy of creatures, forgetting His own endless holiness for our sake. We have fallen far from Him, due to our greatest voluntary wickedness, and so to grant us His great mercy, He filled the whole of infinity with innumerable steps, so we might climb up and make our way back to Him once again!

8. Yet His endless love and mercy deemed this path too unendingly difficult to overcome for the fallen ones, and thus He forgot even more of His endless Holiness. He descended on the broad wings of His Omnipotence along all the most endless steps, all the way down to us, as He is here now before us, in the color and shape of a man, just as we are, to spare us, for the time being, the path that can never be wholly ascended. For us, the very last of all His creatures, the fallen ones, who have voluntarily turned away from Him in a most wicked manner, becoming the very highest, the most unthinkable.

9. Hear, hear it, all you eons of life poured out of Him! O God, O God, O God! You great, holy God, my languid, mortal tongue hardly dares to utter it! All this, to become for us sinners of sinners the only true, most loving, all-merciful, holy Father!

10. Not yet enough, as He is now before us, but a Father, as my spirit has grasped it. One day, out of supreme love for us most lowly ones, He will take upon Himself the eternally abiding sinful form of our flesh in which we have fallen before Him, the eternally holy One, to draw us even closer to Himself; to become for us a savior, a guide, and a brother most wise!

11. No, no, no, this is too much! Abedam! Abedam! Abedam! You infinitely holy, most loving Father! Who and what are we then, that You should be so incomprehensibly gracious to us, we who are most worthless before You throughout and within all Your infinity?"

12. Here the elevated Abedam interrupted Adam, saying unto him: "Listen, Adam, at last you realize who I am and what I am doing!

13. But I tell you, as you are, so continue to be, and already you shall have eternal life within you.

14. In your greatness you were once indeed called to become a dear brother to My heart, a teammate and most intimate comrade of My eternal, infinite perfections.

15. However, since, as the spiritual Adam, you did not wish to become thus for Me in the great simplicity of your being that emerged from Me, you shall nevertheless become thus for Me in all your children, for which purpose My heart once had longingly and gloriously called you to be from within itself.

16. Do you understand this? Behold, that is why I do all this, and already have for eternity, as once to the greatest, My heart now turned to the smallest, to exalt it above all! But now, nothing more!

17. Evening has arrived, so let us go home, to those who eagerly await our return!

18. But you, Lamel, take the girl and carry her before Me, as a great sign of victory! Amen."

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