From Lucifer to Adam... Adam's Speech about his Fall ❤️ The Household of God thru Jakob Lorber

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Chapter 40 - Adam's Speech about his Fall... From Lucifer to Adam

THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD - History of the primal creation of spirits and matter, the first patriarch from Adam to Abraham - Volume 1Received thru the Inner Word from Jakob Lorber

The Lord says:

1. When Adam heard this from Seth, Enos and the exceedingly godly Enoch he rejoiced seeing how far My love surpasses all human love, and he was amazed to see that My love had even descended to the depths of the curse, to the smooth serpent's brood. He was deeply moved and made the following short speech, which was preserved until the Flood. This speech was not recorded, but was passed on from mouth to mouth. And this is what it said:

2. "O my children! Open your eyes wide and take in the vast stretches of the earth, which now, as far as you can see, are almost everywhere inhabited by my blessed children. Gaze also down into the deep and over all the dark and vast lowlands and see in the east that very high and always burning mountain! Envisage the entire earth if you can and see me, the first man of this earth, - oh what am I saying, see me as the one intended to be the First who in spirit preceded all created beings, was more radiant than the center of the suns and wanted to be greater than God! And God showed me the might of His holiness and I was condemned and cast into the endless depths of the sea of divine wrath where I was flung furiously through bottomless depths. Yes, eternities upon eternities must have passed, but in the vast boundlessness there was still no spot to be found where in this great nothingness I could have found a resting-place.

3. "And while I was falling from one endlessness to the next and kept falling and falling forever, I began to realize the greatness and endlessly and forever continuing might of God, and the futility of my aspiration became clear to me.

4. "Yet I thought: 'What good is this realization to me now? I am now too distant from God and He cannot possibly know anything of me any longer. For in this endless nothingness there rules nothing but eternal oblivion of God. I have been falling forever from one sea of wrath to the next where endless floods of fire were beating against my brow and broad tongues of flames singed my intestines burning me more than white-hot iron-plates. Now I have sunk even beneath these streams of wrath. Where is the angry God now, and where am I? - All this is dead, endless night!'

5. "And behold, when such thoughts of remorse flowed through me, I suddenly noticed a being similar to me floating towards me from the eternal heights. The being reached me with the speed of lightning, seized me with a powerful hand, looked at me with a tender smile and said: 'Lucifer, you poor fallen spirit, do you not know me?'

6. "And I replied: 'How should I recognize you in this empty and dark nothingness? But if you are able to destroy me and render me like that which has never been, is not and will never be, then do it and I shall thank you in advance that you may not have to return without having been thanked from this empty place to your to me unknown heights.'

7. "And hear what the being spoke: 'Listen! I do not wish to destroy you, but to save and lead you back on strange ways to where you have proceeded from full of sinful arrogance!'

8. "And I said: 'Do whatever you can, but bear in mind the magnitude of God's wrath! For I was great and have come to nothing So bear in mind even if you should be greater than I have been - that God is eternal and infinite and full of flaming wrath!'


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